Interruption of this Program…. More to Gifts to Give

I think I caught a bug from going to the hospital everyday.

Coughing, and I never cough.

Hopefully tomorrow I will feel up to posting the winners of the weekend stay at our apartment in Paris.

(Yes, you have a few more hours to add a comment). I will randomly pick several of you.


In the meantime I thought you might like to watch this short video of Paris…

French Words to know when you come to France. Click here to watch.




If you want to see just how nutty the French are, trust me this will make you pee your pants, watch this clip, I Believe I Can Fly, Flight of the Frenchies.



A walkabout… come tag along, A video clip on a beautiful path, a walk through the Louvre.





If you wanting chocolate, French melted chocolate take a taste of this video:

Dark Chocolate, hot.




No our apartment is not in this building… but if you want to see the little unbeaten path that our apartment is on clip here to see google map, rue de chateau.



And since I promised a gift everyday this week…. you can leave a comment here and I will pick a few of you to receive a chocolate bar…

The question being: Chocolate, wine or (you feel in the blank) is what you enjoy more often than not.


ps French Husband just told me he is fighting something too… oh no we are both babies when it comes to being sicky! I am off to bed.


93 responses to “Interruption of this Program…. More to Gifts to Give”

  1. Cheese! I would love to take a trip around the world based solely on the different types of cheeses I enjoy.
    I also love Dark Chocolate.

  2. Dark chocolate – one square of Lindt 70% every day – sometimes two…with a glass of port or dessert wine for a special treat.
    Hoping you feel better soon. Take care of yourself and let French husband baby you (unless he’s sick, too, in which case you are both on your own!)

  3. Nancy in Solana Beach

    A chocolate bar is enticing. Since I do not eat many desserts, chocolate is my favorite treat!!!
    Stay well.

  4. Grandma made me drink orange with whiskey and honey for a cough. Wonder why that worked!!!

  5. Chocolate – Everyday!
    Have some tea with ginger and honey and get plenty of rest.
    Take good care of each other.

  6. espresso, I would love chocolate and espresso. talk about a caffeine jolt.

  7. Hospitals are dangerous places these days, so I’m not surprised to hear that you both may have caught something there. I had a short stay recently and many of the staff were wearing masks in hopes of not getting sick themselves I imagine.
    Take care of yourselves…I hope you’re both well soon! I’m still praying for your friend.

  8. Dark chocolate is my fav and for something extra..have it with a piece of candied ginger or a dried cherry or a pistachio…a DIY mendiant.

  9. Feel better sweet friend. Much love and many blessings to you…………..I love chocolate too.
    Love you

  10. Hope you can nip this in the bud…occillococcinum?

  11. I know here in the U.S. we’re OBSESSED (to the point of a fault) with hand sanitizer. Is sanitizer a “thing” in France? Feel better, friend!

  12. Go to bed. Rest. Take care of yourselves. Make some tea, sleep, sleep, sleep.

  13. Lana Kloch

    thanks for providing the wonderful videos while you and french husband recuperate. maybe french mother in law and come over and tend to you.
    oops, hope that suggestion may cost me a chocolate bar… ( : > )

  14. Tongue in Cheek

    Did it. not helping. It usually does.

  15. I love chocolate and a good cup of tea! Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Chocolate! every time.
    Hope you feel better soon. I am with Mimi on the ginger tea cure.

  17. Dark chocolate and a triple soy latte= HEAVEN!!!
    feel better , both of you!

  18. You and FH take care. We’ve had awful stuff here this winter and once it grabs you it won’t let go without a fight. Praying for a quick recovery for both of you.
    Where do you find so many good videos? Really enjoyed watching them (except the flying one–I’m rather afraid of heights–eek, how can they do those things!).
    Chocolate is lovely.

  19. Ally Cowee

    I’m so sorry to hear you and French Husband are under the weather, Corey.
    We’ve been fighting it here, and the upper respiratory part is sure
    aggressive. Tons of fluids and some mucous and sore throat remedies are
    in order. Also sleep, sleep, and sleep! Feel better soon!
    As to your question? Chocolate. Always.

  20. Boil fresh ginger and sweeten with some honey, add strong liquor, whiskey/brandy and take before bed.

  21. oh no-i hope you feel better soon-my heart goes out to you-hospitals are like huge incubators for germs-buchwheat honey aids cough-your system is probably run down-i had not commented for fear of appearing greedy-once lucky is enough-prayers everyday -love readig the birthday wishes-so many ages read you-LOVE THAT!

  22. Chocolate dark . . . Chocolate covered salty pecans I LOVE, but treat myself only once in awhile. Wine . . . very dry, no sweet for me.
    Feel better my dear . . . Maybe one of the remedies in the comments will do the trick and you will be in tip top shape very soon.

