About a month ago my son Sacha mentioned that a film crew from his school was going to come to our house. He mentioned it like this, "Hey Mom on January thirteen can some guys from my school come over and work on a film?"
I flippantly said, "Okay." Thinking a few of his class mates would come over, sit and talk about something regarding a film for a school project. I didn't think they would actually film a film in our home, until late last night that is.
Late last night Sacha gave me the details…the crew, the actors, and his teacher would arrive around ten and stay all day.
Being a mom, living in the country, on a Sunday in France were grocery stores are closed, I asked, "Where will they have lunch?"
"Well, here of course."
"How many?"
"Counting us?" He asked.
It was when he said twelve, that I realized that my day at the brocante was not going to happen.
"Fill me in," I asked trying to look enthused, "What actually is going to take place — here — tomorrow — morning?"
Somewhere between Sacha telling me, "…we are going to film in the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the hallway, the living room and the kitchen." It hit me the invasion that was going to happen.
"Oh," was the extent of my excitment, "The whole house? I guess I am cooking lunch."
"Oh, okay, but you will need to make it quietly. Thanks Mom."
The "Thanks Mom" helped.
And so it was with cords, people, cameras, filters, sound equipment, script notes coming and going, up and down the stairs, in every space and angle, through out the day.
"Silence. Camera. Action."
A million times through out the day that is.
Chelsea, Sacha's girlfriend, French Husband and I were as quiet as mices. Made lunch in between scenes. Played cards. And watched the "Action" in silence.
Interesting and entertaining.
Late afternoon, I made enchiladas, the crew brought a green salad, we sat around the table, listening to them talk shop and had some wine.
The dessert of the day was seeing my anal son, the one who is into details. Who is not fun to watch a film with because he is constantly stopping, rewinding the film to catch or see again, a word, or a flicker of light, a nuance, or more so talk about why, or how it should have been, or what do I think of that or this… The dessert of the day was knowing that those traits are his stronghold when it comes to creating a film. He notices, and is aware of what needs to be to make it right.
At the end of the day the crew was on target completing the 12 minutes they hoped for in our home.
They gathered their equipment and headed home. Sacha hugged me tightly thanking me then said, "Hey Mom, in April I need to find an internship in media production, do you know anyone who I can work with?"
Do you? I'll cook and offer my home in exchange.
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