Weekend Apartment In Paris Giveaway


Clean crisp sheets,

A good bed,

To walk into a room that feels like you are in France. 

Soft big towels,

Comfortable place to read,

Good table lights,

No TV,


Hot water (I guess that means five showers in one hour),

No dishwasher,

French coffee press,

Wine glasses,

Pat Herndon wrote,

"…Everyone wants the same thing:

the apartment to be infused with "Corey".

And, we all know it will be,

because you won't be able to help yourself."

French Husband responded, "Oh God, Corey it has to be practical, mirrors you can see yourself in, chairs you can sit in, easy to use, maybe think not old stuff…"

He barely got that word out of his mouth when I stuck out my tongue.

"Ugly isn't going to score points, I know it has to be user friendly, and charming." Grumpy sick me responded.






Someone mentioned having bicycles available for the guests. Lucky enough Paris has rental bikes all over the city. Which is a very good thing because if I put two bicycle in the apartment there would either be no bed, or nor kitchen. 

By American standards our Paris apartment is small… 540 square feet. But for Paris that is average. A happy place, as it is on the corner, that means double views!





The things you mentioned that I did not think of but quickly put on my list:

No smoking. Sorry Gauloises. As Clare said, "…Well, don't offer an apartment to others in which you yourself would not want to stay…"

That makes good sense to me.

But as French Husband has pointed out more than once is our twenty five years of married life, "Corey could sleep, eat, and live at the brocante. What she considers beautiful, ninety nine percent of the time it isn't practical."

Don't worry the mattress will be new and the bedding too… Antique bedsheets don't count as old do they?



 Laurie SF wrote, "If chosen I'd invite a fellow Tongue in Cheeker to come along. A contender would be the ageless Franca, with her naughty ways. Funny girl she is."

How nice is that. To invite someone from the blog to go with you. 

I might have to use that idea in the future.


Little French Girls


"Alas, what has not been already said? I think that an apartment in Paris should be filled with charming, worn pieces full of character and nature. Soft, soothing color, wood that has been rubbed and caressed by many hands, wrinkled and faded fabrics, mismatched china, a small crystal chandelier, branches with lights, handmade soap..but I can tell you know this already. A small washer and dryer would definitely be a blessing tucked in a closet. (No one has mentioned the hunky French guy who delivers the morning paper tied up with a rose, the shy French maid who tidies the room once a week,or the adorable children delivering fresh pastries from mother's bakery..)" I love this comment by Patti Lloyd.

But I doubt I can find Hunky French Guy, Shy French Maid, and adorable children when I live three hours away from Paris…. but you never know.



Nine new bells Notre Dame
Photo Source Nine New Bells For Notre Dame



Irene Thomas reminded me that nine new bells arrived at Notre Dame, and on Sunday morning, the 24th they will ring for the first time. You won't be able to hear them from our apartment, but there is a bakery across the street, the smell of fresh baked goods equals bells right?


Demi john, bon bon, wine holder


Good ideas that that you gave, that I noted:

First aid kit.



Hair dryer.

An iron, ironboard, hangers…

A retractable clothes line in the bathroom.

Cds/DVDs with French music and films.

Candles and a vase,


An appt describing everything we love in Paris… Gee I better start writing now.

I had a good chuckle when BW Clark wrote, "Maybe a kitten. I know it isn't feasible, but still, that makes me feel happy and safe."

… as Trisha pointed out, "…As someone who travels about 200 days a year and has for the last 15+ years. Live in the apartment for a couple of days. Sleep in the beds, use the kitchen and then you will know what works and what doesnโ€™t. SO often I wonder if anyone actually every tries out the arrangements in their hotels or B&Bs. Switches on bedside lamps that canโ€™t be reached without actually getting out of bed or no bedside lamp at all. Towel racks you canโ€™t reach form the shower, etc., etc. Use the apartment for a couple of days to work out those kinks. Bonne chance!"

I might never leave.

Suzy Meek Geere's comment sounds right up my alley, "Maybe (you can have) lovely decorative pieces, with a price tag!" 

French Husband chimmed in, "Corey you cannot do that? The apartment might be empty every time someone leaves."

"I know! Wouldn't that be fun! Then I could go to the brocante all day long and re do the apartment all the time."

French Husband walked away.

I hollered after him, "Hey it beats trying to find a sexy Parisian fireman, that is what someone wrote they wanted!!"

He didn't turn around.





