Friday Fille: How to Lose Weight

As you know we have been on a diet, you and I. Last week, after three months I hit the ten pound mark…. felt like a million dollar prize, steady and certain, slow but sure, happy no matter what. Anyway last week I kind of went off the wagon and ate whatever I wanted…Cheese, oh God I savored every bite as if it were manna from heaven. I drank wine, had some dessert, ate the best chicken pot pie with out the chicken… and gained one stinking sticking pound.

But that is okay, after today's workout I am sure it will melt away. How to lose weight:

Move that body… stack wood!


How did you do this week?

Encourage each other!



Three Fat Chicks on a Diet Blog.

Diet Girl Blog.

Couch potato Exercise.


31 responses to “Friday Fille: How to Lose Weight”

  1. Ed in Willows

    I’m pretty sure that I didn’t lose any yesterday when I tried your French Toast recipe……but it was worth every bite.

  2. I lost weight just watching your wood stacking video. Unfortunately all we do is switch from air conditioning to heat with the touch of a finger not much excercise there. And a video of how to switch from cool to heat probably wouldn’t be very interesting either since it only takes seconds. We have to be more creative on how to move more. Working on it though!

  3. Tongue in Cheek

    Yeah, that didn’t help my dieting either.

  4. Laurie SF

    I’m maintaining my ricotta salata tummy, and banana cupcake thighs with high calorie eating and miles of running..
    Note to Yann: Stacking wood is much easier when the t-shirt comes off..

  5. Great video Corey.
    I wasn’t able to weigh myself on Wednesday so I did it this morning after exercising. I lost .45 lbs this week. I knew it was going to be less as I haven’t been keeping as good of track due to some stressful family situations. But I’ll do better next week!

  6. Karen@PasGrande-Chose

    Love the live news report! Do this more often!!
    And well done to you. I’m hanging my head in shame here, uh-oh 🙁

  7. Beatnheart

    Geez there’s gotta be an easier way to bring all that friggin wood back there… Can’t dude #1 bring his lil ole pile a bit closer to Yann? Can’t they use like a big wagon?
    You don’t sound even remotely French… Totally Yank…
    Your house/garden is even more beautiful than I imagined… And wood only one fireplace in a big house?
    No wonder Yann is fit… But yeah/no you would burn some cals helping out…

  8. Corey, Corey, Corey,! I am a few days late but felt compelled to comment on your nervousness about being a presenter. Not a crafter???? You are so much more than JUST a crafter (no offence to you crafters out there. I myself dabble in the arts). With your sensibility for taste and style this is an area that should be the least of your insecurities. Please don’t doubt yourself. What I would give to be in that audience just at the slightest chance of having some of your design GENIUS rub off of me. Go forth and conquer knowing that we are all right beside you supporting your talent!!!

  9. I thought I was doing well — running 5 miles at least 4 times a week. Then I fell and broke my nose. Then they had to do surgery to set the bones. I’m still about a week away from being allowed to blow my nose, much less go running again. I did walk 3 miles yeserday morning though. But, now I really have to lose weight cause the doctor said my blood pressure is up. Would losing weight help? I asked her. Couldn’t hurt, she said. So I’m serious this time.

  10. One pound is nothing, you’ll lose it before you know it.
    I feel better, I’m doing good.

  11. Tongue in Cheek

    Hello Paulita,
    Ouch!! Oh my! Hope you feel better soon.

  12. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi BH
    A bigger wagon wouldn’t fit into the doorway.
    It is a big job, it took about three hours start to finish.
    Our friend piled the wood into the barrel with Yann, then we stacked it.

  13. Tongue in Cheek

    P.S. Since our house like most of them in our town is over 400 years old, the walls are stone and about three feet thick. Houses were built to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Amazing.

  14. Tongue in Cheek

    lol!! I would have worked harder too if the shirt had come off!

  15. So great to hear your voice! and see the wood and where it is stored and that fragrant lavender! AND YOU!!!and Yann and friend!
    thanks for encouraging us all to maintain good health habits. from what i read a little indulgence is better for our psyche than depriving self too long and then going overboard. it is the daily discipline of eating healthy foods and exercising and drinking water,etc that frames the body. yea, we can do this!

  16. You know how they have that fireplace burning channel (or DVDs) in the US and Canada? They should have a fire hauling and stacking channel too and if Yann was the star, I would subscribe ;-).