  23. oh no! feel better soon – sending prayers of chicken soup to you! My answer is CHOCOLATE – EVERY DAY, CAN’T HELP MYSELF…

  24. becky up a hill

    I adore wine, but my sweet heart (of 33 years) loves chocolate, so I say chocolate. Hope you feel better soon!

  25. Barbara Snow

    Oh poor you. Hope you beat the bug soon. Chocolate – always chocolate. Add a little mint to it and I’m in heaven.
    Do take care.
    Barb in Minnesota

  26. Chocolate, wine, or cheese, please. ๐Ÿ™‚ Please feel better soon. In the states we have an over the counter called Zicam. It is supposed to fend off a cold, etc. Plenty of rest, tea with lemon and honey. I’ve heard whiskey, honey and lemon is good. When I was younger I would take cayenne pepper and add enough water until it would roll into a small ball/pill and take that. It was suppose to help break up what causes a cough. Hope something works!

  27. Corey, we had a cold/flu thing that swept through LA like a tidal wave. I was sick for a good two weeks…hot/warm soup was the ticket and lost of rest.
    Hope you two feel better.

  28. Feel better! I loved the videos.

  29. Our local hospital is full of patients suffering with flu. I suspect it’s where you picked it up. Lots of rest liquids, meds if needed. Take care Corey.
    The French Htuch

  30. Tracy (or Starry, which is my artist name)

    Are we allowed to say les deux?! Chocolate, and only dark chocolate for me…with a good glass of vin rouge is very difficult to beat! Wine takes the cake, however, if pressed to choose only one!
    J’espere vous avez un tres bon anniversaire, et a votre sante pour l’annee 55!!
    Hot tea for the cold… and honey for the cough (with a little lemon and cognac could help, aussi)
    Get well soon!

  31. aww, get well, so many people have been sick here in the US with bronchitis going on Z pack’s and more…..humm, chocolate, (i go strickly for the high cocoa) red wine, and him, (wherever he is out here! lol) Always thanks while thinking of others to send gifts to on your B’day ~ OX

  32. Feel better soon! That bug has been going around these parts too! Dark Chocolate is my main splurge on a daily basis! xxoo

  33. Chocolate and tea for me, please.
    Take care and get better. I hope the sickness has only a short stay with you in your house.

  34. Chocolate for me! Hope whatever you have is very different than whatever is going around here. It’s just dreadful and hangs on for weeks after the initial bout. Get better quickly,both of you.

  35. First, if I had to choose just one – chocolate. But, really, chocolate, wine or a warm cup of tea are all just right on their own occasion. Second, those french men in the video are CraZy! I had to stop watching, it was freaking me out. : ) Third, so sorry to hear about you and your Frenchman. : ( Lastly, I took a ‘stroll’ (via Google Maps streetview) down your little street. Very nice! I have used that same thing to ‘stroll down’ Rue Cler where my mom and stayed a couple years ago. ah Paris……

  36. You and Yann are loyal friends to keep going to the hospital to see (advocate for?) your friend who’s there. I hope he’s resting comfortably and improving.
    Dark Chocolate. That is all.

  37. Beatnheart

    Chocolate first and foremost…wine afterwards and then more chocolate.

  38. Chocolate for me. Surprised by how many readers prefer dark chocolate – I prefer milk or even white. Although I just polished off a box of girl scout cookies – I suppose you don’t have those in France.

  39. Stay away from the hospital unless you wear a mask and gloves. This flu thing is really bad this year. Stay warm and in bed – can someone come in and cook for you? Both DH and I were sick at the same time and believe me if that ever happens again I will pay for someone to take care of us. We were so ill (deliriuos), neither one of us could cook or get up and get a glass of juice. Luckily after three days I started to improve and was able to make soup. Pretty scary.
    Chocolate and cheese and wine in that order.

  40. Chocolate, a flour less dark chocolate torte being my absolute favorite! I make a great one and every occasion I’ve made it for brings me raves!

  41. I hope you guys are feeling a little better by now and that whatever you have runs a very short course.
    Loved the post, great links; anything French I enjoy the most. Bought a bottle of merlot last night and really dark chocolate today!
    Please take care.

  42. Dark chocolate by day, red wine by night!

  43. Chocolate or Wine or………..
    a great big Cheese Quesadilla with
    home made Guacamole on the side or……….
    All of the above !!!

