Saturday Art Saves….Simon Beck

Simon Beck

Photo Source Simon Beck

Every Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may.



Photo Source Simon Beck


Artist Simon Beck has a thing for frozen feet. His art takes him to the slopes where he spends days creating on the frozen landscape.

Simon Beck graduated from Oxford, a mapmaker specialist. A typical piece of Beck's artwork is the size of three soccer fields and take about two days to complete.


Photo Source Simon Beck 

Near the lakes in Savoie, France, Simon Beck spends his days in snowshoes, plodding out intricate quilt like and snowflake patterns. 


 Photo Source Simon Beck


Simon Beck is greatly challenged by nature. The risk of working the entire day only to have his design covered up by fresh snow. At other times, he races against the clock to complete his design before sunset, as to have enough sunlight to photograph his work. Other obstacles include reducing the visibility of his own tracks within his own artwork.


Can you image being in the middle of that project and wanting to take a break? 


 Photo Source Simon Beck

Simon's artwork can take on different perpective depending on where you stand. The contour of the slopes can give his art a 3D effect.



 Photo Source Simon Beck

Creating his work of art is more about passion than keepsake. One can not be sentimental when creating something as thin as ice. I imagine it must be the joy, the pleasure, the rush, the challenge to create, a physical expression of art that fuels his inspiration.


Photo Source Simon Beck


Often Beck must redesigned his thought out plan because nature offers a hand and recreates what he is doing.
Imagine a silent partner like that in your business.


Photo Source Simon Beck 

Simon says (I am sorry I had to write it once), "The main reason for making them was because I could no longer run due to problems with my feet, so plodding about on leveled snow was the least painful way of getting exercise."
I beg to differ with least painful…
Exercising art. 


 Photo Source Simon Beck



Simon Beck Snow Art on FB


Simon Beck in the News


Snowshoes to create your own Physical Artwork?


Skiing in the French Alps 


The Land, the People, the Food of the French Alps.


Thank you Carolyn Vallelunga (a reader of Tongue in Cheek) sent me news of Simon Beck. If you have an aritst that you would like me to feature please send me an email with photos, information, and or links, etc.  



19 responses to “Saturday Art Saves….Simon Beck”

  1. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!

  2. Marilyn in Chico, Ca

    I’ve never seen anything like it ! Absolutely amazing ! What an incredible amount of patience it would take,


  4. so beautiful looks like lace pieces to me just BREATH TAKING!!

  5. christine allen


  6. Barbara Snow

    I saw his work about a year ago but didn’t know he had a facebook page. THanks.
    Barb in MInnesota

  7. His work is amazing. Thank you for posting this, I did not know about him. Love the giant snowflake in the fourth picture.

  8. Incredible. Reminds me of a show on t.v. called Cement Canvas. An Englishman who does three dimensional art pieces with chalk on cement sidewalks/plazas around the world.

  9. Absolutely fabulous. Thank you for featuring this artist – Simon Beck. Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël!

  10. Impressive! Beautiful!
    My mind is saying “How did he do that?” I can’t even imagine.

  11. Very cool sand and snow art.

  12. kathleen (oregon)

    Beautiful and amazing. Being able to figure out the HOW is pretty impressive on its own.

  13. Unbelievable but it is believable because I just saw the amazing pictures! Work of art! Blessings, Kimberly

  14. peggy braswell

    OH my what amazing work Simon Beck does + Did not know about him.Thank you.

  15. Breathtaking work! Bet they will need to drink lot of chocolate chard a the end of the work day.

  16. 24/7 in France

    Outstanding art – I can’t even begin to imagine how he does what he does – so beautiful and dimensional that it’s actually unbelieveable!

  17. maryisidra

    All of the above and WOW!! Thank you for this.

  18. LieseLotte

    These works of art are hillarious ! I really admire people who have such great ideas and talent. Do you know the artist personally ?

  19. Brainerd Broyles

    Ohhh my! I envy how colorful the life of Simon Beck is! His life is so amazing!

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