Number One in a Perfect World

Number 21



In a perfect world everything is perfect. Everyone is happy. Life offers geniune kindness and plenty to eat. Nobody suffers or dies, children grow up with only good memories of their families. Everyone has what they need. There isn't any waste. And if I wanted long legs and a little nose I would have it. But in a perfect world it wouldn't matter because nobody would see imperfections, nor judge one another. Futhermore we would not judge ourselves, we would be perfect.






While in Paris, I told French Husband I was going to take photos of numbers. He quickly jumped in calculating, "Send me the photos and I will put them in order for you. I know how you are with numbers."

"Oh, that's nice, but I don't want them in order."

"Why not?"

"Because it isn't how I see it."



Number 6 and 4


We looked at each other knowingly.

We don't think alike and yet we do.

When it comes to facts and figures ask him, when it comes to maps and floor plans ask me. When it comes to being on time forget it, because I have to wait for him. When it comes to driving ask him unless you like the excitment of driving with someone who falls asleep at the wheel. When it comes to caring for a friend, or giving of ourselves, or walking the extra mile to help someone, we are hand in hand.

In a perfect world we are not perfect, but we are good for one another.



Number 57


Number 8


Number 9

Number 55


The above photos are in order. French Husband knows I am not kidding.

One through ten.

"Where is the ten?" He asked.

I answered, "Fifty five, is five plus five, which equals ten." 

We so don't see it the same way. Or I should say I see it both ways.

I find it serendipitous my way. 



Number sixteen


"Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful while not specifically searching for it… 

Various thinkers discuss the role that luck can play in science. One aspect of Walpole's original definition of serendipity, often missed in modern discussions of the word, is the need for an individual to be "sagacious" enough to link together apparently innocuous facts in order to come to a valuable conclusion. Indeed, the scientific method, and the scientists themselves, can be prepared in many other ways to harness luck and make discoveries."

 Via Wikipedia

Somewhere in me I am a scientist?




Number 22


Do you see the reflection of my shoes between the number twenty-two?

Two shoes.

French Husband asked if that should be four shoes? He thinks he is so funny. I had to tell him it was the number two, then in the middle of the twos, are my two shoes, then the number two again. A balance of sort.

He was confused. Or am I confusing? It doesn't matter. I was having fun taking photos of numbers while out and about in Paris.



Number 26

Number 126.

As simply as that.

Posted here for no other reason, excepted I liked the curls on the plaque. 



Paris Old Sign


No number.

The old painted iron sign next to the red iron gate was calling for a photo.

French Husband and I rented an electrical car. They are all over Paris. Unplug, drive, park, plug in, and walk away. I'll talk about that later in the week. 

Anyway, we were driving down a boulevard and I saw the old painted iron sign. Fortunately, French Husband stops on call, and I leaned out the window and took the picture.

I don't recall the street name, but I could go back to it if I had to find it again.



Parisian Clock Face


At the end of Passage Jouffroy, a covered alley between two buildings, this clock face is above *Chopin Hotel.

"Always crowded and fun, this place gives a feeling for how the passages were in their mid 19th century heyday. Grévin (, Paris's version of Madame Tussauds, is always packed, Pain D'épices ( is a wonderful old-fashioned toyshop and Segas ( specialises in antique walking sticks. At the end of the main passageway is Hotel Chopin (, with rooms from €96, if you book in advance. Turn the corner by the hotel and the boutiques become more intellectual with cutting-edge photography exhibited in Photo Verdeau ( and sumptuous art books in the Librairie du Passage.
• 10 boulevard Montmartre, 9th, metro Richelieu-Drouot" 

*Inexpensive Hotel in Paris, Hotel Chopin.


Aren't those enamelware numeral amazing.


Blue door in Paris


What is your lucky number? Place it in the shield above the door.

My lucky number is 53. Or I should say it is my favorite number. Because it appears often when I am looking for something, or needing something… hard to explain. 



4 bis number


When in France if you see a number and then the word "BIS" next to it, it means that the number is repeated twice. Usually, the second number "bis" is inside the buliding or down an alley. Similar to: 4 a and 4 b.



