Fifty Five on the Fourth

Birthday cakes whipperberry
photo source via Whipper Berry


Holy Mother of God,

Fifty five sounds old.

I don't feel old.





Cupcake Birthday
photo source: Lakshmi


And I know it is just a number…

A number closer to seventy,

than to forty…

I remember forty wasn't it last week?



photo source Fraulein Klein



Fifty five.

Annie called this morning to wish me a Happy Birthday. I told her, "I am 55 today." She said, "Oh you're young!" Of course she thinks anyone under eighty five in young.

My mother in law called to wish me a Happy Birthday, I told her, "I am 55, and it sounds old…" She said, "Its just the beginning. But you are still young." My mother in law never ages, never. So it easy for her to say, "You are still young." Especially, when she can beat me at any race.


photo source Maggie Austin

I want Maggie Austin to come make me a birthday cake, fifty five tiers high.

When you are fifty five years old, you can have your cake and eat it too, only if you can blow out the candles all at once.



Birthday candles
photo source Herriot Grace


I told the two little neighbor boys, who come over a few times a week to play cards in English with me, "Its my birthday today, I am 55!" They looked at each other and then looked at me… I knew what they were thinking, I was eight years old a few years ago, back then I thought everyone over twenty was old.

"We can count to fifteen maybe twenty." They looked worried.



Birthday pop
photo source La Formula del Biscotto


I am having giveaways all this week in celebration of what is number 1

(55, 5 +5 = 10, 10, 1+0 = 1 and so I am ONE HAPPY YOUNG THING!)

I will pick a few comments tomorrow and send a birthday gift in advance.


How old are you



Click on any link under each photo to taste sweetness.








194 responses to “Fifty Five on the Fourth”

  1. Happy Happy Birthday!
    I’ve read your wonderful blog for years. Thank you for sharing your joys and sorrows all packaged in words of love and wrapped up in beautiful photographs.
    (I will be 60 shortly. Eeeek!)

  2. Happy Birthday Corey! I am right behind you I will be 55 on 5-1 🙂 Enjoy your day.

  3. Happy Day . . .
    Happy Year . . .
    Happy fifty five . . . such a fun age to say,
    “Hey there . . . I am 55 today . . . “. Shout it to the rooftops!
    I have a June birthday and it will be seventy four for me . . . 74, oh my . . .
    Happy to be alive, living, enjoying!
    Back to you, be happy . . . Love each minute!

  4. Libby Ingram

    Happy Birthday!
    I will be 58 on the last day of July.
    55 was a wonderful year for me. I hope it will be for you, too!

  5. 55, old? Wait til you are 65 like me. But truly they are just numbers. You will always be young at heart, Corey, and I hope I will be too. The key is a curious mind and love
    of life!!! Happy Birthday!! It sure beats the alternative.
    ps I love Chelsea’s boots in yesterdays photo post.

  6. Hi Corey happy birthday! I will be 63 in August, and I surrender!!!! There is no consolation for the numbers, but feeling great and diving into the inexhaustible richness of ordinary life is the best antidote.Your blog is a great “diving in” place.Thanks!!! Cindy

  7. Double nickels! that’s what my dad called it and it sounded so much better than the “half a hundred” he called 50! Happy Day to you…I’ll be 60 on May 12th…I have to keep saying it out loud to get used to it… when in my head…maybe 19! smooches

  8. Happy Happy Birthday Corey!!! And wishes for many more for you. I just turned 64 on the 10th. That gives me a year to figure out all those pesky Medicare choices. I think 80 sounds old, not 55! Thank you so much for your daily blog. It is a treat.

  9. Alan from Chicago

    Happy Birthday Corey
    Your are right it is just a number. Some people feel old at 18 and some feel young at 90. I will be 69 on 4 March.

  10. Happy Birthday, Corey! I remember when I turned 50 (some time ago as I’ll be 73 on Friday). I was still working and one of our engineers gave me a card that said “50 doesn’t hurt”. And the frosting on THAT birthday cake was one of our women engineers had her first baby that day – I took half a day off, bought a tiny baby ring at the jewelers, went to the hospital and was the first person (outside members of her family) to hold her. I hope that your day is as special as you are.

  11. becky up a hill

    Happy Birthday from one ‘Valley Girl’ to another. Valley as in Sacramento valley that is, where the swans, honkers, ducks and even mud hens..sing you a Merry Birthday~

  12. Happy Birthday, Corey
    I will be 72 on May 6. (Does that date ring a bell?) I think middle age begins at 65 and OLD doesn’t begin until 80 at the earliest. I don’t plan on being old until then.

  13. Happy Birthday you chickadee you! I will be 55 on July 8 so don’t tell ME I am old!
    I wish you smiles and laughs and a dance or two around the living room.
    I wish you kisses and hugs and jokes and good food and company.
    I wish you love.
    P.S. and a nice visit with Rose and Barry!

    You ARE young! You are young in spirit and in your heart. You are vibrant, passionate and giving. Does that sound old? NON NON NON!! Don’t allow the numbers to define you; DEFINE the number yourself. I hope your day is as fabulous as you are.
    …and that you had some of that beautiful cake!

  15. Happy Birthday Corey. On November 17th, I, too, will be 55. It does sound “old” to me too but I don’t feel old. One of my tips for staying “young” is dancing. I listen to music while I get ready for work (or doing housework) and I DANCE. It makes me happy.

  16. Happy Birthday Corey! As my brother in law would say, “half way to 110”. Live it up, celebrate and be thankful you can. Catch me if you can….I’m 59.