I loved what Elle wrote, "The loveliest place that I ever stayed in had a long running journal, laid open on a small well worn table. Every visitor was invited to sign in and then write an entry, long or short, each day of their stay. Travelers wrote about dreams long fulfilled,secret places stumbled upon, foods tasted,locals met … Staying there was like spending a week basking in a living novel. I was up everyday at dawn, drawn to explore, to make wrong turns, duck into every little place that called to me, because I too wanted to pen my own chapter. Oh yes, there was a beautiful basket of pens, a scented candle and an overstuffed chair by the side of the table. But it was the journal that called to me. I would have written in it standing up over the sink if I had to. To add my own voice, my own heart to the great adventure of so many travelers and adventurers…"

So if you come and stay in our apartment I hope you will write in the journal.



Free weekend stay in Paris

The Randomly Picked out of a mixing bowl Winners are:


Tedee Grace


Petra Leaford

Mom of Five


Please contact me by email.




French round window


Thank you very much for your thoughtful, creative, spot on, good advice! I read every single comment and took notes. Even though some of the suggestions were the same, that in itself was helpful, a pattern, a style, a sense of knowing what you want, and having it echoed spoke loudly. 

I will do this again as the day comes closer to having our first renter.

Tomorrow I will announce the chocolate winners.




Today's giveaway… 

A pair of antique monogram dinner napkins. I will pick two winners.

The question to answer in the comment section: What do you cook for dinner when you don't feel like cooking. (Going out and take out doesn't count.)


129 responses to “Weekend Apartment In Paris Giveaway”

  1. Cingratulations to all of the lucky winners! Corey you must have each write abiut their trip, about the apartment and Paris and of course if they get to meet you!

  2. Jill Flory

    When I don’t feel like cooking I turn it over to my teenage daughter! LOL! Actually I try to keep ground beef on hand – spagetti or chili is easy to throw together at the last minute when I really don’t want to cook.

  3. I loved reading all the suggestions you got (and obviously there are people who travel more than I who could give practical, helpful advice). It would have been fun to overhear you and FH going over the list ๐Ÿ˜‰ Congratulations to the commenters who will get to see the results!
    Lately, my go-to thing if I don’t feel like cooking is soft boiled eggs and fresh cracked black pepper over rye toast with or without diced avocado. Just the thing for a cold winter day.

  4. Debra Pinheiro

    I keep a supply of frozen pizza dough in the freezer on the days I don’t feel like cooking. It also gives my kids the opportunity to be creative with their food without actually knowing that Mom was lazy:)

  5. Tomato soup (Campbell’s right out of the can) and an old fashion grilled cheese sandwich. Comfort food to the max and easy-peasy.

  6. Corey, I would love to rent your place in Paris for a week sometime. Got plans for next six months, but after that….

  7. Ha! I never feel like cooking, so I just have my husband make dinner ALL the time. If by myself, I just have some fruit, cheese, water crackers and a glass of champagne. Works for me!

  8. Well I must have caught your cold because I’ve been laid up sick most of the day.
    What do I cook? Which includes tonight?
    Brazilian rice and beans (feijao e arroz) is a favorite. I also keep homemade vegetarian pasta sauce in the freezer for such occasions. Clam chowder is good. And soup. Soup is always nice (with a little homemade cornbread).

  9. Jeanmunroe@yahoo.com

    Do you rent your Paris apt? We will be there in September and would love to stay there if you do.

  10. Jeanmunroe@yahoo.com

    Our favorite thing to eat when we don’t feel like cooking is a cheese tray with olives, nuts, fruit, fig preserves and an assortment of crackers with plenty of rich, red wine.

  11. Congrats to the winners. Lovely ideas, all of them.
    When I don’t feel like cooking, but must, I make a frittata. There are usually leftover cooked vegetables in the fridge, or it’s easy enough to prepare some. A little cheese on top of the frittata, a salad and some fresh bread, preferably from a boulangerie in France, and voila! Dinner.

  12. Tortilla eggwraps with salsa, quick and dirty comfort food. (I have a stash of corn tortillas to last me a year from our last trip to Mexico)

  13. herhimnbryn

    Mushrooms on toast (sourdough bread is best). Clean mushrooms and slice, throw in pan with a little butter and olive oil, add crushed garlic. Toast bread, add mushrooms.
    Congratulations on your appt.

  14. Laurie Hodson

    Creamed tuna or chicken on toast or mac”n”cheese are always staples in my shelves.

  15. pattwolverton71@comcast.net

    An egg salad sandwich on seeded bread with pea shoots on top. Nothing like an egg salad on fresh bread. Or Taco’s. Can make them in about 10 minutes. Again with fresh pea shoots instead of lettuce. Fresh.

  16. Congrats to the winners!! BUT Laurie SF and were hoping one of us would get picked and texting back and forth 190 miles apart cautiously awaiting the winner list … then it popped up on my email!!!
    Cooking when I don’t want to cook? Is this a trick question? I either make a protein shake or heat up microwavable Lundberg brown rice, add some garlic and add fresh veggies.

