The Joy of the Everyday Routine.


Largeribbontiedintobow Tabletop

Emptysilverspoon Img_4001

Setting the table has been something I enjoy doing since I was a little girl.

The fork on the left, the knife to the right with its cutting part of the blade towards the plate.

As I place the silverware alongside the plate, I imagine those who will sit around the table and dine.

Hoping their stories will easily unfold like napkins, that their laughter will be tossed about like a green salad. I smile anticipating stories that will be swallowed whole and digested later. (A dinner is a mixture of hot and cold, tender morsels, bites to chew, and just the hint of sweet and spicy.)


Wine glasses

The meal.

The sure thing in France.

The daily event.

The time taken. Dining in France is like breathing. 

A given.

The rarely taken alone, unless you are alone. More often than not sitting at a table, one does not grab a bite to eat on the go.

"I have become French," I say to myself as I set the table.


French silver at the brocante


What was for dinner besides Calazones of roasted red peppers and goat cheese? 

French Husband, Sacha, and a friend hiked from Marseille to Cassis by the way of the calanques. Twelve hours of walking, climbing, and swimming.

While they were gone I thought about dinner, thought about words such as Hearty, filling, rich and soothing.

Sacha was too tired to eat. He excused himself and went to bed before dessert. I tried to imagine being too tired not to have dessert. 

French Husband was in rare form, the adventure being lost and climbing rocks without ropes is his idea of a good day. Sacha rubbed in that, "… if they had known the way it would have been shorter and less fun."

I didn't even try to imagine that "…less fun."



After dinner, I cleared the table.

Put the dishes in the soapy water.

Washed away the day as the flavor of it seeded my heart.

I stacked the dishes in the drainer, drained the sink, wiped off the counters, hung the towel.

And went to bed.

The joy of the everyday routine.

How was your weekend?





24 responses to “The Joy of the Everyday Routine.”

  1. linda marcov

    I can see all of that happening right now in my head.. such a picture you paint.. thanks… for the memories..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to all.

  2. jend’isère

    You master crafting joy in simplicity!

  3. I made your French yogurt cake. I found that the taste of oil was quite strong in the baked cake. Maybe I added too much of it? Have you tried making it with melted butter instead?

  4. Amy Kortuem

    I’ve always loved setting the table, too. My mom got me a book on fun napkin folds when I was still in grade schol and I’d make our dinnertime table beautiful every night.
    Now, just for me, I eat sitting on the couch in front of the TV. SHAME!
    This weekend? I played my harp at a funeral, then a wedding. And then I had to give Harry The Cat a bath – aaaaagh! (It’s all in today’s post on my blog…)

  5. It is the sweet simple joys of life that are the absolute best.
    Love and hugs and smiles across the miles.
    Love Jeanne

  6. Our weekend was bitter and sweet, tears of sorrow and tears of joy. We lost a family member September 7, and his Memorial Service and gathering was Saturday. Sunday hubby and I visited with our newest grandson. Our little family has had two births and a death in a short time. The babies help to ease the pain.

  7. thank you for reminding us how even the task of setting a table is so much more.
    your gift for writing and taking photographs is unparalleled.
    each day i look forward to reading your blog and am forever lifted by your perspective on life.
    you are my muse, corey

  8. It was kind of sad because old dog is telling us it is time for her to pass. Fun because a friend and I went to a plant nursery and gift shop (too expensive but lots of neat items) and then had ice cream cones at a favorite local hangout. Sitting in bistro chairs outside the shop, chatting and people watching.

  9. Chris Wittmann

    I couldn’t resist going to Amy’s blog and seeing the photos of her bathed kitty…adorable! I used to have a 28 pound cat that I had to bathe, but could never accomplish it without giving him a tranquilizer first 🙂 Hubby and I stacked firewood in the cool crisp Autumny days this weekend…Fall is definitely in the air and I can’t wait for the foliage to really start turning…my favorite time of year!

  10. I would say your routine is blessed. How beautiful to share in time together either having a meal or taking a hike. My weekend was also blessed by sitting with dear friends and dining outdoors.

  11. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    My Sunday was quiet. No formal dinner, that was last Sunday. It would have been lovely to be at your dinner table yesterday…

  12. The climbing, walking, swimming sounds fun, but 12 hours? I’d have been done around 4. I hope they were wearing sun screen.
    We had 100 degree weather this weekend, unsusual for LA, so I was forced to go to the beach. 😉

  13. Ate dinner on our laps in front of the TV while watching the Steelers win their home opener :-)))

  14. Massilianana

    What a lovely table setting ! I had a gorgeous WEnd at one of my best friend in La Cadière d’Azur. We went across the forest and nearby fields, gathered delicate wild flowers for our lunch table, my son was running wild with my friend’s dog he was screaming with joy and energy. Then we found a jujubier (I haven’t the faintest idea of what it is called in english!) and the kids were up the tree so we had a basket full of jujubes, then we gound an old abandonned almond tree with giant almonds, the kids loved to crack them right away and eat them. Then we found some grapes and that was it ! Had a simple healthy lunch then it was time for swimming pool then hammock nap , chatting , enjoying each other’s company while the kids had a ping pong game under the olive trees. Summer is still here. Pure bliss.

  15. Somehow, having my mother visit cheered up old dog and she is feeling much better. So, no need right now to call the vet!!

  16. and Corey, you are right about the comfort of routine. In times of sorrow routine is so welcome and necessary.
    Life goes on too, through these precious grand babies eyes. Babies need fed, bathed, changed, rocked and soothed. Routine at its very core, the basics of all our lives.
    Tracy from Houston.

  17. Yes, I can picture you setting the table too! My childhood friend lives in Sonoma and made whole wheat blend pizza dough from scratch with tomatoes from her garden, lots of garlic and a few other veggies and pesto, it was the best pizza !!!

  18. peggy aplSEEDS

    i have enjoyed my wonderful visit to your home today. always so much to see in your photos and imagine with your words, thank you!

  19. You are such a wonderful mother and wife. You make your home inviting and create and find beauty in all you do
    Thank you for sharing

  20. Marie-Noëlle

    Our week end was rather ordinary…
    Saturday afternoon: Drove my son to a tennis match and spent 3 hours by the court watching.
    Sunday afternoon: Drove my daughter around for a photo safari and spent a few hours with her.
    Mornings and in-betweens: apéritifs, meals, shopping,…

  21. peggy braswell

    such a familiar routine-setting the table. I adore routines + your blog.

  22. Karen Carson

    Though the days are busy, my husband and I always sit down at the table and have dinner together…however simple the fare. Last night was pizza, salad and fresh fruit for dessert!

  23. Its off topic but have you heard of this guy?
    He just mentioned Willows and I thought of you.

  24. Ben@Bernhardt

    Quite Insightful. You Have Brought Some Really Good Points.

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