Halloween Costumes From the Past


Happy Halloween!

This is me when I was two. My Mother loved to make Halloween costumes.

I am so glad she put an undershirt underneath my bikini top.


Here I am a year later: Trick or Treat! I am dressed as an Indian maiden. My mother made my costume from a burlap sack. I grew up on a farm (see the cows in the background,)  feed sacks made great Halloween costumes.

Note my little hand sticking out, I am not posing. I remember this moment like yesterday… That costume itched! I stuck out my arm because my Mother told me not to scratch, but that costume was rough! Dig the moccasins?



This is me at three years of age, the last Halloween photo of me and my Mother's Homemade Halloween costumes… I bet you thought you were going to see me in costumes from the age of two to fifty some…sorry ghouls. Though  I wish I had a photo of when I was dressed as a lady bug at twenty-eight. Or a photo of myself dressed like a mermaid and out of gas on the freeway at midnight, or the time my Mother dressed me up as Marilyn Monroe when I was around five years old.

My Mother made matching Mr. and Mrs. Ghost costumes for me and my brother. My brother is younger than me, my Mother wanted me to dress as the Mr. Ghost since I was taller. I threw a fit and refused to be the guy at Halloween.  My Mother was disappointed but agreed.

I love the eyebrows, don't you?


What are you going to be for Halloween?


19 responses to “Halloween Costumes From the Past”

  1. La Contessa

    Cant wait to see your mother’s new look!!!!!!!
    You are adorable……………..Great post!

  2. Hey, what do you know…you and I went to the same hair stylist when we were two !

  3. kathleen (oregon)

    One year a friend and I dressed as Raggedy Ann & Andy. I was tall and thin, she was short and curvy. So I agreed to be the boy, it wasn’t much fun, which shows it all the pictures.

  4. “dressed like a mermaid and out of gas on the freeway at midnight…” Too funny! That is a story that needs to be told.
    We are going as 1970s glam rockers, which is turning out to be more work than I thought it would be.

  5. Yes, love the eyebrows.
    Me, I will just be myself.
    That is pretty scary!
    Happy Halloween and Enjoy!

  6. How wonderful that you have those old pictures. I’m pretty certain that there are none of me in my Halloween costume.

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    Happy Halloween to you and yours!!

  8. I love the ‘Lone Hula Ranger’ look.

  9. Merisi (temp.) in Washington

    Forever great! 🙂 Happy Halloween!

  10. Love seeing these photos and that special feather!
    Happy Halloween!!!

  11. Beautiful photos. What a great Mom! I think it’s really terrific she watched out for your modesty as a young hula dancer. Good Mom indeed.

  12. too cute! My mom made our costumes too, and I can never decide if my favourite was a Genie (a la “I Dream of Jeannie”) or Pocahantas…

  13. I’m sitting in the LR waiting for the trick-or- treaters. I am dressed up but not sure there a name for it. I have a big black rimmed hat like a Kentucky Derby hat. The hat has a black net that comes over but I pulled the net back. I’m wearing a black top and slacks with a really frilly black lace nightie over it. Then I have black sandles. Made my husband laugh when I came down stairs. Enjoy!

  14. I too had the Indian Maiden costume made from potatoe sacks. Of course, they were the tired sacks because the good ones were filled with newly harvested potatoes. Boy did they ever itch! Loved the Hawaiian Princess, adorable!

  15. djohannesen

    Great pictures….love them!

  16. I remember at least one of these darling pics from a previous post. They are priceless! I hope you are luxuriating in home.

  17. peggy braswell

    Aren’t having these pictures, the best! I think homemade costumes are the only way to go. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  18. frog onesies

    Ah the real version of Halloween. I have missed it, a lot. The costumes that we have nowadays are much more advanced and technically beautiful but the old costumes that we had were just amazing. They just had something that we don’t have now.

  19. Animal suits

    Is it just me or are the costumes from way back way better than we have today? Our costumes might be more modern but theirs have so much unique ideas in them and that’s hard to ignore. Anyway, cool article. I love it.

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