  17. My go-to food is grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup… Yummy….

  18. Eggs and toast! Cinnamon toast or toast with blackberry jam. Hope you are feeling better and congratulations to the lucky winners of a weekend at Chez Corey’s at Rue de Chateau!

  19. p.a. hope you and Yann are feeling better!

  20. Congratulations to the winners! The apartment sounds so nice! Not small at all – perfect for travel.
    We have a rice cooker and will make rice and add a can of black bean soup and dollop of sour cream when we don’t want to cook!

  21. Carole in OC

    an omlette

  22. Grilled cheese sandwiches! Thick slices of French bread (or baguette), thin layer of mustard, slivers of onion and cheddar cheese, smeared with butter and toasted to oozy goodness. Sometimes I even plan to not feel like cooking!

  23. I make a chocolate egg creme (no eggs and no cream in what is basically a chocolate frappe) using cocoa powder, a little sugar, milk and soda water and enjoy it with hazelnut butter on whole wheat toast!

  24. Barbara Snow

    Congrats to the winners.
    Comfortfood for me is chicken noodle soup and dumplings, or potatoes au gratin. Yum.
    Hope you have recovered from your illness.
    Barb in Minnesota

  25. Popcorn…by my husband that he makes in his college days popper! Rosemary, melted butter w/ smoked salt….among other things he adds. We have used the same enamel bowl we received 15 years ago at my shower. He then slices off a couple of varieties of cheese that he lays on one side of the popcorn. Most always we have this Sunday evening instead of a meal….wine is usually present.

  26. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! When I don’t feel like cooking I usually make a quick veggie omelet.

  27. We usually keep a couple of store bought cheese pizzas in the freezer. Inexpensive ones. I will add any fresh veggies and extra cheese I may have on hand. They really are quite good

  28. Scrambled eggs are my easy, go-to when I am hungry, but cooking dinner is not appealing. A bit of cheese over the top, a slice of toast, a bit of asparagus or cut up avocado to go with. If really hungry I make a salad as well. Very yummy and easy. And a glass of white wine makes a great companion. Marie W.

  29. Hunk a bread, chunk of cheese, and a bottle of red.

  30. Laurie SF dares Anjanette to book a ticket to Paris in September.

  31. Esther in Wisconsin

    When I come home late from work and daughter is ready to gnaw the legs off the kitchen table, I quickly pop in a frozen pizza. I feel guilty, so then I add a fresh salad. I wish I was more organized.

  32. pasta with parmesan and EVOO and if they are in the larder-almonds and some veg. and…bacon bits.

  33. Tacos! We always have fresh salsa, cheese, fresh greens, and corn tortillas in the fridge. I am embarrassed to admit that I open a can of chunky chopped chicken, throw some chili powder on it, and pop it in the microwave. Chop a tomato. Then assemble and eat!

  34. Ana Marรญa

    Dear Corey,
    In reference to the price tags:
    I once stayed in a spectacular B&B in New England. It was beautifully decorated (in our style) and included several big and small, very tasteful brocante items. Some of the items had tiny price tags, all very discreet, that didn’t shout but whispered softly to the interested listener. I bought a lovely picture that I treasure. The owner told me the idea had been suggested by several guests. Many bought tiny treasures; No one complained.

  35. Franca Bollo

    Franca pours herself another glass of wine or two.

  36. well, it is a bit of cooking but it’s like doing it with my eyes closed…. creamed tuna on toast! my mom used to make it lots when we were kids…. love it with medium grain rice cooked in my trusty rice cooker— like not cooking!

  37. Wine,cheese,olives and some fresh bread. And maybe a spinach salad.

  38. Lana Kloch

    love your article today.. the one i love the most and makes the most sense is having price tags and sell your items.
    i love decorating and redecorating often…this would be a great solution to my wonderful stash of goodies.
    when one sees it staged, it sells better.. also, it is priceless remembrance of the stay there.
    also second the idea of a never ending journal w/ loads of mens.
    as for when i don’t like cooking, i make french onion soup..so simple and oh so delicious.
    merci mon ami

  39. As usual, Franca’s comment gave me a big chuckle.
    Our lazy default dinner at home is cheese crips. Wipe pan with olive oil. Medium heat. Throw in a flour tortilla. Add grated cheese (white Mexican cheese is best) and red or green hot sauce on top.

  40. Diane Anderson

    Roasted herbed chicken from the night before, crusty sourdough bread, lots of olives and chunks of cheeses. Tapenade and hummus… Red or white wine, whatever is already open.

