Your birthday wishes made fifty five breeze on in, thank you for wishing me well! I appreciated every single birthday note!
As promised the winners of some little thing French are….
All of who wrote a comment telling me we share the same birthday day:
Ellen from American Homestead,
Cherry's son,
GV Deb,
Kelly's son,
And the many of you who are seventy or older win too. I would write your names here too, but they would fill the page! Auntie, Ardi, Carol… to mention a few….
Please send me your address to my email and I will send you a little French gift.
As many of you know we have an apartment in Paris that we are going to "fix up" and hopefully rent out every now and then to readers on my blog. Later this week I am going to Paris to check the apartment. Measure, take pictures, calculate, order, buy paint…. and talk to the guys who will be fixing it up.
Hopefully, sometime in July or August it should be ready.
Today's giveaway is a free weekend (three days) to stay in our apartment in Paris.
Here is the question: When you stay in a place, what makes it special? What makes you want to return to it? What are some must have's'?
Do I really need to put a TV in it? And a dishwasher really?
Give me your ideas, and tomorrow around this time I will pick a few of you.
(The giveaway is good for as long as we have the apartment.)
Thank you for your birthday wishes, and for helping me fix this apartment in Paris!
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