Eat less move more… Well, when I was back home it could have easily been eat more and more and more. With tempting food delights from my mom's, aunt's and friend's kitchen coming over to pop into my mouth, it would have been rude for me to say "Oh sorry, that looks delicious, yes it is a favorite of mine, thank you so much for making it for me, but I am trying to lose weight, so no thank you."
Equally impossible was pushing away from a table filled with family, friends and food that reminded me of good times. Walking down memory lane with my mouth full of comfort was a daily challenge… honestly it was an hourly challenge.
It started the moment I walked passed the front door with chocolate chip cookies jumping up to greet me, those melted morsels stare me down. I ate one as if were holy communion savoring every little Jesus in velvet short crumbs.
Then Halloween, my mom makes popcorn balls. I should have won a medal for just having two, and a trophy for not having any Halloween candy.
And my friend Shelley who has chocolate candy in every inch of her house, and "Sees" in the kitchen!
I won't mention Thanksgiving, and the ultimate test… my mom made Portuguese Filozes. A rare treat since I am not home that often. My absolute favorite dessert in the world. Filozes those golden puffs of love, family history, memories, deliciousness, it felt like I was stapling my mouth shut every time I said no to another… I had three.
I gained two pounds, and consider that a blessed miracle! ONLY two pounds.
How are you and the diet thingy?
First thank you thank you thank you for your lovely response to yesterday's post! Such generous love notes!
Second if you want to know more about Portuguese Filozes please click here to read:
Farm Girl Gourmet, she says it exactly as I know it to be true… except for the cinnamon and kitchenaid mixers.
Encourage one another!
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