Why Pumpkin Pie when you could have:
Charlotte Framboise:
Crème légère framboise, gelée de framboises, biscuit aux amandes
French Husband wants to know why Pumpkin Pie when you could have:
Crème légère framboise et rose, gelée de litchis, framboises entières, biscuit croustillant et génoise.
Tradition that is why.
Pilgrims and Indians that is why.
Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie is like Paris without the Eiffel Tower that is why.
Macaron Ananas:
Crème légère à l'ananas, morceaux d'ananas frais, biscuit macaron.
I know French Husband would like to ask my mom to lace the pumpkin pie with chocolate.
Mont Blanc:
Mousseline aux marrons, crème chantilly, morceaux de marrons, pâte brisée et crème d'amande
Do you have a favorite Pumpkin Pie recipe?
Note: The French desserts above are from:
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