Random Acts of Kindness

15 responses to “Random Acts of Kindness”
I have read about Susanna’s winged messages before and been so touched by what stories she has shared. What a blessing this little thing can be to others and how easy it would be for each of us to share with others in this way.
my ‘random act of kindness’ is usually just driving politely- but around here, that is a big deal! 🙂
While taking a walk yesterday my daughter and I came upon a woman sitting on a bench with her head in her hands, obviously distraught. My sweet girl just spontaneously gave her a hug.
My 6 year old daughter was in a race after school on Friday. She did great and won a ribbon. Her little friend was late to the race and didn’t get to run bc of it. She was so upset and crying. My daughter then gave the ribbon she won to her, completely on her own.I was so proud. 🙂
The feel i get i my heart to see our younger generations help someone out of kindness is the feeling u want to get, knowing that u have raised your children with love, respect and happy hearts to share. To know that there are good sole that well live long happy lifes that they are here for a reason.
I try to do a random act of kindness everyday. I am not a saint, and I don’t do them for applause. I do them because they make me happy. Selfishly happy. It can be a simple as taking some homemade cobbler to our 94 year old neighbor or helping him take his garbage can to the curb. Letting the person with 4 items go ahead of me in the grocery line or helping the elderly woman reach the box of cake mix on the top shelf (even though I am short, I have long arms. Is she making a cake for her grandchild’s birthday or for her girlfriends?). I love the look of surprise. I love the smile that appears on their mouth and in their eyes. It is easy once you get started and oh, such a good feeling evolves from it. Just letting someone know that you SEE them and they have value is a gift to them from you. I like to think that they in turn, perform a little act of kindness. At least I know I brought a smile to someone’s face.
Words can hurt and words can heal. We all need to say kind words to each other as we all need love and acceptance. It may just be as simple as “You matter to someone” but that could help someone who might be depressed or sad.
So often in our fast paced world people forget to be kind to one another. I think the messenger angels is a lovely idea…maybe we should all give a messenger angel on a special day that we choose and everyone post where they left their angel on your blog afterward 🙂 -
One memorable random act. Mom bought a purse at a thrift shop. When she got it home she found two gift cards hidden inside-no info as to who had purchased them or any i.d. The cards were still good for $50!
Random acts of kindness make the heart fee good, I try to model it for my young grandchildren as well, and encourage them to do or say things that would make others feel good. Having grandchildren, 3 little darlings that make my heart melt when I think about them, provides so many teaching opportunities and is a great reminder of how blessed we are. Even a smile or sweet, or sympathetic tone of voice can demonstrate kindness and show you care. I try to remember to ask God for his spirit of love to flow through me, to others (don’t always remember to but try to be mindful)”
The noblest acts are anonomous, recogised only in heart.
Oh my gosh, Corey, our friend, Laurie A., emailed me this morning to ask me if I had seen this post. Since our move back to Canada, I am sooo behind in my blog reading so I hadn’t.
Thank YOU for the kind mention in your post. I met the most incredible people through this project – contributors who took time out of their own day, their own lives, to put the winged messengers out in their own communities. It was really uplifting to meet so many great people and the project became so much better because of them.
Thank you, Corey! -
Hello Corey,
I have been emotional for several days after the news of a random act of kindness in our capital city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada…
A city transit driver noticed a homeless man on the street without any shoes on..he pulled over the bus, got out and gave the shoes off his feet to the man. Here is just one news item on the story. It’s left me shaken to the core on so many levels..
Nikki in Canada
http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/winnipeg-bus-driver-gives-homeless-man-shoes-off-his-feet-1.965651 -
Corey, I try to do random acts of kindness on a regular basis. My favorite act is to smile at an elderly diner in a restaurant and then make secret arrangements with the wait staff to pay for his/her meal. Most often they are tickled pink and leave wondering who their secret angel was. And it leave me a happy soul.
Thank you for sharing this with us. I am so moved.
Afterward, when the world was exploding around him, he felt annoyed with himself for having forgotten the name of the BBC reporter who told him that his old life was over and a new, darker existence was about to begin. She called him at home, on his private line, without explaining how she got the number
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