The Turkey Child and other tales of adapting to France during the Holidays



Thanksgiving is an American holiday. Thanksgiving celebrates the beginning of life in a new land. The seeds of friendship between two different cultures. The the pilgrims and the indians. The journey of the Mayflower. The need for one another. The helping hands of family and friends. The feast of giving thanks for where we have come from and for what we have.


Thanksgiving is the dining room table. Family gathered. The blessing. The smell of turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and the sound of football in the background. My brother Marty eating the heads off the turkey cookies.




Celebrating Thanksgiving abroad is not the same.

The first Thanksgiving I spent in France we lived in Paris. A group of Americans that I knew from working at the American Church in Paris had a dinner party. Everyone was in charge of bringing something for dinner. We knew it was going to be hard to find the necessary ingredients. I was in charge of the pumpkin pies. I had never made pumpkin pie. Canned pumpkin did not exist in France. I went to the market to buy a pumpkin. When I saw the pumpkin it seemed to say, "Carve me, I am Halloween."

I took that heavy monster home. Cut it up, seeded it, simmered it, added fresh cream, brown sugar (that was not like brown sugar back home), the last of my maple syrup that I had brought back in my suitcase, brown eggs, a tad of cognac and spices. Then I whipped it until my hand nearly fell off, and baked it.

It was delicious.

French Husband was confused, "Why do zee Americans eat salt and sugar at zee same time?" 
Instead of answering him I groaned, "Eat it."
He did.
Then he said, "I prefer Chocolate."

The guests said my pies were delicious. I beamed, "I made it from a real pumpkin!"
French Husband leaned towards me and whispered, "Does fake Pump KEEN exist?"


corey amaro


The following year at Thanksgiving, I was three weeks shy of delivering Chelsea.

I am five foot three. I gained over 50 pounds when I was pregnant. I looked like I had swallowed the turkey whole.

Two weeks before Thanksgiving, I went to the butcher to order a "Dinde (turkey in French)." Though we were vegetarians I decided I was going to prepare a turkey that Thanksgiving. When the butcher asked me in French what size I wanted I froze. I did not have the right French words in my pocket to answer him. Flustered (like what type of person goes to order a turkey at a French butcher and doesn't have the right vocabulary in their repertoire?) I pointed to my big belly and said, "Gros comme ca (Fat like this)! Though I thought I said, "Big like this."

The butcher laughed then chopped his big knife into the cutting board. I gulped.


Ivy covered fence


Two weeks later I went back to pick up the turkey. It was larger than a child. The butcher was proud, overly jolly as he carried the turkey around the counter because it was too large to hand it over to me.

The basket I brought was far too small to carry the turkey back home. The people in line at the butcher's began to laugh when they saw it. There I stood big as a cow, holding the cold- plucked-turkey-child on my pregnant belly. My hormones got the best of me as I cried in English, "I am a vegetarian who just wanted a normal Thanksgiving."

Nobody understood me.


Pumpkin patch bishop farms 


Slowly, I carried the turkey home. The people on the street moved away as I walked by. My face was beet red, I huffed and puffed and swore I was going into labor. I climbed the four flights of stairs wishing for an elevator. I dragged the turkey-child into the kitchen. Then sat next to the turkey down on the floor.




An hour or so later French Husband came home he spotted me with the turkey fanning myself with a recipe I had copied from the American bookstore.

French Husband gasped, "What are you doing? What is it?"

"A turkey"

"But we don't eat turkey."

"I know."

"What is it doing here?"

"Thanksgiving. We eat turkey on Thanksgiving."

"We do?"

"No. But in America we do."

"Oh. Do you miss America?"

"I miss home," then I hugged the turkey child.

"Are we going to eat it?"

"No. But I am going to cook it and you are going to help me, and our friends are going to eat it."

"How many friends do we have?"

"Not enough. But what we don't eat they can take home."

"In France we do not give food to take home."

"Well, we are going to break that habit."





