A Story of Buying Antiques…

IMG_7323          Glass bead.

Once a long time ago I came upon a large box full of antique Venetian glass beads. I had never seen anything like it. Each bead was unique, hand crafted and whimsical beyond my imagination. I stopped in my tracks and caught my breath. Then I asked the antique dealer the famous question that longs for an answer that will set a buyer's heart a dancing,

"How much?"

IMG_7324His answer was not what I hoped for. I felt my disappointment briefly, and then my desire started to calculate, wondering how I could negotiate and have the dealer give me a better price.

Though no matter what I offered, begged, bartered, or insisted for, his price was firm and defeating. I could not justify a deal where my clients would make only pennies.

Finding unusual, creative, beautiful antiques was one thing, finding them affordable at a good resale value was another.

Everything has its price, even small whimsical antique Venetian glass beads, and unfortunately the asking price was not feasible for resale.

Antique glass beads 

I started to walk away and in doing so I heard the knock on my head, "Hello?" I realized that even though the price was too high for resale, it certainly wasn't too high to buy and give as a gift to someone.

Buying to sell is one thing, buying to keep or offer is another.Beads

My cousin Julie aks Sheba collects beads, and I knew in flash they would be a perfect gift for her. Carefully I scooped some up….Isn't it a pleasure to find the perfect gift for someone you love?


My cousin adored the antique Venetian glass beads, and created a mobile with them. Which is a perfect ending for these sweet little beads… Ah fate offered a twist of sparkle and twinkle. My cousin's apartment which they hang offer a spectacular stage to dance, and bounce back light.




The other day I saw Mr. Antique Venetian Glass Beads, he had very few left from the warehouse load he bought years ago. I bought a few packets, and will be offering them on my Brocante Online… The price hadn't changed, neither had my desire to have a few to bring home.


14 responses to “A Story of Buying Antiques…”

  1. One of the joys of my life is to find the perfect gift for people. I spend most of the year thinking about gifts for those I love for Christmas.

  2. I have an antique booth and am constantly finding myself just thinking about the booth and then have the same “aha” moment. Sometimes it is too late because I have left the sale but I love when it isn’t. Those beads are beautiful! karen…

  3. Twinkling stars, Corey, a ray of light you are.
    Note to Julie: I’ll trade my city view of muni lines for your fish bowl view anyday 🙂

  4. I had that joy earlier this year. Corey had a beautiful napkin ring which had a dear friend’s initials on it. Friend was ecstatic, couldn’t believe it came all of the way from my friend in France. She is going to have it made into a bracelet.

  5. what a great tale…and ending in a win-win situation. love how your cousin has strung them and displayed them. and you captured their beauty through your wonderful photographs..

  6. I do love finding the perfect gift and this one was sooo perfect! Love what she did with them too. Of course beautiful Venetian glass beads must be hung to reflect the light, how else can you enjoy them. Each one is a beauty.

  7. Amy Kortuem

    Wonderful, isn’t it, that we’ll splurge on others but not ourselves? Beautiful find, Corey.

  8. The joy and happy surprise on the face of the person who received a perfect gift are priceless.
    As far as bargaining goes, we have an opening line in Polish “How much and why so expensive?” – you say this before the seller even gives you the price ;-).

  9. Franca Bollo

    I covet those beads. One feels they’re under the sea while sitting under them.

  10. Corey, I always love reading your blog. I love colorful beads, too. xoxo Gail

  11. Peggy Braswell

    the best gift is one that you willing give from your heart-xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  12. I have a hard time eating less. So I guess it’s move more for me.

  13. Gorgeous mobile! I love when I find what I think is something that will make another’s heart go pitter-patter. I get giddy with excitement and have been known to give the gift a little early because I can’t stand waiting for their reaction. I think this must be how Santa feels. Knowing that you are going to make someone dance with glee. My sis, aunt, and I have a tradition of Christmas boxes. All year we find things that we know the other would like. We fill a box with these little things. Beads for my aunt, art supplies/sewing supplies for sis. Then the wait until Christmas. We each savor opening our boxes and unwrapping each item. Wine is drunk, cookies eaten, and much laughter and oh my’s. A tradition that warms our hearts all year long.

  14. Marble floor designs

    Those beads are so lovely. I wanna see more such pictures. I love venetian glass beads. xoxo
    ~ Herman Swan

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