Growing up I had so many cousins that I instantly became friends, that I never knew the difference between family and friends. They were all in the same.
Moving to France made me realize what it was like to have to meet people and create bonds, as my family lived in the US, and French Husband's family lived twelve hours away.
Who was your childhood friend?
When my daughter Chelsea was in Junior High she met three girls that would become her dearest friends; Sophie, Lea and Domi.
Over the years they have stayed in touch, even though they have gone far for their studies. Sophie is in Australia, Lea is in Milan, Domi is in Brussels and Chelsea in Paris.
Each has followed a different path, law, nursing, the arts, and business.
Last night they were at our house, they hadn't all been together for six years, and it was like ole times…
I felt like Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater wanting to keep them in a pumpkin shell.
Those beautiful girls.
I remember the first time I met them, they were in the sixth grade, and I knew then it was meant to be a long good friendship.
This last summer Chelsea, Domi and Lea traveled across the western states. Their stories will weave into a lifetime of friendship.
Last night they talked and talked, laughed and laughed, and loved and loved.
Oh Christmas why cannot you be everyday?
Beautiful friendship sharing the range of emotions, ideas and wonder.
"Oh, the comfort
The inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
Having neither to weigh thoughts, nor measure words
But pouring them all right out
Just as they are chaff and grain together
Certain that a faithful hand will
Take and sift them
Keep what is worth keeping
and with the breath of kindness
Blow the rest away."
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