  41. A few things come to mind like a cheese omelette with sliced fruit on the side, crusty bread and a glass of wine; cheese quesedilla with beer (Corona Light with lime); fruit and yogurt smoothie; grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoes; cottage cheese on top of wedged tomatoes; popcorn with lots of butter and glass of wine; fried rice; gazpacho soup; baked potato with anything goes toppings; tea with biscuits and honey.
    Sounds as if we never cook but because we cook every night, there has to be no cook nights for relief from dishes and cooking.

  42. I absolutely love all the comments on the apartment in this post. It’s going to be a beautiful place ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. To answer the question … fried shrimp with eggs and a little of green onion to go with rice, add some soy sauce. Easy and fast ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. always fun here ~ humm, I cut up red, green, yellow, orange bell pepper’s, saute’s fast in pan w olive oil, use left over brown rice, throw in hunan on the veges, put on my rice, or hummus on ezekial bread & eat the bell peppers, or tomatoes, feta on bread, olive oil drizzed & fresh basil then (if around) consume a dark chocolate bar ~ I seem to have this stuff around ~

  45. well timed as I had a day like that today…grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato/basil soup. Good luck to me..;j

  46. Sharon Morrison

    Winners, you are lucky. You will love France!!
    Quick dinner would be sliced cheese, stuffed olives, pita chips and a glass of cold Riesling.

  47. I am sure the apartment will be beautiful and practical because you had your hand upon it! Good luck in your new adventure of renting out the apartment.

  48. Congrats to the winners! Since not feeling like cooking hits me about once a week, I keep some extras around knowing my two teenage boys are ravenous 24/7. Mexican & Chinese frozen entrees fill them up with a quick side salad.
    Hope you guys are feeling better.

  49. Your are too funny Corey! Lucky winners, congratulations. When I don’t feel like Betty Crocker I make a great salad, crusty bread and penne pasta with marinara. I can make it with my eyes closed………

  50. Congrats to all! ooh if i don’t feel like cooking.. that took a while because I truly love to cook. And since going out didn’t count.. This is something I guess my mother made in the same instance. Hadn’t thought of this before. That she made it for the same reason. It’s a German dish, farmer’s breakfast.
    fry some leftover boiled potatoes in a pan, of course with butter, add some diced sausage or leftover meat, season with salt and pepper and some garlic. oh you know until you like it! and then crack some eggs over the top and let them get cooked. stir it around a bit and then serve with a salad and some crusty bread.. I’ve got my family yearning for this, but now I know why i don’t make it often.. it’s only made when i don’t want to cook! xo marlis

  51. When we don’t feel like cooking? Grilled cheese sandwiches (using extra sharp cheddar), Campbell’s Tomato Soup (of Warhol soup-can fame), heated-up frozen green veggie, fresh fruit, tea.

  52. I didn’t read other chatters’ comments before posting my own. I see that grilled cheese sandwiches are a popular choice here! Great minds think alike, huh?

  53. Nancy in Solana Beach

    Congratulations to all the winners!! We are all winners since we belong to this blog – I am so happy to have found it. I get so many ideas from all of you!
    I always keep PF Changs Home Meals in my freezer – it just takes 13 minutes to whip up. We love Shanghai Style Beef the best.

  54. Melissa Paruzel

    It depends. I would prepare spaghetti with spiced minced pork and egg in the sauce when I feel lazy. If I am utterly lazy, it is fried rice cooked with frozen vegetables and egg. That is if I had the day before rice. If not, then it is semi fried and baked chicken coated with flour, egg, curry powder, tumeric powder and a wee salt.
    On my least lazy day, it is shnitzel and mash potatoes, garlic, butter, milk and spice. No sourkraut? since I never liked the taste…
    So those are what I prepare when I don’t feel like cooking.
    When I do feel like cooking, it depends what I would want to eat for the day. It may be a typical south indian chicken curry and rice, or something spanish, or chinese or even Polish meal. My husband would never know what I would prepare for that day.

  55. Oooooo!!! I just squealed with delight when I read the winners’ names!! They will be so happy to visit you and your lovely apartment!! So happy for them and you as you open up to what your future holds. Thank you for all of the beauty you bring into all of our lives, Corey. ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Grilled cheese or a tuna sandwich.

  57. Congratulations to the winners of the Apartment in Paris giveaway . . . such a treat they will have! I liked the comment about bringing along a blogging friend . . . if she would win!
    Fresh greens for salad would be my choice if I didn’t want to cook . . .