  17. Happy Birthday, Corey!!! Have a wonderful day! 55 is not old, you are proof of that. 🙂 Thank you for faithfully posting on your blog even when you probably don’t feel like it. It’s been a blessing to me and I look forward to it every day! I think you should have a birthday week instead of a birth day, so enjoy yourself and may 55 be full of peace, joy and all your heart desires! xoxo

  18. Whew, you already know how old I am so I don’t have to admit it on the internet

  19. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    Happy Birthday my beautiful friend!!!
    A wonderful age!! You are moving closer
    to being a wise ol’ sage. There is merit
    in that!
    I remember being 55, and what changes occured during that time. A memorable time….
    Enjoy today..and eat anything that makes you smile!!
    love, love

  20. I turned 53 in September. I studied gerontology in college which helps bring some perspective on what is old.

  21. haPPy birTHday sunshine…may magic happen….all year long..!!

  22. Bella – Happy Birthday! Mine is Dec. 20. I think of myself as 39 with 7 years experience! XOXO

  23. Brother Mathew

    Hope your day has been happy!

  24. Happy Birthday Corey – I hope it’s truly delicious!
    My birthday is March 26 and I’ll be 52…. I hope it isn’t “the terrible fifty-twos” I’ve heard about!

  25. Happy Birthday young Corey! I can say young for the light in your eyes, the lift in your step, the song in your voice, the love in your words, the hope in your spirit.. The healthy body you are protecting, the life you give and share. All that indicates the moving upwards and out….not turning inwards. You blossom by day, glowing at night. Yes Corey, YOUR 55 is YOUNG!
    I am 60, my birthday is April 26. oxoxo jody

  26. Oops, I hit send prematurely….. Have a very wonderful and happy day Corey! My you be blessed for the blessings you, jody

  27. Happy Birthday! 57 on 25 (this month)

  28. “Auntie”

    -chuckle- On March 26th, I will be 76.
    Heh, heh, heh… Guess you can figure that I’ll tell you, not to be silly, about 55!

  29. Happy Birthday. You’ve managed to cram a lot of life into 55 years! Keep it up.
    I’ll be 50 (that sounds old) on Feb. 23.

  30. It’s my year to turn 55 as well — this October. I feel so much younger than my parents were at this age and wonder if they felt that way too.
    Happy Birthday, thanks for your daily inspiration and joy!

  31. 55. My father-in-law calls it, “double nickels.”
    Me? Turned 59 in January.
    Happy birthday, Corey!

  32. Oh, Happy Birthday to you Corey! You are so correct that attitude is everything. I will be 63 in twenty-two more days. Love your blog, your brocante stories—-all of it!
    Happy Day…………Marie


    hmmmm I remember 55!.I turn 64 on the day 5th of Feb. so we almost share a birthday! I still can’t believe I’ll be this age – I feel the same as I did at 34! (well, almost, haha)
    I love the number 1 – we are all a beautiful NUMBER ONE!!
    Happy Birthday to the best NUMBER ONE birthday girl!!

  34. Ed in Willows

    Happy Birthday Young lady !! I will be turning 56 on April 5. I know what you mean about being 40 just the other day. It seems that the older we get, the faster time goes by. At this rate, I’ll be 70 in about a week. Hope you are having a great day. HUGGS

  35. HA! 55! You have no idea, you sweet young thing! I turned xx on January 2, and I can’t even say it out loud (or in print!) just yet. But … it’s not so bad, really … I’m realizing that I’m still the same, just been here a little longer. Should be getting wiser any minute! Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Corey – have your cake – enjoy every bite of your 55th year!

  36. Happy Birthday, Corey. I turned 56 in October. It’s just a number, as you say, but once in awhile, the number rises up to haunt my mind and I can’t believe I’ve lived this many years! Here’s to the next 55!

  37. Happy Birthday Blonde Bombshell!
    When asked of your age, wow them, by adding twenty years to the number. The response is sure to be “Wow! You look fabulous!”
    So, according to the birthday formula, I turned 66 on New Year’s Day and I feel fabulous..xo

  38. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Happy and blessed birthday, May it be filled with new beginnings and all your hearts desires come true ( As Many of them have) You are a truly blessed lady and have a lot to thank God for!
    My Bday is Aug 30th….when I was a kid and when I was teaching it always fell on first day of school!
    Fifty Five is a very good year!

  39. Happy birthday corey….55 is a perfect age. this year i will be 67.really. so i said to myself ‘self ,what do you want for thisyears birthday?’ and self said ‘i want to go to the south of france to paint!’ so on may 7th i am headed over! i always think of my birthday as my new year…open to whatever i invite in!

  40. In 9 months I will be 60. It will be okay. I promise. I keep thinking that if i weren’t this age,what age would I be and from where would I have gotten the experiences that have molded me? Happy Happy Birthday! I hope the day is filled with joy and blessings and that the year is made up of all things wonderful! xo marlis

  41. Happy Birthday Blessings to you. I will be 53 in June, and i think i AM NOT 53, then to my neck region i say, “how can you betray me so???” haaha, as long as WE dont FEEL it. thats what matters. Enjoy your special day! xo from st. johns, michigan

  42. La Contessa

    You may be 55 but you have more energy and spark then a lot of 22 year olds!Whatever your recipe is KEEP ON DOING IT!You are an ABSOLUTE JOY to hear from on a daily basis………..HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  43. Happy Birthday Corey! 55 sounds wonderfully young to me and I’m just 58!
    I worry a little about approaching 60 and how that will be. But I actually remember that I thought I was old when I turned 16, so I guess it’s just a matter of perspective!
    Joyeux anniversaire!

    Best wishes for a wonderful year.
    My 55th birthday was in December. I am very thankful for each one.
    Many thanks for your wonderful blog!

  45. Dear Corey,
    Take heart! I turned 56 on January 12, so no matter what happens, you will always be younger than me!
    When I come to visit you can introduce me as your much older American friend.
    Have a Happy Birthday!

  46. Oh to be 55 again! I was 65 on my
    last birthday and I can still hardly
    grasp that I have lived that many
    years. It seems they have flown by.

  47. Happy Birthday, fellow Aquarian! I just turned 54 on January 29. Many Blessings!

  48. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COREY!!! You are a very young 55! I turned 64 in December. Like you said – It’s just a number. A big number! 🙂 Just kidding. Hope you have a perfect day.