  44. Corey, I do hope the cough is very short lived.
    I once heard a doctor say every time you cough take a sip of water, as you are expiring fluids with a cough and that way you replace fluids lost..
    water is also natures cough medicine, thinning all to be expelled. And it flushes the bodies systems clean.
    When all else are some other of natures cures…
    Coffee, tea, chocalte and wine!
    Please do get well soon! xo Jody

  45. I want to bring my WOOPs (Wives Of Older Partners) to France. We plan a trip every year and we’re working on 2013. A weekend in Paris before we travel to your a village in the South of France? What a wonderful gift.
    Having had 4+ French exchange students live in my home, having had at least one French-American wedding in our backyard, having spent several wonderful times in France โ€“ with my students and their families and when my son was a student in London, and on my way to Africa โ€“ it would be dream to share with my co-WOOPs.
    I am so thankful that your friend in the hospital has your love and support. My prayers are with him.

  46. Yes, Corey, ginger tea with honey.

  47. Love that video (I believe I can fly), beautiful! But were knees shaking just watching it? You bet!

  48. I hope you’re feeling better soon! Chocolate wins every time at our house ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Massilianana

    Hope you manage to get enough rest to beat whatever is bugging you and your system. A bug or something that is bothering you.Wishing you and FH to get well double quick.
    And oui to dark chocolate, oui to a nice glass of Graves , oui to a good kiss ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Take care !

  50. Ana Marรญa

    What is this? One day I miss reading your blog because I am on my deathbed with the flu, and I miss a chance to spend a weekend in your Paris apartment?! How can the universe be so unfair?! No! Tell me I’m still in time!
    As for being sick: Water. Rest. Aspirin if you can tolerate it. Lots of water. Force yourselves to stay I’m bed. Water.
    As for chocolate, or “chlocolate” as four-year-old Max pronounces it, I’ll take it all (except for white). Everything from dark to milk chocolate; fancy to cheap. (Is there anything better than a frozen Nestlรฉ’s Cruch bar?

  51. A very good cough syrup is honey, lemon juice and whiskey. Take enough that you don’t care if you cough.
    As to what we enjoy, chocolate, wine or _______ Filberts, and a hug.
    Get well very quickly, and may the sun shine on you through bare branches,clean windows and lovely lace curtains.

  52. Music- accompanied by chocolate- most anything accompanied by chocolate but music would be missed more..

  53. diane – florida

    no, no, don’t get sick. Chocolate or wine?? depends on the mood. No,….. chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Chocolat is one of my most favorite movies!! I bought the soundtrack, I loved it so much.
    Chocolate wins.
    I think birthday celebrations should last a week. One week a year is not too many days for someone to be made special. Not everything can be crammed into one day.
    xoxo Diane

  54. Hope your bug is quick to leave … not pleasant. Drink and drink and pray it’s not the flu. You and Yann are the best support system … I’m so hoping things go well for your friend at the hospital. I’m covering a bunch of bases here … first, I’m owning up to the big 70 as of January 2nd. There – I said it. I am old, really old, even though I haven’t absorbed it yet. But definiely not too old to go to Paris! Oh, it would be everything I’ve been wishing for these last few years! The apartment on Rue de Chateau … sounds like a story … one with many chapters to come. It will be a gem if you have anything to do with it … you just can’t help it! I’d give a probable yes to a TV set, just in case there is something important happening, or simply curiosity about French programming and commercials. But a dishwasher? No no. Eat out. If you must cook, wash the dishes! The apartment will be warm and charming, just like someone we know … you’re quite something, Corey! Oh, and chocolate. Dark.

  55. Chocolate, wine, or freshly baked bread and marmalade, or if I were in France, fresh baguette and apricot jam…. but if I had to choose between the three chocolate as dark as possible would win every time!
    I hope you feel better very soon, Corey. If you have herbs in your garden, sage is very good for coughs, as a tea or added to your lemon and honey. Thyme is also good. 1/4 cup leaves, pour boiling water over, infuse for 5 minutes then strain and sip with honey. Or brew up everything together – ginger, sage, thyme, lemon and honey!

  56. labergerebasque

    Iโ€™m just curious. When you were younger and lived on a farm, did you dream about Paris? Or the โ€œenergy of artisic balmโ€ in that city? The reason I ask is that I am older, love living on a farm, but sometimes just soooo miss Paris ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Good thoughts for a speedy recovery. Wine trumps chocolate every time in my book. Red, of course, preferably a thick, luscious Cahors. If you wanted to offer me a piece of dark chocolate to go along with it, I wouldn’t say no!

