Why Pumpkin Pie?

Raspberry charlotte


Why Pumpkin Pie when you could have: 

Charlotte Framboise:

Crème légère framboise, gelée de framboises, biscuit aux amandes



Macaron Cake


French Husband wants to know why Pumpkin Pie when you could have:


Crème légère framboise et rose, gelée de litchis, framboises entières, biscuit croustillant et génoise.


Pineapple souffle 

Tradition that is why.

Pilgrims and Indians that is why.

Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie is like Paris without the Eiffel Tower that is why.


Macaron Ananas:

Crème légère à l'ananas, morceaux d'ananas frais, biscuit macaron.





Mont blanc dessert 

I know French Husband would like to ask my mom to lace the pumpkin pie with chocolate.


Mont Blanc:

Mousseline aux marrons, crème chantilly, morceaux de marrons, pâte brisée et crème d'amande


Do you have a favorite Pumpkin Pie recipe?


Note: The French desserts above are from:

Le Daniel RENNES     13 Galerie du Théâtre : 02 99 79 33 81    19 rue Jules Simon : 02 99 78 85 82    ZA Saint Jacques de la Lande : 02 23 46 23 56



26 responses to “Why Pumpkin Pie?”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Merisi in Vienna

    Actually, pumpkin pie, baked in a tart form, with a thin layer of semi-sweet chocolate on the graham cracker crust, is quite good (the lacing’s done with Bourbon whisky!). 😉
    I am seriously considering making peanut butter pie, with meringue topping, instead of pumpkin pie. Heresy, you say?
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,

  3. I am now officially craving a pumpkin pie !
    Can you pleeeeease bring back instant pumpkin pie filling ? thank you 🙂

  4. No, but I do have a terrific pumpkin bread recipe. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  5. We’re having apple! Maybe I should move to France!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Corey.

  6. ah like this post-

  7. danasparkle

    I’m with french husband. Today we said good bye to our local Mr & Mrs Boulangerie. There were tears. We took a tonne of photos. I will miss those divine deserts. Please serve your husband some for me. Enjoy your pie, dear lady. Heading home to Australia. Aurevoir, Madame. Dx *

  8. Hmmm, I think I’m with FH on this one. That Mont Blanc looks amazing. Pumpkin pie is OK… but minced meat pies, no thanks.

  9. Laura McHugh

    I always make one traditional pumpkin pie, and one pumpkin cheesecake. That satisfies the traditionalists and everyone else. Most have a small slice of both. Happy Thanksgiving Corey!

  10. Have to understand our history to appreciate the American Thanksgiving tradition like pumpkin pie. Not to mention there are a ton of pumpkins harvested at this time just like the pilgrims who founded our young country. However, we evolved and make an awesome-to die-for-spiced pumpkin cheescake.
    Enjoy having a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner with your family.

  11. Sorry, not big on pumpkin pie. When I moved to Canada, I couldn’t understand why a desert would have vegetables as an ingredient, like carrot cake and pumpkin.
    I love Thanksgiving though. In Canada, it’s in October.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. I use the one off the can but I strain some of the liquid off the pumpkin first, it makes the pie more pumpkin-y and creamy.
    My screen is still taste free or your desserts would be history.

  13. Victoria Ramos

    Now THAT does sound delightful!!!!

  14. RebeccaNYC

    Why Pumpkin Pie? BECAUSE I LOVE IT!!! Any time of year. But Autumn is best, of course.

  15. Well as my French husband would say, it is ‘penitence day’ and that is why one eats pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and bread stuffing not to mention assorted strange, traditional ‘mmurican goodies:) He has survived these long years and is non the worse for it I have to say!

  16. Sorry, Corey, but I’m the dessert-maker, so I get to make whatever kind of dessert I decide — and it’ll NEVER be pumpkin anything, because I don’t like it!!! Typical holiday desserts Chez B are homemade pecan or apple pie, topped with premium vanilla ice cream. For variety, I’ll occasionally make apple crisp, which I deem a health food because of all that oatmeal in the topping — right? Right? LOL!

  17. Chris Wittmann

    I agree wholeheartedly with you Corey…and let’s hang on to our traditions while we still can!! for the record, in addition to pumpkin pie I also am making Italian bread pudding and apple crostata, and we have two farm raised heritage turkeys with all the trimmings 🙂 A very happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  18. P.S. Holidays were always with my dad’s Azorean-American family, who had by my time abandoned every trace of ethnic heritage and instead adopted traditional All-American (read: Anglo-American) holiday celebrations. Thus, holiday dinner desserts were always pumpkin and mincemeat pies, topped with Chantilly cream (whipped heavy cream with 10X sugar and vanilla extract). I absolutely detested the mincemeat, so would accept a tiny sliver of pumpkin pie, then help myself to mounds of whipped cream, then eat all the yummy cream and just sort of cut up and smoosh the pie around on my plate so it looked as though I might have eaten some of it, although my mother was not fooled, and would always be displeased with me ;-)))
    It’s so nice to be able to choose the foods we like for our own traditions, instead of being held hostage to the tastes of others!

  19. I’m with FH on that one – but then, I think one really has to be American to fully appreciate Thanksgiving Feasts! My first one I spent with a ‘very new girl friend’ and I couldn’t get over the fact that this usually quite lazy woman would slave a whole day and a night over ONE MEAL…. I did understand afterwards though but it’s something one has to get used to like drinking wine to each meal… it’s hard but some people have a job to do 🙂

  20. I’m wondering if your mom is baking sugar cookie turkeys for each place, and if your brother Mat will bite the heads off this year?

  21. Violet Cadburry

    Why pumkin pie? Only because those frou frou fancy french desserts cannot hold up overnight and make the best hangover breakfast ever……pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee and Baileys. That’s why.

  22. Peggy Braswell

    I do southern pecan pie…I love me some pea-can pie Happy Thanksgiving everyone. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  23. don’t know about pumpkin pie…never had one, not even when living in Canada…(prefer any king of chocolate cake I guess…)
    But is just great to go to the country side and choose your pumpkins, take pictures and breath fresh air!
    I rather make a soup that is a Venezuelan(me)-French (my husband, yes I got one as well 🙂 ) recipe: Pumpkin with green onions and vegetable broth. Mix it. add fresh coriander and little squares of “blue cheese” when serving. Delicious!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. 24/7 in France

    Around Thanksgiving, I once made a pumpkin pie for French guests, who thought it looked strange – noone liked it – case closed! 🙂

  25. As I looked at those amazing photos with my daughter I commented that they looked just like something we would find in a Japanese cake shop. She said “no, Mom, I think the Japanese ones are copies of the cakes you would find in France!” Point taken! :o)
    My Japanese husband loves pumpkin pie, and apple pie, but could do without pretty much any other American dessert – especially cakes with icing. See, he grew up eating cakes that look more like the ones in your photos.

  26. molly amaro


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