  49. About a thousand years ago I was 28. I really liked 28 so I kept it for a long time. Then one morning there was a long piece of grey hair scotch taped to the bathroom mirror with a post it note from my husband
    “guess you can’t be 28 anymore” !!
    My next birthday came round and I decided to be 36. Next came 52. I am still 52, have been for some time now. My plan is to remain 52 for the rest of my life.
    (I will never have grey hair again either)
    Happy Birthday Corey (55 is perfect, you should keep it)

  50. Massilianana

    Joyeux Anniversaire Corey ! Wishing you all the best and rivers of champagne to celebrate. I totally agree with you age is just a number, all that matters is how curious of life one is, how much desire we have, how joyous we choose to be. I will be 48 on June 12th. Getting close to the big 5.0 and I feel like 25 !
    Have a great evening !

  51. Happy Birthday Corey!
    Between my youngest sister Cathy and I, born on the same day, 2 October, there are nine years difference.
    This is eleventy one when you add up our respective ages…51 and 60 respectively…sheesh. Sort of like Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.

  52. Happy Birthday, Corey!
    I’m just a couple of years behind you. I will be 53 in November of this year, so I guess that makes me 7 right now and 8 in November, right!? Love your math 😉

  53. Happy Birthday -corey is the birthday girl -birthday girl- corey is the birthday girl all through the day-this is what my mom would sing on our birthdays at first sight-i hope all your dreams come true-fifty five is the new thirty five-darn you are young!!-i am 49-october is the big 50 for me -with love

  54. May the next 55 be full of joy, love and laughter! The numbers become meaningless after about 30, I think. Happy birthday and lots of love!

  55. ChicagoSheila

    I will be 52 in March…Over 50 IS old, but in a good way, and I wouldn’t go back! I love the security, the lessened doubts, the higher self-esteem, and the overall comfort of being over 50!! Life is good!

  56. Happy, Happy Birthday.
    Hope you get to have a lovely, long phone call or ichat with your mom. She is remembering today as well.
    Age is relative. It all depends on your age as to what is “old” and what is “young”. I’ll turn 66 this year. The only time I feel the least bit old is when I look in the mirror or when I try to keep up with my grandchildren.
    Celebrate and enjoy. You’ll never be younger than you are today. Treasure every moment.

  57. Laurie Hodson

    Happy Birthday Corey,
    You are young at heart and that is the most important. I turned 61 on the 15th of December-I still think I’m in my 20’s although I feel like 100 sometimes. Enjoy your day and celebrate.

  58. You share a birthday with my son (he is 16 today!) 55 is quite young!!!
    I’m going to be 39 on October 24th and it feels like just yesterday that I was my son’s age and my Dad surprised me with a trip to NY to see Johnny Maestro. I had no idea what was coming. They started playing and at one point said something along the lines of “we have a very special someone in the audience that we’d like to dedicate this song to her on her sweet 16th AND we also have a signed album for her. Kelly, will you please come up here?” I was mortified!!!!! (I was a shy kid.) That said, I was appreciative of what my Dad did and I truly treasure the memory. Birthdays to me are a way to celebrate another year alive, not just a countdown.
    May this be the start of a wonderful year for you.
    Happy birthday, Corey.

  59. Happy Birthday Corey! I hope your day is wonderful!
    P.S. I turn 55 in April. The first person who calls me a “Senior” is gonna be sorry 😉

  60. WHoo-eee! HaPpY BirThDAy !! We are both at those big-scary number birthdays, only my number is bigger! I’m 63 and often wonder how on earth this happened! I, too, remember when any number over 30 was squarely in the “older than dirt” category. Now I’m there and don’t feel old – and woe to the old guy who calls me “young lady”.
    enjoy your cake – however many layers it is. I’d take any one of the delicious-looking treats in this post.

  61. Well I’m late to birthday greetings party but I did want to wish you a Happy Birthday and many blessings for the coming year.
    I have heard that there is a country somewhere in the East that when it is one’s birthday, one gives gifts to everyone else. You have been such a gift to me.
    I do want to thank you for your inspiration, your thoughtfulness, your photos, your weight loss :). It has been a wonderful gift to get to know you through your blog. I’ve been blessed, really and truly. Thank you so much.
    Someday I hope to meet you in person but if not, I know in the life to come that I’ll be able to have a long chat with you.

  62. Aquarius! Happy Birthday, Corey, fellow Aquarian! I turned 66 on January 23rd. I find that I carry all my ages with me in my memories and dreams. I woke up this morning remembering my room on the rue de Sevigne in Paris when I was 29. Age is a worthy accumulation of living.
    Your 55 sounds great to me. You have maturity, wisdom, grace, a deep appreciation for life, a generous spirit with an unerring eye for beauty. You have made of your life a work of art and as you put it so well, art saves!

  63. Peggy Braswell

    My mom used to say “inside every ** year old there is an 18 year old screaming to get out”.(you fill in the age)+ Now I believe her + she was so wise!

  64. HAPPY #55! I will be the 70 you mentioned in March. Will you send me some of these goodies? I am treating myself to a gift of a four day adventure to San Francisco. Maybe I will find some special sweets to treat myself too. I know I will find some tea.

  65. Karen@PasGrand-Chose

    Happy happy birthday, Corey!! How lovely to have Chelsea (& hopefully Sacha too?) with you. I’m not far behind you … 55 in December, eek!
    I’m so with you on that fabulous fluffy white cake – surely my own dream birthday cake too xxx

  66. Natalie Thiele

    I turned 60 in December. I remember when my mother turned 80. She said, “I can do the math, but I still can’t believe I’m 80!”
    I know what she means. I am just an old looking 16 year old.
    Funny, we all age, yet it feels so personal and individual when aging happens to me.
    Oh well, it feels good to be alive!
    Happy birthday!

