The Story of the Gleaners of Glenn County

Walnut Collage



Around Glenn country there are many walnut orchards. After harvest, many of the orchard farmers have gleaners come in and pick the remaining few for one reason or another are left behind. My Aunt Louie knows of such an orchard. We went with her to glean some of the remaining few.

We, my mom, my aunt, my niece and nephew, picked several baskets full.


After picking them we went home and spread them out on a large old blanket in the sun to dry. A few days later we put them in a big basket in the shed. Knowing that in the afternoons ahead we would crack and shell them.



Walnut orchard Collage



Last Monday the grandhchildren sat around a big red picnic table helping my mom crack and shell the walnuts.



Running in the orchard




When my mom went into the shed to gather some walnuts, she saw the a large chuck of them were missing, she thought maybe one of her sons had taken some home, shrugged her shoulders and set to the task ahead.

While cracking walnuts my mom told me that the boys had already taken some. I was silently relieved thinking, "less walnuts to crack", and did not give it another thought.


Walnut picking Collage



Until the next day when I went to take some walnuts from the shed and saw another fourth of them missing. Instantly I recalled the squirrels on the property and thought, "Varmints!" Then went and told of them to my mom.



Walnut basket



Strong helpful five year old picking walnuts in an Easter basket.



Under the walnut tree



My mother being the firecracker 77 year old that she is replied, "I am gonna find their hiding place and take my walnuts back, that'll show 'em whos boss."
I laughed imagining my mom hunting down the squirrel's cachet… I could so see her with her rake and shovel digging and scratching around the yard in the hunt for walnuts! 



As sneaky and clever as the squirrels are, my mother is one fiesty teaser herself. She was on a mission and I counted the hours before she found their stash.



The shed



My mom standing outside the old barn milk house "shed" with a pair of ice skates. One never knows what one will find in her shed of treasures… walnuts are one thing, ice skates are another.






And guess where she found the walnuts?
A few here, a few there mixed in every knook and cranny of her garden, in every flower pot, bed and box, walnuts like big seeds buried by the squirrels for safe keeping food for the winter.
My mom has yet to unearth them… I think she is growing a soft spot for nature's ways.




23 responses to “The Story of the Gleaners of Glenn County”

  1. Her “rack” and shovel?! It has been a very crazy day here and that typo sure made me giggle.

  2. Merisi in Vienna

    Clever squirrels, sweet mom!
    It is amazing, though, how quick those squirrels found the stash and went to work so diligently.

  3. Joan Thodas

    Good for you Aunt Dolores, the squirrels can have their share!

  4. those dang animals…last wednesday i came home from food shopping,unloaded the groceries and placed them on the porch-a neighbor was talking to me and my attention was on the conversation-out of the cornor of my eye i saw a squirrel -i gave warning as one of my precious cats(tt) was also on the porch watching the squirrel-little did i know at the time that sucker was in my grocery bag eating my rolls for that night’s dinner-I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT-any way i thought it was funny-i had to change up the menu and have been slowly giving them the rest of the bread-i think they are cute i know a lot of people don’t like them-i enjoy watching them through the seasons – do you know they make a summer nest and a winter nest in 2 different locations-pretty cool huh-

  5. That boulevard of walnut trees is so beautiful, I want to chill out with a book and a glass of wine there. I wonder why they want all the walnuts off the trees; maybe it impacts the next crop?

  6. Your family does fun things together, hope your mom gets her nuts back.

  7. Stubblejumpin Gal

    Your mom looks like a real card. I’m glad she decided not to steal all the walnuts back; we wouldn’t want to see hungry squirrels come winter. Wait … there isn’t really winter in California, is there?
    There are no squirrels around our farmyard because of the barn cats I guess, but I grow flowers and sometimes have to share them with slugs, grasshoppers and various other creatures. My first urge used to be to do something to get them out of my flowerbeds, but now I just think “There is enough for all” and relax into sharing. And the varmints don’t seem to decimate the flowerbeds, so it’s working. Mostly. There are some things that prod me onto the warpath, like delphinium worms. They have to go.