Number 53


French Husband and I by my favorite number.



Number nine

In a perfect world nine would not be an upside down six.

What would be in your perfect world? (given love, health, peace, fortune and food for everyone…etc. was already in place.) 


46 responses to “Number One in a Perfect World”

  1. Oh no Corey, all those numbers remind me of the security on some other friends’ blogs, to winnow out spammers!

  2. Now you have me thinking if there is a number that appears to me more often than any others. Hmm. I love these photos of numbers, btw. Nice one of the 2 of you, 2.

  3. boy oh boy when you ask these kind of questions i really take them to heart and normally i am a fire and them aim kind of person-ready with what i like or would want but this time i cannot answer so fast…i’ll have a think on this one!love the numbers my favorite number is 3 or 15 or 9 21 is nice 27 rocks it for me 33 to almost all the 3 times table with some exceptions-loving the paris photos!

  4. Dawn Fleming

    I like how you think regarding numbers. In a perfect world those who I hold close in my heart would still be alive here with me and I would not have allergies or asthma.
    I love your photos also – you are so creative!

  5. My favorite number is 13. In a perfect world, dear ones would not be ill and there would be no worry about finances, health or safety, but other than that, I am not sure. Like “g” said, I will have to think on that one. Love your photos and would so love to be able to visit Paris and Provence some day. I fell in love with Provence through the writings of Peter Mayle’s books and Marcel Pagnol’s “My Father’s Glory” and “My Mother’s Castle”. Loved the films. Thank you for sharing your gift of photography and writing. 🙂

  6. Corey, I did the very same thing while in Paris. I took pictures of doorways, entryways and numbers. I was not happy until I found number 56. I found it and love the photo so much. It’s not really my lucky number but it has a special meaning.
    Love all your number stories and images. You are flooding my mind with memories of Paris.
    In my perfect world everyone is simply safe, healthy and happy. There is way too much unhappiness, pain, sadness, violence and war in the world. I think the hippies said it best, make love not war.

  7. Three things that I’ve been thinking about with your Paris posts:
    1. Are you familiar with the work of Nichole Robertson? She used to have a blog called Little Brown Pen but recently the site changed homes to Obvious State. She put out a book of her photos called Paris in Color. I was so excited to see you taking Paris photos because I love that book and am excited to see what YOUR eyes see in Paris. Also (pertaining to today’s post), several years ago she had a perpetual calendar for sale in her Etsy shop that was made up of numbers taken in Paris (Apartment Therapy had a post on it here if you’re interested: Love the number photos your shared today. More, more, more of Paris please!
    2. All this number business reminds me of a podcast I listened to recently that featured Christian author Emily P. Freeman. As an aside, she was telling about how she has synesthesia (which I was not familiar with). Anyway, the gist of it is that for her, numbers, time, words, etc. are associated with her senses–for example when she thinks of the months she sees them in a 3-D oval with specific spacing, numbers have different “personalities”, etc. Anyway, it was an interesting topic for me to explore. Love how you and FH are so different about some things and the same with others; my husband and I are the same way.
    3. I don’t have a lucky or favorite number, but I’m enjoying reading the comments to see why others have them.
    Sorry for the super-sized comment today!

  8. 7 is the number I see most often, 13 and 6 are my favourite. My perfect world not including, peace, no illness etc would be to just be me, loved for who I am whoever that is.

  9. 22, two shoes, two toes ;-).
    In a perfect world, there would be plenty of time to read.
    I will have to start paying attention if there is a number that appears to me more often than others.

  10. Nancy in Solana Beach

    When I first saw your posting, I immediately thought of my most important numbers – my cell phone number and my Social Security number.
    The most important number to me is Zero. Because if it did not exist, we would not be able to count past the number 9.

  11. With the “givens” in place, my perfect world on a purely personal level would be to live on top of a hill, on lots of land, in a white house with a verandah all around it overlooking the sea. And, more importantly my family would have to live close by.
    p.s. love the numbers and doorways. Your take on numbers is great!