  67. Happy Birthday!!!!! Capricorn, my birthday was on December 31 and I turned 66. Have just the best day ever, filled with family, friends and lots of cake!!!

  68. Happy Birthday…you’re leading the way for me. I’ll be 53 this year. And yes it feels old. But I know it also feels freeing. Each year I feel less constrained by “shoulds”.

  69. I am 52 years old. What I can’t get my head around is that both Mick Jagger and Keith RIchard turn 70 this year. And they are still touring.

  70. Happy, Happy Birthday, Corey! You are young. I can remember when you turned 50 – it seems like that just happened. Where did the time go?
    I turned 62 on January 24th. Yikes! I hope I get to retire sometime in the next few years. You look great for 55!

  71. Happy Birthday Coco!
    Love + hugs, Mardog.

  72. Happy Birthday Corey !!
    I will be 30+25 this summer too. I am still shocked when I am talking to someone and I think “She’s about my age” only to find out they are 38.
    Well you know you are old when for your birthday your friends get you a handsome stripper who pops out of a giant cake and all you can think is “There just better be a real cake in there too”.

  73. Happy Birthday! Sto lat!, Corey.
    55 – double five. May it bring you double fun, double joy of life, double wisdom, double luck, double love and double of everything good.
    My birthday is on August 23rd. I’ll be 48. In my heart and in my head, I feel more like 28 ;-).

  74. Corey,
    Fifty-five IS young, and I hope that you live happily and healthily to one hundred and five! Bonne Fete.
    L (57)

  75. congratulations! what a glorious number… I will be 43 next month on the 9th. I got here in the blink of my eye but even more surprising is that my babies my twins will be 13 this may – how did I get there?

  76. Hope you have a marvellous birthday Corey! Many happy returns – you do realise I would love to be 55 again and there I would stay! I had my birthday on 19th January, shared with E A Poe, although I am considerably younger at 68. I have over the last 5 years celebrated the dual event with a Black Hat Diva outing and this year “Nevermore” the raven joined us! Wish I could post a photo here. Whatever age, we must always have fun!

  77. Happy Birthday, Corey! We are close in age and very often I think about another year passing as I will celebrate on May 7th. Age – the realization hits hard as I gaze in the mirror. Where has all the time gone? I prefer to hold on to that motto, “The best is yet to come!”.
    I hope your day was wonderful!

  78. I double Zosia’s comment Corey. I like the idea of doubling up. Live Big!!!

  79. Jill Flory

    Happy Happy Birthday Corey!!! 55 gets younger all the time – teehee!
    My birthday is May 29th – and I will be 39. And yes, I am feeling not-so-young anymore so I can understand how you feel a little! But really, it is just a number right??!!
    I hope you get to eat something totally yummy and fun for your birthday – living in France that should be a pretty easy thing to do!

  80. Erin Perry

    Actually my birthday is this Thursday – don’t you love having a February birthday?! I’ll be 61 and don’t feel old at all. I often think my life didn’t even really begin until my fifties and it just keeps getting better and better. Bonne Annee!

  81. kathleen (OR)

    Happy Birthday Corey!
    My birthday is in June, I’ll be 52, although I had decided since the last decade was full of stress and went by in a blur that I could call a do-over on my 40’s.
    One of the things that I question is how to dress for over 40? The outfit Chelsea is wearing in yesterdays post is so cute with the grey tights and ankle boots.

  82. Beatnheart

    Happy Birthday Corey!
    me? just passed a even bigger milestone, in fact so huge I can hardly believe it myself sometimes…if you think 55 is old wait till you hit 60…almost unreal.
    The key is to keep physically fit and active…and limber…without these things your body falls apart and then the fun factor fails considerably…I am still a teenager in my mind but my body knows better.

  83. I will be 41 on the 18th of May. Some days that feels okay but most days these days it’s hard as I had desperately hoped to be a mom by now after many struggles and I know it’s going to be at least another year or two as we are finally just beginning the process of adoption but I know the wait will be worth it when our family is finally complete with our baby in our arms.

  84. Susan young

    In July I’ll be 63… So U ARE très jeune, Corey!!!!!

  85. Kathy Barrick

    Happy Birthday Sweet Corey! I hope you have a wonderful day with those you love!
    My birthday is December 27th and I just turned 56. So, I can tell you from experience, 55 leaves as quickly as it arrives. I too hate these high numbers, but I figure it beats any alternative.

  86. wishes w bliss 4 your B’day ~ from FL. ~

  87. Happy Birthday, Dear Corey! Much like the speed limit, old changes. 55 used to be the speed limit, now it is 75. My Gram always said that old is 20 years older than yourself. 🙂 I wish you 55 glorious days of fun and sweet treats, mind you, sweets include treasures from the brocante. I will be 60 in September. I remember 40, 50 was a blur, but I am going to start doing all the things I said I would do when I “got big” in my 60th year. Party on!

  88. Wishing you a blessed birthday, beautiful Corey! You are bursting with vibrant life! I’ll begin my 38th year (as a cancer free survivor!) in a few weeks on March 6 and you’ve inspired me to find the beautiful moments in each of my days. Thank you!

  89. Corey, I turned 68 yesterday (Feb 3). In fact, for a few hours we had a birthday at the same time because of the time change between France and Florida. I feel much younger this year than I did last year. It is all a change of attitude!!! Wishing you a very fantastic year.

  90. On the 19th of February, I will be 48, more than forty, not quite fifty. Happy birthday Corey!

  91. Happy Birthday, dear Corey! I will be 59 on March 27. It does indeed sound ooooold! You are young! You live life
    with a passion that many 21 year olds could not match! xo
    Happy Day and many, many more.

  92. Happy Birthday Corey! I loved my fifties because I had finally become the person that I had always strived to be. It all came together – career, confidence, and an understanding that only comes with age. You are smack in the middle of a most exciting decade. I am now 68 and I don’t think I’ll ever feel old. Just enjoy.

  93. sue at naperville now

    Happy double nickels, Corey — you look mahvelous.

