Three months ago I started eating less, and moving more. It was hard to admit how much I weighed. The first several weeks I barely lost a pound. Frustrating is just another word for the swear word I said under my breath when I saw the scale at a standstill.
Though every Friday I reported to you how I was doing, it wasn't easy. Though your encouragement, your taking part of the diet helped. Your ideas, your stories, your faithfulness made me realize each day that I was now part of a team, and I kept going.
Nobody has noticed I have lost weight, I like to think it is because it has been gradual.
Though Sacha said, "You were baggy clothes so it is hard to tell."
I like my baggy clothes, and I can tell that I have lost weight, and that is what matters… How I feel. I feel better, lighter on my toes, though hungry most of the time.
Saying "No thank you," to seconds sounds like a recording. Press play, move away from the table.
The hardest part was preparing meals. As we live in a small town were restaurants and fast food are next to nil I cook often… Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Going to the market is an enjoyment, finding new recipes and sharing a healthy diet has been one of the greatest pleasures. What I have learned in these three months is to use less cheese, less cream, and more than anything not to nibble and taste while I am cooking.
Three months ago I weighed 147 pounds today I weigh 136 pounds.
Ten more to go.
How are you doing? What has helped, what hasn't?
Encourage one another.
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