An Ordinary Day Goes By

corey amaro tongue in cheek blog

The day began like any other day and is ending, as I type, like most of the days that preceded it.

I woke up, made the bed, got dressed, worked some, went to the grocery store, met a friend I hadn't seen in awhile and lived happily.

My family is well.

My friends are well, or are healing.

The sun came up, the sky was blue, I heard church bells, Annie is feeling better.

The day was an ordinary day.

And yet it was extraordinary without my giving it a second thought.



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


What did I do today to merit such happiness and well being?

What did I do to give thanks for the specialness of such an ordinary, normal, beautiful day?

When did I stop and take it in, that I am alive, that the sky above isn't filled with danger, that above, below and surrounding me there is peace, good things to eat and running water.

Where is my heart and where is your heart? Are they connected?

Did we give more than we received.

I hope so… but I am not sure that I am worthy of claiming that it is true for me.



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


As the day came to an end, the two pillows sat together like they have had for the last few years, side by side.

Aren't they lucky to have one another? To be together one made of silk and the other of hemp, sharing life on an uncomfortable canape?



corey amaro tongue in cheek blog


I never want to forget what is important to me, to be with others sharing the day to day life of ordinariness, and rejoice it the simple gift of being with one another. Even when it is as at times uncomfortable as the old canape.

Silk and hemp.

Hand in hand.

Side by side.

Excepting the day as gift.





39 responses to “An Ordinary Day Goes By”

  1. Merisi in Vienna

    Ordinary days are the best.

  2. Love seeing pictures of your beautiful home. Did the bust come with its column base, or separately? Also quite like the foot.

  3. eloquent…so beautifully written!

  4. My life is simple, I keep my house and garden.
    I shop, I read. My home (I believe ) is beautiful.
    I am healthy and I am loved.
    I do not feel a need of any more than this.
    Sometimes though, I feel so very sad about
    the suffering of so many in this world.
    Everyone deserves a “simple, ordinary life”.

  5. Beautiful sharing.

  6. Unnoticed beauty.
    Your larger-than-life blog beckons me to slow down and pull over..
    And I thank you for that daily gift.

  7. Lana Kloch

    beautifully written! do you remember an holocaust survivor, oscar winer once said..”boring is beautiful, too”. merci corey

  8. Laura McHugh

    Once you get through menopause, it seems those moments of unexplained joy happen with more frequency. They are so delicious and special in their moment. Bring you to your knees special. Thank you for the reminder of how important the simplest things are Corey.

  9. I second Laurie SF, who so eloquently hit the nail on the head.

  10. Sherri Richter

    Ordinary days are definitely God’s grace. Savor.

  11. this is so beautiful-i love the ordinariness of life after my dad fell and broke his neck and our lives were turned upside down for 7 months i longed for the monday routine, the ordinary tuesday routine and so on…we are still figuring out the new routines -things are different but not too too drastically and that is GREAT!! i have come to cherish the ordinary-today i drove an hour to spend the afternoon visiting my childhood friend-seeing her is so good for my soul-her being her knowledge her sense of humor she is so smart and makes life look easy-caught in rush hour coming home traffic was a joy- reliving the afternoon-corey another beautiful post-so true so thankful for life as it is right now!

  12. Thank you for this eloquent reminder to appreciate the beauty and richness of an ordinary day. What a gift!

  13. Thanks for this reminder. Ordinary days are indeed good days, but we must notice and be happy for it.

  14. paige thomas king

    loved the message–thanks for making me take notice.

  15. Sometimes words from another makes you stop and take stock of what is around you. The yellow of the goldfinch is deepening, the owl is staking out his territory each evening, the dust bunnies are multiplying at an alarming rate and I sit and read beautiful words written by another that reminds me to give thanks. Thank you.

  16. Heather in SF

    Lovely post. I’ve been on the same wave lately and appreciate the reminder.. Thanks for always sharing so much, every day.

  17. Beautiful. You see the poetry in life and remind the rest of us to see it also. Thank you so much.

  18. i love to read your blog at the end of my day…especially ones like this that cause me to take a deep breath, smile to myself, and offer up a prayer of gratitude for the goodness that each day offers.

  19. Brenda,Walker, LA

    Well said!

  20. 24/7 in France

    With health, love, and happiness every day is special and beautiful – thanks for the lovely reminder.

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    Hello Diogenes,
    Both came separately, from two different places from two different days. The bust is half my size. I found it at an antique fair, on its side under a table. The foot was a gift from a client.
    Both pieces are consider objects from an art school, models for artists to sketch or paint…

  22. Corey, you’ve said it so well! It is an ordinary day here and I’m so thankful for it. Thank you for your words.

  23. Nancy in Solana Beach

    An ordinary day is extraordinary! Thanks for reminding me.

  24. You always have such beautiful messages that remind us how lucky we are….
    Corey you are so deserving of such wonderful days and have talents that make you so worthy…..
    you give to your family your love and you give wonderful messages to us everyday even when you don’t feel well or things are going wrong….
    and yes it was a beautiful day 🙂
    PS Your house is gorgeous…thanks for sharing the pictures 🙂

  25. jend’isère

    Without ordinary, there is no Xtra-ordinary, bigfoot and all!

  26. The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~
    A friend of mine has this quote on her blog and I wanted to share it with you ………..It is the sweet and simple things of life that are truly the thousands of tiny miracles that flood our memory banks of life.
    Love you I hope all remains good and well with you and yours and all your loved ones and friends

  27. Ordinary days help me to regain my rhythm.

  28. “Auntie”

    And so happy that Annie is feeling better…

  29. Thank you for the reminder to stop and smell the roses. Your words are spot on for me right now.

  30. Amy Kortuem

    Just beautiful, Corey.

  31. aww, perfect to read today, ordinary days, ordinary days living awake, in tune, conscious of the freshness in the air, the rhythm of the energies we are given, and great to read today, I hope to be accepted for a month work study at Esalen in Big Sur (next stop, one day Provence, hee hee)…..I am so excited and reading your, days journal in a way, pulled that right back home for me Corey ~ Merci ~ XO

  32. One daughter aced two exams in college today, my older daughter returns to work after having a beautiful baby girl, my son begins high school spring sailing which means a lot of commuting, my youngest son struggles daily in school, new lambs are out in the barn, my farm guest feline waits for her daily handout on the front porch, fearless husband left at 5am for DC to renovate an apartment building, I am making soup & doing laundry . . . Yes, thank God for ordinary, and for you, to remind me if how really good & sweet it is. xo

  33. Jill Flory

    Lovely thoughts Corey! I need to stop more often and remember what is really important!

  34. Blessings on you. I really love finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and so I needed this reminder. (I’ve been complaining a lot lately.)

  35. I love how you write – what a talent you have, and what gifts you give us readers on a daily basis. Merci! Merci!

  36. Patti Lloyd

    I certainly got more than I received today as I journeyed from San Francisco to London and then Rome. Everyone at Heathrow was so helpful to two bewildered first time European travelers, and the men in Roma have made “the lady” feel very special. Good good night.

  37. Another good blog post today! I have to say you’re my favorite blogger thank you for all the joy you send our way. If we don’t say it enough we appreciate it.

  38. tamara giselle

    Hi Corey, Haven’t been around the computer much these days but happened by today when checking up on my son-in-law who is having anything but an “ordinary day” trekking on foot 350 miles through the Alaska wilderness. Great to see your site is still as charming as ever. Love, Tamara
    Here is the link to his adventures (he is an organic blueberry farmer and Natureripe in California is sponsoring him.)

  39. Divine. Thank you for your utter innocence and inner beauty. You add to our world!

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