Saturday Art Saves: Ann Wood

ava and finn

Photo Source Ann Wood

Every Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may.

Ann Wood is one of them.



caged bird

Photo Source Ann Wood


Years ago when I first started blog, I stumbled upon Ann Wood's blog, she posted about her art and her feather creations. I was captivated by her sweet little birds… Love Birds. 


letty and lou

Photo Source Ann Wood


I peeked into her blog regularly … knowing it guaranteed a smile. I was never disappointed. Her feather creations, no two alike, were charming.


family of birds

Photo Source Ann Wood


Whole flocks would appear and disappear,



packing and shipping

Photo Source Ann Wood




The little friends sold quickly.

It was understandable.


park wedding procession

Photo Source Ann Wood


Wedding parties marched in, as the love birds flew away.

Ann's art tickled me. Her photos always delightful, imaginative, & child like.


tiny boutonniere

Photo Source Ann Wood

Ann created each bird by hand. And made the world’s tiniest boutonniere.



Photo Source Ann Wood

Ann Wood lives in Brooklyn, where she creates art for pleasure and livelihood.  Ann creates with, "...mostly found, and salvaged materials, many of them vintage or antique garments."


ballgown3 ballgown 4

 ballgown 2 ballgown 5

Photo Source Ann Wood



Ann Wood goes on to say, "There is a kind of affection and tenderness in the re-use and re-purposing of things that were once personal and perhaps treasured possessions. Much of my inspiration comes from these materials as well as from many of the ideas I have been infatuated with my whole life : smallness, intricacies, miniaturization, collections, repetition; lost or abandoned things discovered and rescued; the idea of haunted and enchanted places, things and creatures; the setting of a tiny stage."




Photo Source Ann Wood

I think Ann started blogging in 2004… Her art includes teacups, horses, spiders, boats, owls, castles, paper mache silverware… oh so many little sweet things. 

I loved her collections, her hunts, her flea market finds, her scraps, her sharing HOW TO recreate her art! Sharing her ideas, her tricks, her talent… step by step. 

Amazing generosity.





Photo Source Ann Wood

Ann Wood never disappoints each season the flock arrives well dress, acorn hats this winter are the style. 


For More Information click on any link under each photo or follow here:


Contact Information

Ann Wood








17 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: Ann Wood”

  1. They are wonderful! I particularly like the wedding party and the little guy with the top hat. Also love her work space, with those big, shuttered 19th century windows.

  2. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    So creative. Love her apartment. Helps with the creative juices to have old windows and floors. Glad you shared.

  3. Meg Mitchell

    What beautiful little treasures. So lovingly created. Thanks for sharing Ann’s talent with your readers Corey.

  4. OMG those are too cute

  5. Delightful!

  6. Love seeing whimsy in art and Ann certainly portrays that in what she does. Oh how I would love to see more of her repurposed clothes. It does inspire me to think of this. I think you pinned a picture of a dress made from old sweaters and that idea is still simmering in my head.

  7. Thank you for the smile. I needed that!

  8. Anne’s blog was one of the first I ever read, back when I didn’t know what a blog was. Her artwork has continued to inspire and delight me over the years. She is one of those artists that you’d love to have in your neighborhood and invite over for tea in the garden. 🙂

  9. “what an inspiration” ~ Ann Wood’s blog, reminds me of when I used to play in the sand dunes on the beach and make beautiful cakes out of weeds, seaoats, old feathers left from the sandpipers, seaweed, and sticks~ LoVe it ~ !!! :-))

  10. Wow-Thank you for sharing,this art, many of us may not of seen otherwise- How Creative is she-those lil birdies are so cute- what great gifts-decorations-accents they are- I hope she sells well-they are just darling.
    Love your Blog-Karryann

  11. Merisi in Vienna

    Ann Wood’s creations are like balsam for the soul, a delight for the senses!
    Thank you both for this wonderful post,

  12. I just want to hold one of those! Thanks for sharing this.

  13. What fun!

  14. Jill Flory

    How totally adorable! Love those little guys!

  15. 24/7 in France

    The acorn “beret” and scarf bird is great!

  16. Marie-Noëlle

    Those little birdies are adorable… The wedding ones make me think of Peynet…
    I just LOVE them !!!


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