A Tour of Paris, Chelsea’s View

Chelsea in Paris, street view

Paris, a view down the street. An ordinary cobblestone street.

Chelsea is in Paris, as most of you know, doing her last year of University.

The nest has been empty for a few years now… the reality of what an empty nest means has kicked in. We will never be a family again, all under one roof. 

Wow. Where did the time go?

The photos below (and above) are of Chelsea's Paris.

Seven hours away.

Beautiful views, I sense wonder and awe. That makes me smile.


Chelsea's Paris, EIffel Tower

Photo Source Chelsea.

A silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, a lamp post stands guard under the setting sun.

Golden winter day.

Leaf less tree,

Stark yet inviting.


Overview of Paris, Chelsea's Paris

Photo Source Chelsea.

Overlooking Paris,

On top of Notre Dame.

Montparnasse in the distance (a fun link about it.)

The dome is the Pantheon.



Chelsea and Sacha, je t'aime!
Photo Source Chelsea


The two that I love.

Je t'aime Paris is what these photos say.


Grand Palais Chelsea's Paris
Photo Source Chelsea


The glass ceiling of the Grande Palais across the river is the Musee d'Orsay.


Chateau de VIncennes, Chelsea's Paris
Photo Source Chelsea


Part of the facade at the Chateau de Vincennes.

Chelsea lives near by.

Goes for a run in the gardens.

If you are going to fly little bird, fly wide!


Place de la concorde, Chelsea's Paris
Photo Source Chelsea


Looking at the vastness that the Place de la Concorde offers, in the center of Paris.

Open space, cars swirling around the obelisk (the oldest monument in Paris), four statues stand at each corner.

Louvre on one side, the arch on the other.


Pantheon, Chelsea's Paris

Photo Source Chelsea

The Pantheon (Latin Pantheon, from Greek Pantheon, meaning "Every God".)

Watch over my Chelsea Girl.



Sacre coeur chelsea's Paris

Photo Source Chelsea

Sacre Coeur on top of a hill overlooking Paris.

Sunset offers beautiful views of the city.


Constant prayer pouring down the stairs,

through the little streets,

painter's palette dash of pink

to the evening sky.

Dear Chelsea,

If you cannot be home,

then be home where you are,

and send me more postcards photos of yours xxx


Love you x"





21 responses to “A Tour of Paris, Chelsea’s View”

  1. “Auntie”

    And please send more to Mama, for us to see too, Dear Chelsea…

  2. Shelley Noble

    Photo Source Chelsea.
    Source of Making Us All Cry at the Beautiful Heart a Mother Must Grow Corey.

  3. amazing pictures, Chelsea. I only wish I could have seen Paris with Chelsea as a guide when I was there in October.
    I feel this post as I wait and count the minutes until my daughter comes home from school next weekend.

  4. oh, Corey, thanks for all the links you included so I can learn more.

  5. A daughter with her mama’s same finesse for photography – the kind that gives your heart a little rattle.
    Just wonderful. Thank you both.
    But I do think that I will be missing my girls just a little bit more today.

  6. Chris Wittmann

    I guess I realize now how saddened my own parents were when I moved to England. Young and full of dreams of a new life ahead of us we don’t understand the torment our parents must be going through when we move so far away. But as your kids get older, they will one day know just what a heartbreak it is to be torn away from loved ones. Enjoy the time together when you have it, and try to impress upon your kids just how fleeting those moments are.

  7. Lana Kloch

    chelsea’s paris accompanied by mother’s words are pure banquet for the eyes.. such compassion in your voice…such love… be home where ever you are… is the best gift any child can be given.
    you and jann will have a different family…you two will have much more to explore and learn. you have taught me that, corey…
    you two make home where every you are… much love

  8. Beautifully said. I miss my kids today so this is fitting. Blessings~Kimberly

  9. So beautiful!

  10. She has definitely inherited your eye for photos. And you’ll always be a family — surely you more than anyone else know that you don’t have to be under the same roof or even in the same country to be a family.

  11. Lovely! Yes, send more postcards.

  12. Thank you Chelsea. It was wonderful seeing Paris through your eyes. Carpe Diem!

  13. Merisi in Vienna

    Yes, we pray that they learn to fly the coop, and then they do.
    They grow wings, and if we are lucky, they keep us in their hearts.
    Big hug,

  14. 24/7 in France

    Beautiful photos to match the prose – I am across the pond from my daughter too, although it is me who chose to fly. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  15. Beautiful photos, I like Chelsea’s vision to capture not only the beauty of a building, etc., but the mood of the sky and horizon to go with it. Her angles are great too! I want to learn/copy her talent! Lovely!
    And thank you for sharing your family love. xo jody

  16. peggy braswell

    I know you are proud as punch of Chelsea + her photos are truly wonderful. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  17. tearing

  18. Quelle coincidence! This very AM, NPR’s “Morning Edition” aired a report by Susan Stamberg on the Edward Hopper exhibit visiting the Grande Palais till the end of January (in case you get the chance to return and see it). Apparently not a single Hopper painting is owned by any museum in France, so this is the only way (short of traveling abroad) that the French get to see them. Here’s a transcript of the story:
    “Hopper’s Lonely Figures Find Some Friends In Paris”:
    And here’s the URL for the exhibit — Edward Hopper / Grand Palais, Galeries nationales / 10 October 2012 – 28 January 2013:

  19. Corey and Yann, just keep reminding yourselves that an important measure of parental success is raising children to become independent, self-reliant adults — so it’s all working out exactly the way it’s supposed to!

  20. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    So glad I clicked the photos to enlarge them and see them even better. They’re so delicate with so much detail that it was a delight. And oh, those seashell sky colors! Ahh.
    My favorite detail in the enlarged views: the golden contrail (jet trail) in the air next the the obelisk. A fabulous little extra.

  21. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I heard that piece on NPR too!

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