  58. Quesadillas!! Quick and easy.

  59. Nancy , thank you for your thoughtful suggestion – it has led us to finding a very special place. Sooooo looking forward to Paris in the springtime .
    Corey, what a divine friend you are……

  60. Corey, if you spent a night there yourself, we would know that if it was just right for you, it would be just right for anyone who reads this blog.
    Oh, and don’t listen to French Husband about mirrors that we can see ourselves in. We already know what we look like. We want some distortion so that we can believe that we actually look like we belong in the era from which the mirror came. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  61. mimi aka cigalechanta

    usually a frittata with mushrooms, oinons or other vegetables like maybe a zuccini,รณn another day my grazing foods, a chevre, pate, olives, something pickled.
    Years ago I stayed at an in in New Hampshire and in my bedroom, everything was for sale.

  62. Spagetti. Easy and always makes my husband happy !!

  63. Garlic noodles! Noodles, EVOO, lemon juice, parsley, Oregano, salt and pepper. YUM! Parm cheese on top.

  64. I keep little frozen crab cakes to fry in melted butter and olive oil, some frozen vegetables like green beans or lima beans to steam and add herbs and oil, and there are always salad greens in the crisper. For dessert, I slice a couple apples, peels left on, add a handful of raisins, a couple tsp water, some honey, lemon juice and apices. Those simmer as I finish my meal, them I put the apples in a bowl and dit down with them and a cup of good black tea.
    Oh other days, I poach a couple eggs, and toast whole grain bread. There are always nuts or figs in the cupboard, and those, with a cup of very hot tea finish my little dinner.

  65. Peggy Braswell

    hmm when I don’t want to cook…. that happens often.
    I pour a nice glass of wine(red or white)not picky! Olives, bread, chuck of good cheese, celery,and nuts(not picky here either. Little nibble here, little nibble there, just the right amount. Congratulations to all you winners. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  66. tuna over a cut up tomato with too
    much Miracle Whip…an egg sandwich
    with cheese and bacon if I have some
    …rolled oats with butter and white

  67. It was fun reading everyone’s wish list for your Paris apartment! I really liked the running journal idea…kind of like a ‘livre d’or.’ Would be such fun reading about people’s Paris adventures! What do I cook when I’m not in the mood? A cheese omelet (eggs from the Saturday market and a young cantal), a ‘French’ salad (mixed greens only with homemade vinaigrette) and a glass of wine…not picky, either white, red or rose. I think that hits most of the major food groups…protein, dairy, veggies and wine. Wine is a food group in France, n’cest pas?

  68. jend’isรจre

    Congratulations to the winners…including myself!
    Our no cook meals are calcium packed in all its forms…cheese with bread followed by yogurts then ice cream!

  69. 24/7 in France

    Felicitations to the winners! My go to meal, when I don’t feel like cooking, is usually pasta – easy to toss it together with simple ingredients and add bread & of course, wine – Voila!

  70. christine.jacob2@wanadoo.fr

    I take everything edible out of the fridge and we have a picnic, perhaps with hard boiled eggs to give us an excuse to eat mayonnaise……

  71. I love the idea of having things in the apartment for sale and the journal idea is wonderful too!
    As for a quick dinner, eggs or pasta ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hope you’re feeling better!

  72. Merisi in Vienna

    First, congratulations to the winners!
    Secondly, my favorite recipe right now is roasted red beets with goat cheese and toasted hazelnuts (filberts), on a bed of mรขche lettuce:
    Once a week I buy small to medium sized whole red or golden beets (any color will do) and roast them whole (unpeeled) on a baking sheet in a 400ยฐ oven. Takes about an hour, check after 45 minutes by sticking the tip of a knife into a beet to check if they are soft. An easy way to have part of several dinners waiting in the fridge.
    With these roasted beetsI like to make this salad:
    Wash mรขche lettuce (I like its nutty sweet taste, goes well with the beets), spin dry.
    Dress mรขche with good olive oil and a sprinkle of salt. Mix well.
    Peel and slice the roasted beets. Dress with good quality white balsamic vinegar (dark balsamic would do, but this is the moment to finally use the white one that has been hanging around your kitchen for too long already – is the perfect complement to the sweet beets, believe me) Start with a tablespoon for a cup of beets mix taste, add, mix, taste. I use lots! (Warning: You may fall in love with the mix and there will be no salad for dinner. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    The hazelnuts (filberts): heat a skillet and toast a handful of whole hazelnuts over medium heat, moving them around until they are fragrant. Add some honey to the skillet and stir until all the nuts are covered by a thin layer and start to caramelize. Watch the heat! Add a tiny bit of salt and a few hot pepper flakes (i grind mine). Stir again, then poor the nuts onto a plate to cool down.
    Now, to the goat cheese: my favorite here in Vienna is a French brand, President. It’s formed like a log the size of Monday’s paper rolled up. My deli (at SPAR supermarket), slices it for me into slices a bit more than half an inch thick.
    Put the goat cheese slices and a few leaves of fresh thyme into the hazelnut skillet. Heat until the cheese starts to get warm and soft.
    Arrange a handful of the mรขche lettuce on a dinner plate. Top this with a handful of sliced beets. Carefully move the goat cheese with a wide spatula from the skillet onto the beets. Throw a few or as many hazelnuts as you like over the salad.
    Good American pecan nuts would be a good alternative.
    Bon appetit!