  17. Chris Wittmann

    Oh my! If I could get through a New England winter with that tiny amount of wood I’d be in heaven!! Phil and I both stack wood, most of it goes into our barn out of the elements. We burn 7 cords a year..a “cord” of wood is a stacked pile 8 feet long and 4 feet deep and high. We also burn oil…alot. 🙂
    So cool to see you guys and hear your voice. I still can’t get over the small pile of wood for the entire winter 🙂

  18. I lost 2 1/2 pounds! yahoo! You can fall off the wagon once in a while as long as you get back on the wago.

  19. Massilianana

    Bought the battery for my bathroom scale. Starting all over again …..
    Good for you on loosing weight so steadily and on indulging also !
    As for the winter I am in no hurry to see it arrive ! For the time being I keep enjoying that I still wear my summer clothes !!!!!
    Have a great week end and every one of your readers too.

  20. I’ve been watching what I eat. No cheese and crackers late at night! I’ve been cycling on an exercise bike instead of sitting on the sofa as we watch a tv program in the evenings. I’ve cycled almost 400kms but have lost a measly 5 pounds. I’m exhausted! I will be flying back to Dublin to see my family in two weeks and was hoping to impress them with a lighter, trimmer me. At least it is October and I can hide under layers of woolly jumpers!!!

  21. I’m down a little again – not sure how much because I still don’t own a scale – but there is more bag in the butt of my favourite pants than before… My kids are what helps me; they both follow a vegan diet and are runners. They convinced me to do a 10k with them last weekend (I WALKED, not ran – a fast walk mind you) and then we had all sorts of healthy food for Thanksgiving dinner. If they lived in the same province as me I would likely lose my 10 pounds in a week but as they visit only every few weeks I will lose it gradually….
    All joking aside though, they are my best incentive, and my best cheerleaders!

  22. Our heater is broken still. 🙁 I hope my dad calls a guy.

  23. Corey at last the day has arrived…sitting here at Christchurch Airport on my way to Italy and France for a month. Flying into Venice but will be in your neck of the woods on the 26th of October for a brocante weekend with your friend Jill. I hope we can finally meet. About a year ago I won from you a wonderful little antique metal Tour de France cyclist. Congrats on your weight loss; you look fabulous!! Love the wood stacking movie.

  24. I liked the video Corey, you should do it more often. It’s nice to attach the voice to the face.
    My best friend’s husband always says the key to losing weight is move more, eat less. It sounds so simple, but the weight loss industry is making billions of dollars telling us otherwise. There’s always a magic potion out there, but like Bill Clinton said its easy arithmetic, less in more out! Thanks again for sharing the video (Merci).

  25. Merisi in Vienna

    And this is all you need to heat your house through winter? Amazing!
    Looking at your woodpile makes me miss my old home in DC. Big stack of wood behind the house, from our own trees, husband cut them down and then splitting all the wood himself. I miss roasting marshmallows in the fireplace with the children.
    (Btw, I am going “home” next week, for the first time since I left – staying at my friend’s and neighbor next door.)

  26. Eve / My Little French Shop

    I have a friend for a visit who enjoys food – and we go out for dinner every night which is hard for me at the moment … I eat less then everyone else – but I eat even if I am not hungry … I am thinking I’ll get back to my ‘program’ next week 🙂

  27. Amazed you can heat your house for a winter with that amount of wood. I use to love stacking woods and having fires in the stove when our children were growing up.

  28. I just noticed the video-what a treat! Your glasses look great and ooh la la, the cobblestone courtyard! Can’t believe you heat your home via fireplace. Guess that is the advantage of the thick stone walls, they would retain some heat when the fireplace fires are going.

  29. diane – florida

    I love hearing you speak. I don’t know what kind of creepy bugs you had in California but I kept thinking if all that wood was stacked against my house here in Florida, it would become a condo complex for a million palmetto bugs. And they look like 1 1/2″ aliens. After 36 years, I’m still creeped out by them. But I could get used to whatever crawls in France. Love to glimpse into your life like a shameless voyeur. encore!encore! merci, xoxo

  30. We used to heat by wood and coal as I was growing up. Kept the home toasty warm. I have also lost 10 pounds in the last month. I am at a stand still now. I looked at the wood stacking and it made me hungry, so I ate a small bag of Peanut m&ms.
    Happy Monday

  31. ways to lose weight fast

    Loosing weight is not less than a war.Its not an easy job!it takes commitment.There are no shortcuts to losing weight in a healthy and reasonable way.

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