    Have you been to the land of happy,
    Where eveyone’s happy all day,
    Where they joke and they sing
    Of the happiest things,
    And everything’s jolly and gay?
    There’s no one unhappy in Happy
    There’s laughter and smiles galore.
    I have been to the land of Happy –
    What a bore.
    Shel Silverstein (1930-1999)
    My favorite number is 57, the year of my birth. I have waited my entire life to celebrate my 57th birthday which will fall in 2014. (2-0-1-4 = 7) (2,0,1,4,7 = 5 numbers) – Reversed equals 57 – YUPPERS!

  13. In a perfect world there would be no calories in ice cream.

  14. Actually, LOL, my favorite number is the last one you posted, 9.
    In my perfect every human would love the environment and respect the plants and animals in it.

  15. In my perfect world…

  16. Given the things we all want in a perfect world…in my perfect world I would have a country home in France to go along with my cabin tucked away at the foot of a small mountain in a small cove. I would have a garden full of vegetables,a fruit and nut orchard, I would have chickens that laid beautiful eggs, plenty of flowers, a well with pure water, solar power and I would be able to see the sun set behind a small mountain every day and the stars in the sky at night, and my children and friends all close by and I would have visited France by now! 🙂 Dreams of my youth and they still are!

  17. In this moment’s perfect world we would get to see your complete Paris outfits – head to toe. Whenever I catch a glimpse of you (chic and intriguing)in a photo I always wish I could see your shoes, slacks, hair, etc. Inquiring minds…

  18. Gardens, and more gardens, every where in my perfect world.
    I don’t do numbers, ever. My husband does math/numbers.
    They do, however, make beautiful photos !!

  19. You two are a perfect pair, but we all knew that already.

  20. Love the photo layouts. Perfect world; a mix of yesterday and today, continuous fun, many adventures & lots of travel, über amounts of art, girls’ days at the spa or lunching, sunshine & blue skies, sailing, a cave fully stocked with reds, slow dinners, antiques & texture everywhere. 7 is my number.

  21. delightful post.
    i just like you more and more all the time.

  22. Stephanie M.

    I saw in your “picture with no number” 088 behind the fence to the right of the Union Jack. It jumped out at me as I love numbers. I am always counting or adding numbers especially on license plates.

  23. As it should be… and French Husband compliment each other. I realized I really don’t have a favorite number. I also don’t have a favorite color. It depends on the day and my mood. Today’s color is purple (eggplant to be exact) and the number 9. 53 is my birth year, so perhaps it is my lucky number? Be happy!

  24. My favorite number is 48! It’s always been a lucky number since I was 12 years old and won a dinner night out with our teacher and five other classmates. I love this post so much – it makes me long to see Paris again! xxoo

  25. annie vanderven

    numbers have always given me headaches…but your view of them can only give pleasure.
    Something else, you mentioned “the Musee Grevin”, just a few years ago I had taken some of my grandchildren for a visit my youngest granddaughter was about 9 she was petrified I then remembered when my Grandmother took me there at about the same age so was I. now i can understand the sight of these statues looking quite real can be upsetting for a child.
    Annie v.

  26. Don’t know why, but the numbers 4 and 10 appear to have special significance…or variables of them, such as days in Aprilthat are very special, or October 4th, or happenings that are alike but separateed by decades to the day. Numbers can be very perplexing, makes one wonder what the pattern looks like on the other side.

  27. labergerebasque

    Perfect world could cure all cancers…to never worry again when hearing those dreaded words…to not cringe every 6 months when the Sheepfarmer has his “controle” for cancer (he received heavy duty treatment and surgery in 2011). I hate “worrying” that it could creep back…it literally makes me sick with worry sometimes, but I never tell him. It is my “secret” we do not share.
    If I could create perfection it would be to see my grandbabies and children in an instant (to “time travel” as easily as FaceTime or a telephone call) It is the part about living here that is the most difficult…

  28. labergerebasque

    3 and I had always wanted at least 3 children. It is still my favorite number. I find it is a beautiful symbol of sorts.