  73. Merisi in Vienna

    Sorry, did not realize I was hammering away such a long text.
    (I am so addicted to that salad I lose all countenance just thinking of it!)
    “Stir again, then poor the nuts onto a plate to cool down” – I meant to type “pour the nuts” but my brain would not follow. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  74. Merisi in Vienna

    I am floored, Melissa! Preparing shnitzel on a lazy day? You are a miracle worker. I have to have a very good day to even think of making schnitzel! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  75. Merisi in Vienna


  76. Merisi in Vienna

    I want to come too!!!

  77. Congratulations to all the winners! Perhaps they can tell us about their adventures in Paris once they visit?
    A quick dinner for me is usually pasta with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and some greens thrown in at the end (like spinach or rucola rocket. An omelette or eggs (sunny side up) are an alternative.

  78. Sam @ My Carolina Kitchen

    Elle brought back wonderful memories for me by mentioning the journal on the table. We had a vacation rental in the out islands of the Bahamas on a tiny little cay and on the living room table was a journal, or guest book it’s also called, that was there for guests to write in during their stay. Oh the adventures they told – it was a joy to read and must have brought them much happiness to write in it. Some of their adventures were funny and others were sweet about the lovely native people that they met or the big grouper that they saw (and gave a name) when they went snorkeling. It was, as Elle said, like reading a living novel.
    I still have those guests books and when I look back over them, they are such fabulous memories for an owner to enjoy about their guest’s stay. Corey, you and your husband would enjoy the journal every bit as much as the guests.
    Having a converter is fabulous. But I have to say that a hairdryer in the bathroom is one of THE best things I’ve ever encountered for a guest in France.

  79. Corey how can it be that you list having French CD’s and DVD’s in the apartment yet no television?
    I make breakfast for dinner when I dont feel like cooking….

  80. Corey, I hope you will have art in the apt!!! You can’t have bare walls looking down at all your beautiful brocante finds. Pasts w garlic, EVOO, and roasted tomatoes from my garden. They freeze beautifully and are like summer in your mouth.

  81. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh this is my stand by too! Yum!
    And you are right I won’t have bare walls!

  82. Tongue in Cheek

    Watch and listen on the computer.
    That is what I do.

  83. Georgane Sullivan

    Bonjour Corey,
    My favorite part of your blog is how funny you can be without even trying. It makes me smile every day. A Paris apartment with a hunky Frenchman delivering papers, a shy maid and fresh pastries . Perfect! Maybe you can leave a little video of you with a DVD player and visit each guest that way telling them places you love close by and quirk of the apartment. Then it really would be infused with Corey. This meal suggestion won’t help much because it is too American but I just make my husband barbeque hamburgers and have potato chips. He is happy and I am maybe unhealthy but happy too. I don’t know what the equivalent of a grilled hamburger is in France. Let us know.
    Bonne journee,Georgane

  84. Frozen ‘Mexican Lasagna’ from the local supermarket is one of our backup ‘don’t want to cook’ meals. We usually have one in the freezer just in case. Served with a side of salad, it’s very good.

  85. Pancakes with bananas and blueberries!
    Our favorite ‘breakfast for dinner’…yum!!

  86. Carol Crawford

    Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. Guess I am not alone in my choice! Antique linens are sooo beautiful! I look forward to your blog everyday! Thank you.

  87. victoria silva

    I make fresh herb omelets when I really do not feel like cooking.
    Fresh organic eggs… whipped with a little cream… put in the pan with real butter… where I sprinkle fresh oregano… or fresh thyme leaves… salt and pepper to complete this dish.
    Simple… but ever so good.
    Thank you for consideration winning your give away!!!
    Most generous of you.

  88. When I don’t feel like cooking, I usually pop in a frozen pizza… really no work. Do you have Frozen Pizza in France?! Also, I like to make eggs/toast, super fast and easy!

  89. Corey,
    Didn’t get a chance to read all the suggestions but the things you mentioned I can agree with (no smoking esp)…other things I’ve found helpful in staying in homes/apartments are suggestions for dining, shopping, church, sites and also decorations (subways) to some of the bigger sites from the apartment. Time to get to these can be a blessing too. Maybe a nice map of the area (even hand drawn can help). Books are always nice, not that you have time to read but books seem to carry a bit of their owner in them so it would feel as if Corey, you were there with us.
    Lovely, generous idea to share this with your faithful, far-flugn friends! Thank you!