  8. Oh those pesky squirrels! They eat all my cherries and figs. Next year I am going to cover the branches so they can’t get to them. They even ate the cherry blossoms. I am on a war path for 2013. Good for your mom for searching and finding.

  9. This post made me laugh out loud. We have walnut trees. There is a race every fall to beat the squirrels to the walnuts. I don’t mind the squirrels helping themselves. I do mind that they don’t dig them up in the winter. I now have walnut trees growing in the hedge, in the rock wall, and through out the flower beds.:) I am always reminded of a Gary Trudeau cartoon of a squirrel in his nest with yellow post it notes with diagrams of where the walnuts are stashed. Wishing your Mom much luck on her finding the hidden walnuts.

  10. A tough nut to crack for the squirrels (winning with your Mom) 🙂

  11. I lov e love reading about your beautiful mom, Corey.
    What a great story!

  12. Amylia Grace

    I love this story! And I love those walnut groves! Oh how I want to hang out there, too. Truly gorgeous!

  13. Marilyn Radzat

    Corey….have you watched the tv series “Parenthood”?
    My husband and I have just discovered it and are watching all the last several seasons. It is about a large family, the grandparents and their grown children and the grandchildren. We too have a large family and watching this series just fills me up with smiles. It is so true and shines a light on the gift of family. You can get it on Netflix too. Not to be missed if one loves family and all that involves.

  14. cindy hattersley design

    What a lovely story Corey. It warms my heart!

  15. La Contessa

    Lovely story!Your MOM always looks very fashionable!Did you rub off on her or she YOU!?There is a certain FRENCH FLAIR going on.

  16. I love how your mom dresses. She and you are my role models. I am always on the search for your style of clothing. Keep up the photos with you and your mom’s fashion.

  17. Dolores, what is your secret? You look beautiful. What are you putting in your chocolate chip cookie dough? Whatever it is….it’s working…xo

  18. Peggy Braswell

    Squirrels are so smart(I think)we had to put screen over the holes they chewed in the attic one year and they just chewed around the screen to get in.
    Delightful story + photos.

  19. My parents had a huge English walnut tree in the backyard, that my Portuguese grandfather had grafted onto black walnut rootstock and planted long before I was born. It was my chore to gather up the newly fallen walnuts after school each day, and lay them out on the porch for the husks to finish drying. As a result, every autumn my hands, stained from the walnut oils, looked like a seal-point Siamese cat’s paws!

  20. Massilianana

    What a funny story ! I am glad your Mum is not claiming her walnuts back, though. Squirrels are so cute so graceful…Your story reminds me of the strawberries I would grow in the garden I had before. Everyday I would find out that all the ripe strawberries had been eaten or nibbled at by…snails. They were FASTER than my daughter and I ! I found that situation quite funny (racing with snails !!) and we ended up sharing our strawberries with the snails : we’d get the ones ripe at the end of the afternoon, they’d get the ones ripe in the early morning.So I think sharing with the squirrels is a very nice gesture 😉

  21. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    That photo of her with the skates! You captured how full of life she is.
    When we were cleaning up all the stuff out of my parents’ home, I came upon a box of “Becky’s memorabilita” from my childhood. One item was a “June Angel” — a little porcelain girl standing 3″ tall. I was mystified why she had turned into a rattle til I turned her over and peered into the hole in the porcelain’s bottom side. Acorns! She was half-full of acorns that an industrious attic-dwelling squirrel had thrust, one-by-one, into the hole that barely fit each nut. Fooled that squirrel: he couldn’t get them out again.
    I keep the June angel complete with her squirrel-added contents now.

  22. I shared this story with my partner who remembered when she was young, the squirrels stashed walnuts in her mom’s store of canning jars. Those squirrels are hilarious! I wish I had a walnut tree just to find where the squirrels might stash the nuts. I only find walnuts buried in the ground after they start growing into trees.

  23. Ben@Nexera

    I adore this story! And I adore those walnut groves! Oh how I have to hang on the market, too. Genuinely gorgeous!

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