Each year Thanksgiving has been an adventure in a new land. Happy and very Thankful. I don't want to tell you all my Thanksgiving stories today because I need to save them for the years to come.


Happy Thanksgiving!!


         Do you have a Thanksgiving Memory you would like to share? 





25 responses to “The Turkey Child and other tales of adapting to France during the Holidays”

  1. Funny and moving and heart warming. I love your spirit and adherence to tradition even though you don’t eat the turkey yourself :-).
    “In France we do not give food to take home.”
    “Well, we are going to break that habit.”
    That would make a great movie scene LOL.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family.

  2. I loved your Turkey story–but it’s your sense of humor that brings a smile to my face. You’re quite the story teller.
    When I was first married and fixed my first Turkey ( for my husbands whole family) I stuffed the cavity and then wondered how I was suppose to close it up….so I grabbed a bunch of straight pins and pinned it closed! During cooking it expanded and popped open …leaving my dressing full of straight pins! I think I tried to find them and shamefully served my stuffing 🙂 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  3. Alan from Chicago

    A very funny and heart warming story. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. no story to share-just a VERY WARM THANKSGIVING WISH to one and all-so very very much to be grateful for-this is my favorite holiday-

  5. Another great story. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Such a funny story! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. “…”Why do zee Americans eat salt and sugar at zee same time?” I don’t know why, but that cracked me up. Probably because it is such a logical question.
    Hmmm, a Thanksgiving story. Well, believe it or not I can cook. One TG I decided to make desserts I hadn’t baked before, inc. a lemon meringue pie. It called for the juice of 3 lemons. I found 3 lovely specimens at the local market. I beat the egggs, the meringue was flawless with light brown peaks, the self-made crust perfect. Took me hours. Even though I had made a couple other desserts everyone wanted the beautiful lemon meringue. I watched in pride as several people raised their forks, only to contort their faces like they had swallowed the vilest vinegar. One of my guests, an elegant older English lady, said “ooooo, it’s so tart” and spit it out into her napkin. I think I turned red of embaressment starting at my feet.
    I tasted it and it was, in fact, indedible. The recipe was from a NY restaurant and I was in California, where apparently lemons are much, much larger than the little things they get in the stores there. Moral of the story, do not try out new recipes when you have a party, and taste as you bake.
    Sorry for the length of this, a happy turkey day to all.

  8. I wish I could be there Aunt Coco! Happy Thanksgiving and I love you!! ♥

  9. I don’t have a good Thanksgiving story such as yours. I have brought Thanksgiving to the UK and my British friends and family are so happy that I did. We all really enjoy getting together for this harvest meal.
    I think we will be doing Thanksgiving for many years to come. (I hope).

  10. You have a lovely blog and I enjoyed your lovely story.
    We do not celebrate Thanksgiving here in NZ but we have an American family that we know and they have often invited us for their banquet.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  11. Shelley Noble

    I love this book of yours, Corey. The stories you tell are so truly hilarious and FULL of all your wonderful charm.
    Zosia is right, your life would make the best kind of Romantic Comedy full of truth, humanity, and meaning!
    What a Goddess of Life you are.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. My primo (cousin) Pedro on São Jorge in the Azores told me one year that some old friends of his who’d immigrated to the US, then recently returned, invited him over for a Thanksgiving feast with all the traditional fixin’s. It’s not that turkey (“peru”) is unknown among the Portuguese. And certainly white potatoes (batatas) and pumpkin (abóbora) are dietary staples — just that they’re used differently, e.g., spuds boiled rather than mashed, and pumpkin in soup. I gathered from his account that Pedro enjoyed the adventure of the meal’s novelty, as well as the company, greatly.

  13. Merry Thanksgiving Day.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!!!

  15. How one very pregnant, American girl buys a turkey in Paris. A Tongue in Cheek favorite of mine. I can read this story over, and over..xo
    Happy Thanksgiving, Corey. Here’s to another slice of pumpkin pie..

