Dancing in the Middle of the Road


When driving a car and a good song comes on,

one where I cannot use the car as a dance partner,

I pullover, abandon the car and dance.

What little weird habit do you have? Come on you can tell me!



Vicki, a reader of Tongue in Cheek, sent me an email regarding singing in the car.  
A poem by Dorianne Laux, an Oregon poet.  
Singing Back The World
"I don't know how it began.
The singing.
Judy at the wheel, 
in the middle of Sentimental Journey.
The side of her face glowing.
Her lips moving.  Beyond her shoulder
the little house sliding by.
And Geri.  Her frizzy hair
in the wind wing's breeze, fumbling
with the words.  All of us singing
as loud as we can.  Off key.
Not even a semblance of harmony.
Driving home in a blue Comet singing
I'll Be Seeing You and Love Is A Rose.
The love songs of war.  The war songs
of love.  Mixing up the verses, eras, words.
Songs from stupid musicals.
Coming in strong on the easy refrains.
Straining our middle-aged voices
trying to reach impossible notes,
reconstruct forgotten phrases.
Cole Porter's Anything Goes.
Shamelessly la la la-ing
whole sections.  Forgetting
the rent, the kids, the men,
the other woman.  The sad goodbye.
The whole of children.  Forgetting
the lost dog.  Polio.  The great planes
pregnant with bombs.  Fields
of white headstones.  All of it gone
as we struggle to remember
the words.  One of us picking up
where others leave off.  Intent
on the song.  Forgetting our bodies,
their pitiful limbs, their heaviness.
Nothing but three throats
beating back the world.  Laurie's
radiation treatments.  The scars
on Christina's arms.  Kim's brother.
Molly's grandfather.  Jane's sister.
Singing to the telephone poles
skimming by.  Stoplights
blooming green. The road
a glassy black river edged
with brilliant gilded weeds.  The car
an immense boat cutting the air
into blue angelic plumes.  Singing
Blue Moon and Paper Moon
and Mack the Knife, and Nobody
Knows The Trouble I've Seen."




17 responses to “Dancing in the Middle of the Road”

  1. well I can’t think of any wierd habits of my own(haha) but I will def. stop the car the next time I have all my kids in the car and dance in the road…maybe that’s my wierd habit-embarassing my children as much as I can!

  2. On the rare occasions that Cal football or basketball games are televised in the East, I always sing the various Cal fight songs along with the Cal Band.
    ♪♪ “Our sturdy golden bear is watching from the skies…” ♪♪

  3. Really? I have been tempted, but now you have inspired me. I looooove it!

  4. Not weird at all Corey, but amazing! I often bop in the car whilst I am driving but your idea is sooooooo much better – the next time I feel the urge to dance I will stop and do it! You have inspired me! x x x x

  5. Chris Wittmann

    I have so many wierd habits I don’t know where to begin 🙂
    I love to dance around the kitchen while holding one of my cats and listening to the great old 1930’s tunes from the Hal Roach studios (same tunes you hear played behind the old Laure & Hardy and Little Rascals films) I have that music on a cd and I just love it!

  6. You are so delightful! . . . I will be dancing in the street, thinking of you!

  7. I sing to my dog. Kippy seems to especially like one song from Les Mis and her other favorite is Kippy errr Happy Trails to You.

  8. Anjanette

    Stealing other people’s good weird habits and calling them my own!! What a great idea!!
    I used to push the breaks to the music when no one was around on Co. Rd P by the Martin Dairy (you know where Corey) to make the kids laugh when they were younger, they giggled & giggled!!


  10. I Google “Elizabeth Taylor” under news. Even though she’s gone people who knew her still share stories and experiences they had with her. To me she is a larger than life personality; unreal. The more I read about her the more real and complex she becomes to me. She is personally inspirational and reminds me to never compromise. Every now and then I find a real jewel of a story. Elizabeth Taylor Caviar Sandwich Recipe. I cannot wait to try, but I won’t be using Beluga.

  11. that is pretty funny! do you do this both in France and in the USA? i can’t think of a single weird habit, but i probably do lots of weird things..xoxo jody

  12. Well if i’m starting to feel blue I go outside and walk around the house once, trying to whistle all the way. My whistling never gets any better tho. That makes me blue.
    I love your quirky dance thing. I’ll put my Gypsy Grooves cd in the car first thing tomorrow and give it a try.

  13. labergerebasque

    I wish/pray for something and tell myself “if such and such happens…, my wish will come true.”

  14. Seriously? You mean you actually stop your car..and dance in the road? And no one has called the Gendarmes?

  15. France Forever 24/7

    I danced with my dog, but now that he’s gone, I talk to and cuddle a stuffed dog that looks exactly like him!

  16. We have a large living room and my daughter, granddaughter and dance there when a great song comes on the radio. Sometimes are hands are dripping from cooking when we run in!

  17. C – OMGoodness . . .I do this too!!!!! It annoys my children, actually it embarrasses them and they plead with me to stop. Can you see us on some back country French road dancing together (disco, yes)? Imagine that. Seriously, though, I am so glad to hear someone else does this:)

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