  90. I make oven fried chicken and also do oven roasted veggies…I can do it all on autopilot and my family enjoys it!
    Congratulations to the winners! karen…

  91. Tongue in Cheek

    Delicious!!! Oh my!
    I am making this soon.

  92. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Gail,
    Yes frozen pizza are in France, and they are good too!

  93. Tongue in Cheek

    yes there is an equivalent to hamburger it is called steack hache. I have never tried it, but it is the classic last minute thing too.
    I like the video idea, I think that would be easier than writing everything down.

  94. Nancy in Solana Beach

    Glad it worked out for you. Have a wonderful time!!!

  95. Fabulous indeed. Happy Friday and congratulations to the winners.
    Much love to you all.

  96. KAMFreeman

    So great to read all about the apartment and guest suggestions…and congrats to all the winners, they will surely have a magnificent time.
    A hurry up, easy dinner for me is always a frittata; always plenty of fresh veggies in the fridge or from the garden in season, fresh herbs and eggs. Quick dish with a side of a whole wheat or mixed grain tortilla. mmm, always a treat no matter how often it sits on the dinner table.
    ps…love the roasted beet suggestion…having some at the ready is a great plan.

  97. When I don’t want to cook dinner, I end up making breakfast!

  98. Amylia Grace

    Wow! What a way to wake up to a gloomy morning in Iowa City! Thank you, Corey, for the weekend stay at your apt. in Paris! Last year was a tough year for me and we weren’t able to make it out of the States. My fiance and I will get married this coming year (*not* in Iowa, perhaps this summer) and now my mind is flooded–maybe we can have our intimate little ceremony there–or we can use the apt. as our honeymoon stay. Say, could we hire you as our wedding planner for a wedding of 10-15? ๐Ÿ™‚ I know, it’s not like you don’t have enough to do, but I had to put it out there! It is such a dream come true. I hope with all my heart when in France we will meet you and it would be a huge joy to spend a little time with you. I am so very happy! My mind is filled with possibility! I have a feeling this apartment will be well-loved and well-worn with memories, adventures, and life-changing experiences! It could become a book–the stories of those who stayed there. I know a good writer–and editor–hint, hint–just sayin! Warmly, Amylia

  99. Lisa DeNunzio

    Favorite ‘go to meal’ is eggs in tomato sauce. This is an old standby of my family. There is usually a can of tomatoes lurking in the pantry and who doesn’t have eggs in the frig. Actually, I must confess that my husband is the one who makes this meal. Not having to cook it makes it even more enjoyable.

  100. Reynolds Pasties, locally made and available at our local grocery stores. Everything you need rolled into one, and I throw together a quick salad.

  101. Congratulations to all the winners!
    Such a wonderful adventure – a Paris flat. I am sure whatever you decide to do will be wonderful. Perhaps you could add a few things from your favorite artist friends.
    When I do not feel like cooking we usually have eggs in some form (like many others) or a big salad filled with many different vegetables and crusty bread.

  102. La Contessa

    Eggs in tomato sauce or eggs with lemon!

  103. La Contessa

    Just saw another comment who does the same!Her husband cooks them as my husband does too!They must both be ITALIAN!

  104. Diana Johannesen

    I pull out the cheese, crackers, and fruit.
    Any wine is great.
    Thanks for sharing the apartment…can’t wait, I have put it on my life list…
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you inspire.

  105. We have a strange meal that sometimes shows up on those “couldn’t care less about cooking something” nights. Slob salad (a wedge of lettuce with a dollop of mayo/catsup dressing on top), hot dogs (I know, awful) and Tater Tots. Horrible. But at least it keeps our stomachs from growling in the middle of the night.
    The napkins you offer are already embroidered with my initials – I love them! A rdi B utler AB

  106. Kraft Mac & Cheese and green beans for children. Whatever is left over in the frig and able to toss on plate and heat up in microwave oven! Then go looking in cabinets for bag of Chocolate chips!!!! Semi choc or milk choc either will do….just got to remember to put it on shopping list so I have them when I need to make cookies!

  107. becky up a hill

    Tacos. Corn tortillas. I consider it a boon, if there is fresh cilantro in the fridge. Finely grated sharp cheddar, tomatoes. Tacos, how I love thee.

  108. In our house it would be risotto sooo easy… flavoured with sage from the herb garden a grating of lemon and a good dollop of Parmesan cheese, all things that are always on the shelf, and while I stir I can dream so it’s almost like not cooking!