  16. 24/7 in France

    Years ago, I cooked a pumpkin pie in France for friends – they were fascinated, but thought it looked strange, and politely tried a few bites, but noone liked it!

  17. La Contessa

    OH BOY!I can relate yet again!First off I too gained 53 pounds with each son!I wasnot as lucky as you in finding a turkey……….it had to be ordered and bla bla bla but when it came the ITALIAN kitchen oven was too small to cook it!!!!!!!!!!Beautiful post COREY!

  18. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    That was a great story, Diogenes, and perfect length. Of course I’m a long-story-teller myself.
    I like people’s stories!

  19. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Thirty years ago, my husband and I were on a long, working honeymoon in Switzerland. Thanksgiving came, and of course it felt odd that it was just another work day for our coworkers. Our nod to the food of the day was to cook a chicken on the stovetop. After the chicken was done, the pan got washed out for the next course: cooked apples for dessert. (We didn’t have many pans at this residence.) Our guests, some work friends, enjoyed our meal and were fascinated that we’d used premade flaky crust cups (what do you call those?) to hold the apples and ice cream — apparently the pastries typically hold savory meat with sauce.
    The trickiest part of the evening was trying to explain Thanksgiving and its origins: they just didn’t get it. I like your description of it as “beginning of life in a new land.” Which people in old lands don’t relate to.
    Lovely photos, as well as I love the story of the turkey child. I could hear it every year as well.

  20. Margret Murphy

    OMG Thank you for making my day. I don’t have anything nearly as funny too share, but we did barbeque a turkey when we were stranded due to flooding and had no electricity for almost two weeks. Hope you had a not quite so memorable holiday this year.
    Margret in beautiful rainy Oregon.

  21. Elizabeth Mackey

    When we were living in Paris the first year away from the US. The American School was able to get Turkeys for us if we put our order in. In October we had gone to London for a visa situation, and I happened upon a can of Libbys pumpkin tin at Fortnum and Mason, and quickly snatched it up.
    Then I remember looking everywhere for cranberries, and ended up finding some at Le Grand Epicerie. I was thrilled to have a little piece of America to make Thanksgiving dinner. Funny thing was when I was shopping for all the goodies and racing around gathering everything, I kept wondering why no one else was in the same kind of hurry that I was in! Duh….no one was cooking this dinner but me and maybe a few other expats!!! Very funny feeling to celebrate Thanksgiving in France. My daughter made her first Thanksgiving in London this year, and she said it was a bit odd too.

  22. Elaine Holligan

    Loved your Thanksgiving tale. My best memory was the years before kids when we invited all our friends who would not be with family to bring something to share, Alice’s Restaurant style. The weather was great and almost 50 people shared the day. During our dinner there was a small earthquake to make it even more memorable.

  23. Nancy from Mass

    First off, I have to say, I WANT that grocery list chart!!! That would fit it very well with my french themed kitchen!
    Anyways, one Thanksgiving (actually, day before) i set my oven on fire when I spilled part of a coconut custard pie on the bottom of the oven. then, i ran over a cat…in front of it’s owner…while going to pick my son up from school. something else happened that day, but i’ve managed to block that memory out!

  24. Lemon Tree Tami

    When I was a junior in college I lived in Venice, Italy on the Education Abroad Program. I so missed home during Thanksgiving that I called my stepdad and asked him for his sweet potato pie recipe. Every year he’d bake up a dozen of them. Yum! Well, it was a bit difficult finding sweet potatoes in Italy. I went to the neighborhood green grocer and asked the nice lady for them. They only had white ones which I bought. Then I discovered a can of yams at one of the large grocery stores in Padova. It wasn’t exactly the same but it did help to keep the homesickness at bay. 🙂
    I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. Your trip home to Willows looked like a fantastic one. Glad the weather was nice.

  25. molly amaro

    That was a fun day I LOVE YOU aunt coco!!!xoxoxo
    Hiya Molly!! I love you too, and miss you xxxxx

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