Friday FIlle

Corey photo
Awhile ago I promised I would post more photos of myself, I said, "I will post a photo of myself every Friday and call it Friday Fille." Well that didn't last too long. Then I went on a diet and called it, "Eat less Move More." Posting every Friday about my progress…. it took months to finally lose ten pounds. I haven't blogged about it since October. I haven't lost anything, but I haven't gained anything either. A miracle considering Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my 25th wedding anniversary have all gone by during that time.


My daughter Chelsea took this photo of me after Christmas. I was goofing off in the kitchen, she caught me in an instant how I am feeling today.


How are you feeling today?


53 responses to “Friday FIlle”

  1. Peggy from PA

    It’s very brave to post your own picture . It took me awhile to come to terms with putting myself out there on my blog but it’s a freeing feeling to finally just say..the heck with it..I am what I am. You go, girl!

  2. I like Friday Fille. I think that you are a rare authentic person. I like that.
    Today I am up and down. I am alternating between happy and sad. Perhaps there’s a beautiful French phrase for that.

  3. It’s really hard posting pictures of ourselves. It’s right up there with wearing a sleeveless too. 🙁

  4. Lana Kloch

    love the picture chelsea took of you.. i spent the morning going through the pictures of the last 30 years of my marriage.
    i did not know steve and i travelled so much and experienced a lot as well.
    the big change was how you and fresh we were. how “in shape” we were.
    we are so happy together and love each other as we are. there is a tinge of wishing i lived each moment more fully.
    i will do it now!
    lana cano kloch

  5. That would be TOP, not “too”. Serves me right for not proofing and I don’t see an edit or delete option. Alas.

  6. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I’m feeling icky. Allergies to unknown sources really messing me up.

  7. I love your reflective.
    Wish I had some glasses like you are wearing, very nice.
    I am feeling rather quiet today.

  8. Corey… that is an amazing photo that speaks volumes without showing a full face shot! I love that! A good photo of myself is on my list of things I want to do this year. Notice I said “year”! LOL I’m in no hurry!

  9. Anjanette

    I’m feeling emotionally and physically exhausted! But nothing a little wine and quilt time with my girlfriend tonight can’t cure!!
    You are G O R G E O U S!! Inside and out!!

  10. As one who hates, absolutely hates to have my photo taken, I would change my mind in a heart beat if they showed me as beautifully as this one does you. How am I feeling? Sad, frustrated, teary eyed. My Dad is failing and I cannot do anything to stop the progression. Life cycle sometimes sucks.

  11. Love seeing photos of you…it helps me picture you as you talk about your various escapades 🙂
    Today, I’m feeling tired and ready for the work week to be over. It has been COLD here and not much change in sight. Looking forward to having my husband home after a week of being out of town for business.
    Wishing you a relaxing weekend. Continuing to send up prayers for your friend (and you!).

  12. Love the picture!
    Feeling a little antsy, started counting days to retirement. Isn’t that naughty and not living-in-the- moment of me?
    Looking forward to August when I will be once again in a tiny village in the south of France.

  13. Sweets! those glasses are tres french! you are beautiful!!!

  14. Massilianana

    You look fabulous ! Your hair glows and your statement glasses really…state a lot.
    I am feeling that I am at the beginning of a change – I see ,feel,think,enjoy life differently, I feel some kind of excitement, of curiosity , of vibration…Actually I think I am ready for spring !!! 😀
    Ps : on the picture, are your hands hiding the tampons up your nose ? 😉

  15. You’re beautiful… and very chic.
    I’m feeling great – going to a cabin in the Cascade mountains with my dearest friends.
    I’m blessed.

  16. hey Corey chic blue eyed girlie girl, I’m with you on the pic thingy ~ you have to almost tie me down for one, lol, funny just the other day I felt like a wild Filly, (though not still 4 years old) running constantly! I too feel sadly reflective over love lost now ~ as mom said, for tomorrow is another day! XOXO ~ soon your winners will come for a sweet visit ~ so much LoVE

  17. I am feeling reflective,too.
    My sister in law suffers manic depression also. She is depressed at this time.
    When she is well, she is brilliant & creative. Perhaps the most “alive” person I know.
    The situation with your friend has been very sobering and I hold them both in my prayers.
    Would that we could find a cure for someone’s sorrow…
    because we know all too well that beneath the winter’s snow there – lies a rose.