  58. Oh NO!!! I hope you both just have a slight case of the sniffles and not colds. Too much celebrating of your birthday? ๐Ÿ™‚ I loved the walk through the Lourve. Thanks for such beautiful videos – a mini tour. I am a linen or textile type of gal. I have never really cared for sweets. So my dear one purchases textile related gifts for me. Yes, I am spoiled and so is he. Now, if you want to talk about bread and cheese with a wine chaser, we can talk. Feel better, Corey and French Husband.

  59. First of all, I hope you and your beloved are feeling much better today.
    As for the question of wine, chocolate and what else?
    Well, I think the combination of wine, chocolate and my English husband’s company is the one most satisfying to me…As we sip our wine and nibble on the chocolate..we tend to sigh and then giggle. Pure joy!

  60. get well quickly, love.
    I think of and pray for your friend EVERY DAY. Since I sleep very badly, I have loads of time to pray for every individual… ๐Ÿ™‚ (you note that my glass is always half full, don’t you)
    no time to watch the vids, but thank you so much – I shall view them some other time – and welcome to Paris!
    hugs, Kiki

  61. Take care Corey and get better soon x I am lucky enough to have a beautiful French chocolate maker close to home, not quite like Paris but I am blessed it’s so close by and I can indulge every now and then! x x x

  62. Alice Wright

    Sending you and Yann and your friend in the hospital lots of love and healing Angels! Love, love, love, love, love is always my favorite…whatever form it takes is the best in the moment! Love, sparkles and many blessings…

  63. Healing to you! Thanks for all the videos! The choc is yummy; I could just taste it in my mouth. The Flying Frenchies!????? They took my breath away & made my stomach twist & turn. Some very fearless souls there! Loved the Louvre! Such beautiful masterpieces! Saw the beauty of things in her eyes. What better way to show the French language than to end up with ROMANCE! The apt. buildings that you showed looked very romantic & lovely. Enjoyed your blog clips very much!

  64. I like chocolate occasionally. I have taken to drinking Mocha flavored coffee, which I never thought I would. I am not much of a wine drinker… just can’t find any that has a pleasing taste! i prefer Beer or Margarita’s are my very favorite!! Love your blog Corey, hope you are feeling better, soon!

  65. Samantha Lentz

    I love chocolate, occasionally wine AND…. a hot bath all to myself with endless time to be in it. Its a rare occasion when it happens. Almost everyday, I share a bath with my 1 and a half year old…. not that I don’t love it but sometimes a bath without rapids is nice. I enjoyed the videos you sent, I must say though that the flying frenchies made my palms sweat and I am going to make my husband, who is a chef, watch the chocolate video because that looks amazing. Thanks for posting! Hope you and your husband feel better soon!

  66. The favorite would have to be red wine. French wine, Austrailian, South African, Californian reds. Chocolate is a close favorite, but wine wins. I agree with ginger tea. Get well.

  67. Lisa Johnson

    That first video was so charming! Makes me want to be young and single again so I can meet a cute Parisian boy. ha ha As for chocolate or wine. I would go with chocolate every time. Not much of a wine drinker. I hope you both feel better soon!

  68. Frank Levin

    My wife, who loves the fact that I do the cooking, has always wanted us to stay in a flat in Paris instead of our favorite hole-in-the-wall hotel on Rue de Turbigo. She wants me to be able to buy the makings at one of the wonderful markets in Paris and then cook something that could only be made in Paris. I know I would like to feeling that would give me, but,we are on vacation and I like letting trained professionals do the cooking. If, however, I would be so lucky as to win a stay in your flat, I would, I imagine, delight in cooking using what I am certain would be delightful cooking equipment from the brocante. We shall see.
    BTW: My doctor says what you have is cured only with tincture of TIME!

  69. My sister and I were in Paris last spring and hope to return in a year or so. We would love to stay in your new apartment and experience Paris like a local rather than as a tourist. Several years ago my family spent Christmas in London and we rented a flat near Kensington High Street and it is amazing the difference in your experience by staying in a home rather than a hotel. If I am not so lucky to win a chance, we would be interested in learning further about possibly renting your place – thanks Cory – love your posts – Sarah

  70. Teresa Young

    American husband and I on our travels to see you in September would love the opportunity to take the train to Paris for a few days. This would just complete our first trip to France as well abroad.

    What a generously wonderful person you are!!! Everytime I read your blog you are looking for ways to brighten peoples lives, giving things away and offering your home. Thank you so much for making me laugh over and over again with your funny stories. Your spirit is infectious. You are so real and genuine…. a bright spot in a sometimes dark world. Keep shining!
    Continued prayers for you and your family(your sweet friend also)….GET WELL SOON!!
    My 12yr old just got over the flu and no one else got it. We all loaded up on “Airborne”, Vitamin C and Vitmain D3. Airborne is a tablet you dissolve in water that’s full of vitamins to boost immune system.
    Wine,chocolate…chocolate,wine AND my love…everything, and i mean EVERYTHING is better and just tastes better when shared with the one that makes you heart beat faster. ; )
    For the apartment….
    I would add some goodies..
    Wonderful french music, bottled water, some croissants or a little tast of french goodness and a few travel size creams,lotions,shampoo.(I do this when family comes to visit :))
    Hugs to you all..

