My Brother Mat sent me an email the other day giving me a challenge:
The other day driving back from Chico I was thinking about all the great pictures you might take between Chico and Willows. Pictures of the ordinary but yet they would be made interesting to your blog. You have a way of making the blase interesting.
I had a friend once challenge me to label all things in just three catagories:
I do that once in a while, oddly interesting, important and ugly. Take anything and try it. A mulberry tree. The yellow divider line in the middle of the highway. An arm chair at the brocante. A sky scraper. The pacific ocean. Your spouse.
A picture of telephone pole stuck in the ground kinda leaning a bit with the wires extending to the next pole. Ugly in the middle of a beautiful backdrop of the valley. Important for communication. Or interesting in how man has achieved.
Sometimes it is easy and other times you just ask yourself why label anything?
Just let it be.
Why worry.
This friend was interesting. Your post was interesting.
What a cool thought provoking, brocante teasing brother he is!
A planter box full of hens and chickens. Interesting.

One blue wash cloth pinned with a yellow kiss. Important.

The last drop of a Kir Royal. Delicious…. oops, I meant um, important?

Cobble stone road nearby where I live… interesting.

Antique door bell pull sidewise, because I couldn't find anything… ugly, so let's just say dumb.

Clouds over Willows, silo in the distance, upturned field… Home.
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