  18. Judith Delgado

    You look fabulous in this picture! The glasses are striking and bold and unique…much like you 🙂
    I’m at home; no work; in the rain; trying to figure out life itself. And that’s how I’m feeling…

  19. gosh you look so beautiful and peaceful-wanted to let you and fh know all of you haven’t left our thoughts/prayers-peace be with all of you

  20. Nice photo but I’m thinking the glasses are too bold…comment from the peanut gallery. This is my day off and I overslept 2 whole hrs. DH bought me some pasteries for my tea. Then off to do some treasure hunting-found a few nice items. Got the car washed and it rained shortly after. Came home and wiped it down – nice and shiney again. We had a dinner salad, some wine…all is well. Peaceful and happy today.

  21. I like your reflective, like your look, gorgeous hair! Love your glasses . . . I am looking for new frames . . . Thinking tortoise and round . . . although dark with light hair . . . might be the choice. Thmks for being my model!

  22. teresa Cesario

    Those eyes know life to the fullest and see the most beautiful things!! What a great reflective photo. Thanks Corey!
    I’ve been trying to lose 10 pounds and it is sooo difficult at 56.

  23. I think your photo is wonderful and am saddened immensely by the fact that we don’t accept ourselves for who we are (or what we look like!).
    I’m not judging, I’m right there with you, but how did we get this way? Not happy with how we really look?
    Hopefully things will change in the future………..hopefully.

  24. A little stressed, helping a grieving relative who is depending upon me a lot for emotional support and financial advice. But…that photo of you….Corey I had no idea how beautiful your eyes are! Truly a woman who is outwardly and inwardly gorgeous.
    I hope you have some uplifting news about your friend soon.

  25. I am feeling… pensive and a little sad. I am entering a new stage of life and getting used to the growing pains! I know good things are ahead 🙂
    Have a great day, Corey! Much love from Virginia.

  26. I love Friday Fille! I am feeling vulnerable and sensitive and not particularly outgoing. I skipped my kickboxing cardio class and stayed home with scallops and shrimp and my love. It feels good to hide inside on this cold night in Iowa! Reflective and sad and happy both, thinking of your friend and you. Much love.

  27. I love your makeup, eyes are smoking. Oh so shallow of me )))
    Talented daughter. Great picture.

  28. Corey, you have such beautiful hands! Lovely photo. I have never felt comfortable having my picture taken, avoid it at all costs. Thankful that my wedding photos turned out good, but I was young then. Now, when I see a picture of myself . . .i wince . . .who is that I think.
    Reflective is my mood too. Today thinking of 2012 – it was a year of huge loss for me. Hoping for a happier 2013, but praying your friend is better.

  29. So much apprehensiveness in your face. Although you say Chelsea snapped this picture a few weeks ago, it conveys that perhaps you were already concerned re your friend’s potentially bleak future. As Jeannie says below, “Life cycle sometimes sucks.”

  30. Pretty lady. I’m praying for you and your friend. I hope you have a good weekend.

  31. Laurie SF

    Oh, that photo of you….
    makes me want to sit across a table from you.

  32. karen Mitcham-Stoeckley

    Feeling blessed with good friends, the love of God and and feeling rested and feeling anticipation as I head out to Trans en Provence to the Brocante! Now if someone would just buy my Bistro and B&B and winery in Missouri I would feel elated that I could stay longer than 6 months in Provence!!!! Sending up prayers for your dear friend that he may also feel selfworth and hope for the future. Karen

  33. Hello beautiful Corey,
    You are lovely, but I think these glasses are too dark for your face. You should try them in a lighter shade. Please keep up the Friday pictures! You should read the January 23 blog post of another blogger I am fond of, The Yarn Harlot ( She too is not fond of taking or posting pictures of herself.

  34. jend’isère

    Her camera lens mysteriously portrays you like a telescope looking out and microscope looking in.