  94. RebeccaNYC

    Happy Birthday Corey!! I know exactly how you feel, because I will turn 55 in March. I’m still 27 inside! (except for my knees…inside they are 103!) HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! oxoxoxo

  95. I just turned 53! I feel like I’m just beginning – I got a great new job (even at my age!) – Terrific and wonderful things happen to us in our 50’s! 55 sounds great for you! Happy Birthday – you are an inspiration to us all! Jamie V in MT

  96. Robin Williams

    Chap would say you are double nickels – 5 cents plus 5 cents! That’s what he sent to me when I turned 55. Now, ten years later, I am wondering what he will send?!?
    Many happy returns…..

  97. betty parker

    Happy Birthday!
    Wish I was 55! I think I may be your oldest “commenter” today. i will be 71 in June.
    I love Janet’s idea of claiming a year and keeping it for several years.
    Your writing warms my heart and blesses my soul.

  98. Happy Birthday Corey! If I could eat cakes like those pictured I wouldn’t care how old I was. I celebrated 6 decades this year and as the saying goes it’s better than the alternative. I’m thankful for every day, those I’ve lived and those still to come.


    Birthday greetings from New Zealand!
    Gosh, I am amazed at how many others of your readers are a similar age….great minds obviously think alike!
    I will be 54 in April. so I am catching up!
    Have a wonderful year ahead….
    Happy thoughts are coming to you from the other side of the world

  100. Happy Birthday, lovely Corey!!! May your special day and month be filled with delight! I will be 55 in April. It does seem like time is marching on and yet I feel pretty much the same except for little aches and pains. I have so much to be grateful for, including your presence through your blog!! Cheers, P.

  101. Happy Birthday Corey!
    Greetings from a soon to be 50 year old(August)Canadian.
    Love your blog…Best wishes.

  102. Happy Birthday Corey!
    I will be 48 in a few days 🙂

  103. Best wishes for a beautiful birthday & many more. Love the gorgeous treats you posted for us to ogle. My 55 is this August. As long as we keep creating and trying new things we aren’t really getting any older!

  104. I too will be 55 this coming May. Turning 50 didn’t cause any problems, but geting closer to 60? I feel like I am getting closer & closer to my Parent’s age.

  105. PS. as soon as I pressed the post button I realized I had forgotten the most important words…Happy Birthday! May you be blessed with many joyful days ahead.

  106. Happy Birthday Corey! I hope you have a wonderful year. My birthday is the beginning of March and I’ll be 29. And just a few months after that – I’ll be moving back home, so next time you’re in Willows we will have to get together.

  107. Happy Birthday, Corey! I’m right behind you – I’ll be 55 in May. Remember when you helped me celebrate the big 3-0 in Paris? Baby Benjamin was only 5 months old 🙂 I really do think that life gets sweeter as the years fly by, not because problems melt away but because we learn to see and hold dear what really matters. And what is more precious than old friends, who know us so well and help us cope during trying times as well as share our deepest joys? Here’s to you, and to all the happiness (not to mention, words of wisdom) you bring to all of your readers! xoxo

  108. Happy Birthday,Corey!!!! It is all good……have an extra glass of wine and watch the sunset….
    blessings,missy from the bayou

  109. Happy Birthday, Corey. I am 64 – a Beatles birthday. So much better than the next one which iis the Medicare birthday. But really age is just a number, right?

  110. Happy, happy Birthday! I will be 44 on September 6th. Every year gets better and better.

  111. Happy Birthday Corey, I guess 55 is the new 40! I hope you had a fabulous Birthday with lots of champagne and those decadent French pastries and cakes over there.

  112. Happy Birthday Corrie!!!
    I don’t think 55 is old any more… When I was in grade 4 or 5, I remember calculating that I would be 35 in the year 2000, and thinking I’d be ancient and that my life would be over. The folly of youth! I didn’t even start having kids until 37! My 47th birthday was this past November (haven’t had any birthday cake yet, so somehow it doesn’t feel official).
    You wear it well Corrie — on you, 55 is a beautiful age.
    Hope you celebrated your birthday with love and joy — and really, really great cake!

  113. Hope your day was perfect! Annie is right fifty-five is young still. I’ll be sixty-five on October 24th. Sixty -four is tough beacause of that darned Beatles song. Wiill you still need me, will you still feed me…. ???? Can’t wait to turn 65.

  114. Oh Corey!
    I’ve been thinking about Corrie tonight, and my fingers just did the typing — I apologize profusely. (Corrie is one of my guilty passions…)
    So, take 2:
    Joyeux anniversaire chère Corey!!

  115. Happy Sweet 16 girlfriend. I hope you partied ’til dawn. I’ll be 3 years your junior on August 31.

  116. I was just looking in the mirror this morning with wondering eyes as to where this neck came from. Oh my it looks like it belongs on the Thanksgiving turkey. I really don’t feel old…but I will be 60 in August. Not bad for a girl who was told she wouldn’t make it to 30 due to her health issues. Ain’t that a kick in the pants! Happy 55, you look wonderful and French husband will help keep you young.

  117. Happy happy day. Your youth is infectious! Thank you! And I turned 48 in December… so far liking it very much.

  118. You’re just beginning to live! 61 on April 2nd and I know that I’m still young! Happy Birthday!

  119. stadtgarten

    Happy birthday and thank you so much for your very nice and interesting blog. I will be 51 in May…
    Amicalement, Monika

  120. Happy Birthday Corey!! I turned the half century on September 23 and celebrated spending a month in France and Italy…my body may feel 50 but inside my head I’m eternally 22!!
    Birthday Hugs to you from New Zealand.

  121. Kristin Johnsen

    OMG – Maggie austen cakes are beautiful! Happy Happy day…..55 is indeed still young- I’m 59 at my next birthday in the fall and I still feel 45!!!! Time really does fly! All the best – Kristin

  122. Happy Birthday, Corey. I have been following you for a while now and from your photos I believe you are more beautiful now than ever…and yes, 55 is young, but it still gets better at 68 on my next birthday. Thank you for your wonderful writings.