  72. I just love chocolate! and i would love to eat chocolate with you in your parisian apartment! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  73. I usually have a suitcase full of chocolate when I return from Europe…

  74. Patti Lloyd

    I’m so hoping you only have the mild version of the flu that has been rearing it’s ugly head back here. Thankfully, hubby and I have recovered fully before our trip to France. The chocolate video you posted was oh so sensuous, I would have wanted to lick the batter before it was even baked. I can think of nothing more tempting than melted chocolate. We are all sending healing vibes your way.

  75. Laurie Hodson

    Hope you’re both feeling better. The flu is here in California too. You inspire me every day and I know you find inspiration in fun ways too. The videos are wonderful-so fun. Chocolate over wine, but a raspberry lemon drop is my drink of choice. To stay in a flat in Paris would be heaven, although I’d love to visit you more. Thanks for always thinking of unique ways to connect with your followers.

  76. Feel better quickly, plenty of fluids and lots of rest. I’m afraid I would need to do a combo of wine and chocolate. Yummy.

  77. hope you both feel better soon! sleep is the best remedy! i love wine, chocolate of course but also TOAST. i don’t know, something about crunchy toast is very comforting to me. haha. thanks for the chance to win!

  78. Chocolate or wine? There’s no question for me.
    Dark chocolate wins out every time. We are getting quite well known here in central Washington state for our wines but it just doesn’t appeal to me like chocolate!
    Get better soon!

  79. Dawn Fleming

    Feel better and hopefully it’s nothing too serious! Chocolate, wine and Celine Dion CD singing in French, comme 4 types et 1 fille.

  80. Hope you and your husband are feeling better soon! Sending healing thoughts your way…
    I would have to say … chocolate AND wine!

  81. Oh yum, the video just destroyed my diet. Wait, dark chocolate is good for you right?
    I love dark chocolate, and a full bodied red wine to go with it. When we travel it’s fun to experience the chocolate of the region. What a treat, I don’t think we had any in Paris. I would love to stay at your place in Paris even if I don’t win, but only if we can take you to dinner. ; } Hope you two get to feeling better soon, and I’m sending good thoughts for your friend too.

  82. Chocolate, wine and your films. I used them on my husband last night.
    A good use of french propaganda by one very clever wife.
    I will convince my husband to visit France someday again..xo

  83. Sending you get well wishes xx The flying film was fun at first — until the ‘sharing’ section, now I am spinning as I suffer with vertigo arrgghhh,
    I would love to stay in your apartment in Paris, although I may just spend the entire time indoors, admiring the beautiful decor.

  84. The Louvre video was so very beautiful. I loved it. For me? Dark chocolate…my craving gets the better of me several times a week. Good for the heart, right?

  85. Wonderful videos! Thank you. Now cozy up with French Husband and get well soon.

  86. Chocolate…..just chocolate, that’s it for me. Hope you are feeling better soon. Marie W.

  87. Chris Wittmann

    The “bug” has been rampant here in New England since before Christmas, and I’m still coughing sometimes, for no apparent reason, when I come in from the cold air. I do hope you and hubby get well soon…lots of hot soups, hot tea and cuddles ๐Ÿ™‚
    I adore both wine and chocolate, but if I had a choice of just one I’d opt for chocolate…milk chocolate preferred…my weakness!!

  88. Jill Flory

    Hope you soon get well! I hate being sick!

  89. Hope you feel better soon…for me red wine with very squidgy Camembert dripped on a bit of crusty bread.

  90. Curtains in my Tree

    I could eat my weight in Chocolate candy, good chock candy
    I am sure Paris is the place
    so many are going to Paris for trips, seems like use to everyone went to Florida or Hollywood, now Paris
    A gal in my church class just got back last Saturday, her sister has an apt there, teaches english
    a dream for me
    I love reading all about it from you

  91. Well let’s see hmmm. what does one say when you are praying to win a dream … please let it be me? Feel better Corey.
    you were the one that inspired me to start a blog. It was your settee in victoria. ahhh

  92. 24/7 in France

    Get better soon, Corey. Hot water with fresh lemon juice is my ‘cure’ – & vin chaud ๐Ÿ™‚

  93. bathe in chocolat ~ ;-)))

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