    Ulla took the words right out of my mouth, “tres French lady, tres chic.” I love the glasses. I’m celebrating 2013 as 2012 was quite stressfull. Hubs ans I faced 2012 one crises after another and then the death of his Mother. I am itching for spring, the smell of my roses as I savor a cup of cafe a lait in my garden. Prayers for peace for you, FH, and your beloved friend.

  36. Reflective, a good word, that is exactly how I feel.

  37. 24/7 in France

    Being reflective is a good thing – Soul searching helps me to think things through for clarity, especially before making decisions and/or analyzing feelings.

  38. I am feeling a bit nervous and somewhat guilty. Here I am, wintering in Florida, and my father has taken ill. My mother and sisters are with him, and have emphatically told me to stay put. So – for the time-being I am. I just don’t like it.

  39. I like your glasses!
    Me today? …We are starting to research colleges with my son and planning visits to some and it’s odd and sad to be putting enthusiastic effort into what really is his leaving home, his flying from the nest. I am going to be one lonely momma bird when that day comes. I know it’s a good thing, and I look to people like you to see that it will be fine, but can’t we just go back to when he was two and do it all over again? I want a replay!

  40. Julie Loeschke

    Praying for you and your friend.

  41. KAMFreeman

    The picture, Corey, like the old saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”…Chelsea captured something very poignant of you in this one….reflective times, prayer filled times….with your world-wide circle of readers and friends I hold you in sweet thoughts as I go about my days. Ever thankful for the sharing of heart that comes to me from you…..Kristin

  42. La Contessa

    THAT GIRL CAUGHT YOU BEAUTIFULLY!!!!!!!I assume “FILLE” means girl in FRENCH?I know I KNOW!I know not one word, but MERCI!LOVELY PHOTO and GREAT GLASSES!How funny you mentioned the “MOve more EAT LESS” as I was thinking about that yesterday!Tis hard after an age to melt it away…….I’m going to exercise class and feel better and feel I look better but still weight the same I do believe but the BUTT and legs and under arms are firmer……so that feels good.If this helps you I was 124 when I married 27 years ago I now am 162!!I would love to be 140………..that day will NEVER come back unless I become sick and as MY 87 year old MOTHER says <"THE FAT MAKES YOU LOOK YOUNGER!"So, dont you think about it anymore..........walk like a FRENCH woman every where and cook to your hearts content............xoxox

  43. Heather Lindstrom

    Corey-you are a doll! I love this shot of you~so reflective. I think the glasses are a bold statement. I like it. I recently tried one of those ‘what I’m wearing’ posts (it was a bit of a flop but it was fun writing about the experience).
    It’s raining in Chico this morning. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
    Cheers, Heather

  44. The Pliers

    That’s a great idea, Friday Fille!
    You look sensational and your glasses are the bomb!

  45. Grandson is in Afghanistan, Granddaughter-in-law
    is coming for lunch today. I feel very happy………
    I feel very sad.

  46. A picture … worth a thousand words.
    Chelsea captured the moment beautifully.
    Thinking of you every day, my friend.

  47. Chris Wittmann

    Nice shot Corey, you look very pensive 🙂
    How am I feeling today?
    Freezing cold, that’s how…it’s been 10-20 below zero here with the wind chill, even though the sun was out today it didn’t get much about 9 degrees.
    I would say I am feeling like a popsicle and am getting sick of having to wear socks in bed and keep my fattest cat on my pillow just to keep my head warm 🙂

  48. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    I am feeling pretty today. New hair cut and color shading. Was feeling like a hag before I went to the hair salon today. Love your eyes.

  49. Beatnheart

    so pretty and sexy in this pic…love your big blue eyes and eyeliner and those glasses and those pretty looking rings…all in all an interesting looking woman who i would probably stare at in public.

  50. Brenda, Walker, LA

    The frames on your glasses captured your eyes so perfectly. This will be a most treasured photograph of yourself, especially years from now! Beautiful…

  51. superbe Corey, I love it !!

  52. Those glasses are flippin’ AWESOME!! So, soooo Cocopuffalicious.

  53. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Revisiting the comments here to see what other people wrote. We’re feeling all over the place, huh? But largely feeling effects of winter and blues about loved ones and loss. Also people seem to be all over the place about your specs!

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