  29. jend’isère

    “XV Sur Vin” is the name of local wine shop. Since the French are not generous with rankings, it took me awhile to “dechiffre” this. Ahha. 15/20 is the score at number 15 of a street. Numbers can be be interpreted so many ways in puns, attitudes and science!

  30. I did a similar thing one year; I made a day-by-day Advent Calendar with house numbers taken in my village I lived at the time and sent it to my friends – gave everybody much joy and something to discuss!
    Lovely, lovely post – and I also can relate to the different logics between Hero Husband and myself same as you and FH… 🙂
    Thank You – I have no ‘special’ number but I have special places.

  31. sarah webb

    this is one of my very favorite posts from you!! i love numbers and i especially love pics of numbers in paris!! they just don’t make buildings and doors and numbers like that anymore!! my favorite number is 4!! my child’s favorite number is 17 and i have a great time finding different fonts and shapes on my travels. we have them on a sort of collage on his wall in our bonus/play room!!
    i did turn 50 this year so MAYBE this will be my new favorite number :0)

  32. teresa Cesario

    Great Post Corey!

  33. I love those little blue numbers. My favorite and lucky number is three. I have looked for it at the brocante but have never found it. In a perfect world, I would speak fluent French and spend part of every year in France.

  34. The Pliers

    This is a lovely collection of numbers and a great post!

  35. La Contessa

    Oh good grief!When last I was in France and Italy I too thought to myself I will take photos of number 22…….as that is my favorite number!I LOVE YOUR 22 with your shoes peeking behind!STUNNING POST!

  36. 24/7 in Francd

    My significant number is 9 and my French husband is more the detailed number cruncher between us – love the photo of the blue doors – exquisite – but then, Paris always is!

  37. Patti Lloyd

    My perfect world would not be complete without ice cream! There’s a place in San Francisco called Humphrey Slocumbe that creates the most outlandish flavors..I think it must be an art form. Ice cream can cure a sadness, celebrate a milestone, soothe a throat, stimulate imagination, cool the body, be an event in itself. Your blog, too, can do all these things. You deserve an ice cream today…or TWO!

  38. How fun to see all the numbers. Isn’t it amazing how each mind thinks so differently. Now if we all thought the same would that solve many problems in the world or create new ones. Something to think about.

  39. Jill Flory

    In my perfect world I would be able to travel to Paris whenever I wanted! And England, and Australia, and Italy, and Ireland, and….

  40. You are so darn creative . . . I just LOVE it! Not sure what my favorite number is but I love the numbers for my children’s births. Son, 4.14.64 and daughters, 7.6.67 . . .
    I like numbers and I loved this post . . .

  41. peggy aplSEEDS

    i, too, take pictures of numbers! and i have a number – 3756 – i just made it up but when my hubby asks me a number question, how many (anything)? my answer is often 3756. when i answer seriously and give the correct answer, he will say, oh, i thought 3756.

  42. Certainly Sagacious people would always be in my perfect world..and as a bonus someone who sees the world differently and the same as I.
    Thank you for sharing your eye with us..I love them all and am fascinated with the sign photo–the reflection of the sleek, streamlined, modern lines of the automobile’s aerodynamic efficiency among the curling, meandering, worn lines of timeless beauty of the door.

  43. Amy Kortuem

    Love the 22! I switch numbers around all the time. I can spell nearly anything, and can write perfect sentences, but I can’t put numbers in order to save my life!
    I used to be a cashier and 99 times out of 100, I would tell the customer the wrong amount using the same numbers in the total. My regular customers knew to look at the cash register, not listen to me!
    But numbers are beautiful, aren’t they? I love how 7s look. and 2s. 5s. I was the number 5 in a kindergarten program. I was supposed to stand there and draw a 5 in the air. I drew it backward!

  44. Laura @ 52 FLEA

    Love this post. Love numbers. Of course you know my favorite is 52. We are right next to each other! 🙂

  45. molly amaro

    Hi coco

  46. molly amaro

    Has Marie said any thing to you coco? but what I am saying is I love your pictures

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