  109. I’d have to say having breakfast for dinner–eggs, hashbrowns and ham or sausage.

  110. I tell my husband or son to cook. Mostly it is Mexican burritos or tacos.

  111. labergerebasque

    We rarely have dinner, just soup and cheese with bread. The soup is usually vegetable and I make enough for about a week.

  112. Popcorn eaten with chop sticks, and cold champagne. Best dinner ever!

  113. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Fried eggs over easy, slid on top of (frozen) chopped spinach that’s been nuked in the microwave. And crusty bread cause that’s always in the house. And wine. Yes, with fried eggs. Because we can.
    (Now I’ll read every one else’s items. And get really hungry. And think, “yes! I’ll have THAT tonight!!”

  114. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    PS. I like how you sassed French Husband about the hunky French man, and how he sassed you back. And then walked out of the room.

  115. Grilled tomatoes on toast, with a grind of pepper,a tiny pinch of salt and some basil, if you have it … fresh or dried will work.
    Quick, easy and nutritious. (you can even microwave the tomatoes for a minute or two, just add a dash of olive oil) if time and energy is really short.
    Old, tasteless supermarket tomatoes are perfect for this as cooking them somehow brings the flavors alive.

  116. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Merisi, this sounds wonderful! I love all your detailed descriptions. Not too long at all. (says a usually long-winded writer herself)

  117. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Ardi’s hot dogs and apology that wasn’t really an apology reminded me of our most favorite, easiest no-effort go-to food:
    frozen fish sticks! Mmm, heated in microwave with catsup.
    My sister is horrified that we keep them in the freezer at all times, just for those necessary occasions. She thought we were such healthy eaters!
    And part of why I love them, can I whisper this to you? When Husband was a little boy, he heard “fish sticks” and thought the product was “fish dicks” — right size and shape after all. You can say it fast and nobody but you knows you’re saying it that way.

  118. Chris Wittmann

    I make a dish my German mom called “hamburger run-around” as it was something she would cook when she didn’t feel like cooking. A little oil in a deep skillet, sauted onions, toss in ground beef, brown it and add a bit of flour, add a dash of “Maggi” liquid seasoning, some water, salt and pepper, put a lid on “cock-eyed” and let it simmer awhile. Serve with boiled buttered spuds (taters) and a veggie…mom usually opened a can of corn for convenience. In essence, this is Shepherd’s Pie without being baked in the oven ๐Ÿ™‚ My hubby always loves this dish.

  119. Janet/Seattle

    My husband’s favorite on my I-don’t-feel-like-much-cooking evenings is an omelette with diced chilis, fresh-diced (& drained) tomatoes, maybe a little italian sausage or chorizo, with some kind of homemade salsa or relish and a big glass of red wine. This is open to all kinds of inventions with l’herbes de provence, fresh tarragon, a little Worchestershire sauce in the egg mix, whatever cheese is available in the pantry or refrigerator, and my mood at the time.

  120. Franca Bollo

    Franca’s French est merde (and she is insufferable) but isn’t it Rue du Chateau? She would hate to see lost Tongue in Cheekers wandering around Montparnasse, clutching maps and looking bewildered. That would break Franca’s nicotine-stained heart.
    And, maybe an overhead fan? Franca prefers this to AC when possible.

  121. Beatnheart

    wow…am i ever hungry now!! I want to be honest and say a bowl of Cheerioes.

  122. I always have a few cheeses, olives and hard salami on hand so I use them as a basis for a smorgasbord type dinner. Add some crackers or thaw a baguette portion to this with a glass of wine and I’m set!

  123. I cheat. When I fix meals, I make an extra batch and freeze it. Then when I am tired, lazy, or it is too hot to cook, we dine on whatever strikes our fancy. If I have the energy to cook. I will grab pasta and anything in the fridge – cheese, olives, veggies, sun dried tomato, shrooms, etc. and just stir it all together. A few artichoke hearts will make any pasta meal feel special. ๐Ÿ™‚

  124. Denise from CT

    Whenever I don’t feel like cooking my partner usually comes up with something out of thin air to make, even when it seems we don’t have a thing to cook. His enthusiasm is so infectious that I eventually end up in the kitchen with him and, of course, a glass of wine to help the process go smoothly. We are always amazed by what we can whip up with no plan or recipe as to what it will become.

  125. Tongue in Cheek

    I love cheerios!

  126. Tongue in Cheek

    Fish dicks, lol!!!
    When I was a kid I loved fried bologna with peanut butter. I think it rates up there with your fish dicks with catsup .

  127. Tongue in Cheek

    Now that is a twist to popcorn.

  128. Tongue in Cheek

    Amylia, I would love to be your wedding planner!

  129. This is late but I make Tuna Fish on Toast. I add peas and mushrooms. Super easy and yummy or I make grilled cheese sandwiches and tomatoe soup.

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