  123. Franca Bollo

    Franca is ageless.

  124. Teresa Young

    Oh my dear, no wonder I immediately connected with you. I too turned 55 in January of this year. Reading your post is just how we feel. Am I really that old? Just yesterday I was 40…I so look forward to spending a week with you in September. And we will enjoy our 55th year. And by the way….I will be Forever Young. LOL
    Happy Birthday for Dear Friend….enjoy the year, enjoy every day, every moment. Life is Precious.

  125. Vicki from Willows

    Happy B-Day Corey. I hope you have had the most wonderful day. “55” is a great number, but a number is all it is. Truly, you are as young as you feel, and be happy to know that you will always be a year younger than I, as “56” will be my number this year on Feb. 22. Peace and Happiness from Willows, Vicki

  126. Happy 55 Corey. When I was 50 I came out of a cake – damn well did – always wanted to – at that age you can do anything! So at 55 you can do even more! Now that you are more than half a hundred! Remember it’s just a number. It’s your heart that is 40, or 21, or 8! Go for it gal! It just gets better-er and better-er

  127. Corey,
    You and I have something in common. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to me!!! (50’s rock!)

  128. Happy birthday, dear Corey! You are forever young! Your writings reveal alot — a spunky, fun-loving, big-hearted, passion-filled, thoughtful and soulful woman. You are not measured in years, but in what you give forth.

  129. Hi Corey! I know you’ll have a wonderful day!!! Because you are so good at that!!! I will be 55 on March 1st.

  130. Laura Kirste Campbell

    Happy Birthday! Think of all those years of making friends, laughing and eating sweets! Oh, what a joy to live so long…and still have many more ahead!
    I’m about to turn 53! I’m looking forward to 55 and one day being a Silver Fox. I’ll have hundreds of days of more blessings by then!!

  131. Bon anniversaire, Corey! I was 66 on Dec. 28th and I just can’t believe it! I’m still having adventures, growing and learning. My mantra has always been that like fine wine, I’m getting better not older as the years pass. Your blog has helped me live out my dream of moving to and living in France. Thanks for sharing your life!

  132. jend’isère

    I gave birth to my 10pound bundle of joy, 10 days after my 48th. Perhaps switching languages will soften the math?

  133. Happy Birthday, Corey! Do I know what you mean. 70 seems to be just around the corner… Turning 55 on 1 July. You look fantastic!!
    This is the first time commenting, but I am a loyal reader for many years 🙂

  134. Diana from San Francisco

    Hi Corey,
    On March 19 I will turn 53 – but the funny thing is that I think I am 23. I am constantly shocked that my body will not do the things it did at 23, but still in my mind I am 23. My friends range in age from 1 year old to 93 – I guess age doesn’t matter to me because in my heart I am 53 going on 23.
    Happy Birthday dear one…

  135. Patti Lloyd

    My last birthday was in November and I “became” 60. I decided I could cry or I could party, so I threw a wine tasting murder mystery party. I dressed in turquoise and lace, donned long fake fingernails and teased my hair up high for my alter-ego Demi Litre. We need to smile more and worry less, be as crazy as we want, swing in the moonlight and write love letters to each other..after all, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world!

  136. Happy Birthday, dear sweet Corey and many, many more! I’d have to agree with Annie, you’re still a youngster.
    Fifty-five is such a great age. I think it’s a time when it all seems to have come together, since we’ve experienced so many, important milestones in life, experienced many joys and been touched by enough sadness to realize that each day is truly precious.
    I remember when my Dad turned forty and thinking how old it seemed, so I can imagine how your little friends felt when you told them your age. Some day they’ll probably look back and be amazed to find that they are fifty-five and still feel quite young.
    I’ll turn seventy-three on my birthday this year and realize that each day is a gift from above. My greatest joy is spending time with those I love.
    Thank you for the daily gift of your blog!

  137. 24/7 in France

    A very happy birthday, Corey, and many more! My, how the years fly by, non? As “une femme d’un certain age” I think the fifties are great – a time of self expression and flamboyance to discover a “joie de vivre” – to be and become our true selves!

  138. I was 11 when you were born and as I grew in years and got to know you, you always seemed like a child to me!! Now I am 66 and you are 11 years younger than me and are a woman just like me!! Happy, Happy birthday!! Mary K

  139. Happy Birthday!
    Ooh la la….55 is the new 35 and your heart is younger still.

  140. Happy Birthday, and celebrate for at least a month! Fifty-five is a wonderful age. Still young enough to have boundless energy teamed with great judgement!
    Just turned 70 on January 15th. Having survived ovarian cancer in 1979, these numbers mean blessings, and we cherish each one.
    Enjoy, and thank you for the lovely posting each day. It is a happy bonus to find you in my e-mails.

  141. Happy 55 years of pure joy♥…………..I will be 61 April 8th…………..You celebrate every day of life and that is much more important than any number in your head……..
    Keep living the dream my precious friend.
    You are truly blessed indeed.
    Love and hugs and continued health, love peace and joy each moment you walk upon this earth. Love Jeanne♥

  142. Forget about the numbers, it’s how old you feel you are. And in my opinion you’re about 35 😉

  143. Sam @ My Carolina Kitchen

    Happy birthday Corey. It’s just a number and it’s really all about how old you feel. I have fifteen years on you and I don’t feel old, at least not often 🙂 Enjoy each birthday.

  144. Happy Birthday!
    I will be 43 on March 30 and I can’t believe I’m the age my mom was when she was OLD. ;o)

  145. Happy Birthday to the girl who gives me gifts every day.The gorgeous photographs,sweet stories and life lessons.The part of you that gives us, your blessed readers something extraordinary is truly special.You are so very young at heart-and that is what I think matters most! My birthday is June 18-53 this year-yay me! xo ann-marie

  146. Happy Birthday Corey….55 never looked so good! I will be 52 on D-Day, June 6. Hooray for making it this far so gracefully.

  147. I also had a birthday yesterday on the 4th but I WAS 60!!! It was a great day of celebration with my coworkers throwing a open house with my friends and residents of the eldery housing complex I manage.Ending the evening playing Bunco with surprise guests Mr &Mrs Potato Head (my brother & sister who live in another state)!!

  148. As I only get your mails with a day’s delay, I am sadly a day too late with my heartfelt wishes dear Corey. God bless you and what a delightful, sweet and lovely post!
    I just finished a long phone call with a friend who’s 56 today (5th) and I told her that at any age you are only as old as you feel – which makes me sometimes 156 and others 15….
    And you should be and certainly always are only TWENTY in at least ONE CORNER OF YOUR HEART!!!!! So Happy Belated Birthday to a 20 year old wonderful woman…..
    My birthday is on October 14th but in my life there are no numbers – just another day to celebrate.

  149. Happy birthday, Corey! Don’t you worry your little self about being 55. You’re as old as you feel and it IS just a number! You have a long, long way to go! When I talk to my mom on my birthday every year, I always say my age with great trepidation also. She ALWAYS tells me I’m still so young, to which I ALWAYS respond, “But mom, this is the oldest I’ve ever been!”
    Happy birthday!

  150. Happy birthday! I’de mention my age but I’m afraid I’d get a prize for being the oldest!!!
    What beautiful cakes and funny little boys. I LOL and my husband looked over and said,”Does that woman do this every day? That’s a lot of work”. Yes it is and we thank u for your gift every morning! Have a good one!

  151. teresa Cesario

    My firend told me this once and I never forgot it.
    “It’s just Glory to Glory”
    Remember this…
    Happy Birthday!

  152. Oh, a Happy, happy Birthday to you. I’m singing and doing a special dance for you. Age is only relative to what is in your head. So think young and dance long.

  153. Dear, dear, always youthful Corey,
    I turned 60 in October and in spite of age never bothering me, this one did. I don’t think it was the age itself, but the proximity (if you know what I mean). But I did it and found that life on the other side of 60 is wonderful. I am a late bloomer and am finally coming into the confidence and contentment others seem to find in their 40’s. I feel young, am healthy (thank God) and am still excited by life and all of its possibilities. I’ve decided to embrace a quote I found from Norman Vincent Peale shortly before my birthday “Live your life, Forget your age”. Hope 55 and beyond find you happy, healthy and full of curiousity!

  154. Many many many days are yet to come and happy ones, my wish for you is a lot of days full of joy and happiness. I will be 52 next september, not too far away from you….

  155. Joyeux Anniversaire! Just think of all the years you’ve left on this beautiful planet. Each day is gift, n’est ce pas? Enjoy every minute of your special day!

  156. Birthdays? Considering the alternative…
    Mmmm, those desserts all look luscious.

  157. Happy Birthday, Corey!!! Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!!
    Everything is better, brighter, clearer, has more meaning, and your will cherish everyday. I just turned 55 in November. Loving every moment of it since! It’s so nice to know that you don’t know everything, but you know a lot of stuff…and guess what? We don’t have to know everything, we need to just be open…

  158. Well I receive your blog by email too so I’m late but I had to say Happy Birthday! I’m 56 and will be 57 on July 18th. I’ve never had a problem turning any age. My dad, who died at the age of 94, was a great example to me. Every year no matter what age he was turning he would spring out of bed and say, “life begins at ___!” I totally got it! He always seemed younger than what ever age he was turning.

  159. Happy Birthday Corey. I know how you feel, as I just turned 55 as well. In spite of the muscle aches, clothes not fitting as well, bulges that were not there even a few years ago- I agree with some of the others – such as being late bloomers, age is just a number liking and accepting myself, etc. Best wishes to you , enjoy the moment.

  160. Happy Birthday, Corey! I will turn 53 {yikes!} next month & remember when 25 seemed absolutely ancient. I also remember turning 50 & having to say my age out loud for the first time when a census taker came by one day shortly after my birthday. I think he was sorry he asked! 🙂

  161. Jude Jackson

    Happy Birthday! No 55 is not old at all. I just turned 59 on January the 30th. We are both Aquarians! At 54, I went to Hawaii and took up surfing. The same year I sold everything I had and moved to Costa Rica and surfed the longest left break in the world. Raised a monkey and chased blue morphos. At 55 I remarried for the 3rd time in Hawaii. At 56 I became a Grandmother. At 57 I was surfing six months post op after a hip replacement in CR. At 58, I changed course again and moved back to the States and became a Grandmother again.
    Life is a grand adventure. Age is just a number.

  162. Bonne Fete from Canada (French Canadian way of saying happy birthday)! Joyeux Annivarsaire! Corey. I will be 49 on June 7th. time marches on but our attitude is what keeps us young even when the body fails us. You are so beloved by your family and appreciated by the rest of us “strangers’ who tune in daily to read your blog and share your life on-line. I hope it was a wonderful day!

  163. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COREY. Our middle son turned thirty-nine on the 4th. He was lamenting how old he is getting. “Oh my you are young & some great decades are ahead of you”, I said. At sixty-two I’m looking at my life in decades now. The challenge is to stay young at heart and you already have that going on. Five signifies grace so you are going into a year of double grace! Sounds good to me. Hope you treated yourself to one of those amazing French desserts

  164. Ann Favre Watkins

    Happy Birthday, Corey. I look forward to viewing your posts on a daily basis. I usually do so before I go to bed every night. What a beautiful way to end the day, allowing me to enjoy a few moments of great photography, of beautiful items, people, and places. Thank you for that gift.

  165. Happy Birthday Corey! I will be 54 in August! 50’s are the new 30’s! Just like you said at the beginning of your post; numbers are just numbers! It is really how you feel about yourself. Stay forever young in your heart!
    Blessings above & beyond to you!

  166. annie vanderven

    Joyeux Anniversaire Corey
    Vous etes encore jeune, profitez-en. Il y a quelques années que j’ai passe 70 ans!!! et je dis toujours que les personnes agees ont toujours 10 ans de plus que l’âge ou je me trouve !!!
    Recevez tous mes meilleurs voeux pour encore beaucoup d’annees a venir en bonne santé et continuer a nous donner beaucoup de joie a vous lire.
    Annie v.


    Happy Birthday!
    My birthday is the same as Tongue In Cheek’s birthday. I found this out a little over 2 years ago when I started my blog on a “milestone” birthday (50). I thought that was a good sign. And you can do the math to figure out how old I am…
    ~Ellen from American Homestead

  168. Happy Birthday Corey! I just turned 44 a few days ago. Have a great day surrounded by love. Blessings, Kimberly

  169. KAMFreeman

    Happy Birthday Corey! Fifty five is just a number and how lovely it is to come down to simply number one. I love that you play cards in English with those little guys..what fun and oh the memories they are building in their storehouse. This year is number seventy and I am thrilled to see so many beautiful years behind and a good many more to come. Thanks for the delicious sweet treats.. the best ones that fill the senses but not the frame.

  170. Happy happy birthday dear Corey! I am a few years ahead of you, you whippersnapper. I was fine until this most recent birthday in January – none have bothered me at all until this year (I feel forever fifteen inside, forever the goofy teenager). But the close proximity of what next year will bring scares the bejeezus out of me all of a sudden.
    Henceforward I shall adopt your Franca’s attitude and be ageless! 😉


    Corey, I will be Sixty years young in July. However, I think my spirit is only maybe 42. I think Oprah was right when she said “50’s are what women are meant to be”. Great times those 50’s. Now I am hoping she was wrong and it will the the Sixties. You notice I only spell out the Sixties because it does not look as bad as the numerical version.
    I plan to rock on and visit you one day in France, after I am in my Sixties.

  172. 62 on the 16th. Age is just a number! Let your heart determine how old you are!

  173. Chris Wittmann

    Oh Corey it’s just a number!! You look fabulous and I know I am a day late but a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY from New England, hope your soaps arrive soon and you do something wonderful each day this week to celebrate!
    I am having a tough time dealing with the realization I will turn 60 on April 3 this year…oh my, how time flies 🙂

  174. Chris Wittmann

    Oh I goofed!! I will be 61 on the 3rd of April, not 60…holy cow, that’s even worse…I’m even slipping mentally here…. 🙂

  175. Karen Carson

    Happy Birthday Corey! Your M-I-L is absolutely right! I will be 63 this year but really, I embrace the philosophy that it is our attitude, not our age that defines us! Enjoy your day!

  176. Dawn Fleming

    Bon Anniversaire! I will turn 51 in May & last year I kind of freaked out at the number 50. My husband is 55 and have come to realize that there are many benefits to being 55. One is you can still think like a 25 yar old, but now you can apply wisdom. “With age comes wisdom”. Enjoy your special day!

  177. Carolyn Mallin

    You are as young as you feel. I feel like a ten year old. Mentally not physically. I’ll be 67 on Oct. 6. That’s mighty close to 100.
    Hanging out with my grandkids keeps me up on all the latest and I like that.

  178. Happy Birthday! I’ll be 63 on August 24. Every birthday (every day) is a gift and should be celebrated to the fullest!

  179. I will also be 55 this year and I am happy to be in such good company. You are as old as the life that you live and you live yours like a fun loving teenager, cheeky grin, little tricks and teases, but full of love and laughter.

  180. I am 3 months away from being 60!… Yes, 60! It seems like just yesterday when I turned 50. I say, appreciate every day and be thankful every day.
    Happy Birthday, Corey!

  181. Tongue in Cheek

    I can tell by the photo!

  182. Happy Birthday Corey have a wonderful day full of fun and enchantment. My husband says “You’re only as old as you feel” and in La belle France I feel 21,but in grey old Northern England I feel 90… so roll on Easter when I can return to my little home in the L’Ouest for my 65th birthday in March.xx

  183. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Remember when turning 35 sounded desperately old? Or even 25? It’s all in the outlook. Sounds like you weathered it okay, with a little help from 185 or so of your friends.

  184. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Franca has quite a snappy photo that comes up next to her name too. Guess that’s part of being ageless?

  185. Bon Fete mon amie Coco ! My father is 87 years young today ! So busy of course but I miss you, hope to meet again soon, Bisous Jxx

  186. Happy, Happy Birthday, sweet lady!

  187. Shelley Noble

    Immortal, eternal, adorable, you. A sweet birthday wish for your ever young 55th day around the sun.
    I say when a birthday ends in either a 0 or a 5, the person can celebrate ALL YEAR! xoxo

  188. What gorgeous cakes! Beautiful works of art. You need one of these!

  189. Turned 60 last November.
    Double nickels you say?
    You’re still a baby, Cor-ay!
    Happy, happy, dear.

  190. Congratulations Corey! I too, am doing the Happy Birthday dance in your honor! You make 55 look GOOD! The little boys who play cards with you are blest to have you in their lives. I turned 70 on January 6, and it always a surprise when I remember my age. May you enjoy 55 more years of the lovely life you lead and share with us!

  191. Stephanie M.

    I will be a wonderful 64 in June. Where has the time gone? I’m enjoying my retirement and all the time I now have for playing, lunching and traveling. It’s been a good life! Will see you this fall in Bonnieux. So looking forward to our trip with Anna……..

  192. 5 more years Coco!! 🙂

  193. paige thomas king

    49 on June 17th.
    i hope to be half the woman you are–what an inspiration!

  194. I celebrated 60 years last November. It’s true — age is just a number, what really counts is what you feel you are. I seem to be at a permanent 28 — that was a good year.
    Barbara W.

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