We Stepped Aside into our Spring



In the chaos,

We stepped aside,

Into a small cafe,

Had a glass of wine,

Spoke of love without uttering a word.


In the chaos

Circling around,

Dark and uncertain,

We know where our safe haven is,

Holding each other, closely, without moving from our chairs.


French Husband and I sipped our wine, had a bit to eat, and walked along the cobblestone.

The tree branches appeared as skeltons against the night sky.

Faith and love start here, with each other, without this union the chaos would be unbearble. Looking up into his eyes I said, "Thank you." And then to the skelton branches I whispered, "Spring is here."

Thank you Yann for being a rock and true friend.



38 responses to “We Stepped Aside into our Spring”

  1. This is really lovely. I appreciate the meaning of these words; my husband is my rock, also.
    And sometimes there just aren’t words. And that’s okay.

  2. Patricia

    Deep gratitude, as well as deep love, has a silent language of its own.
    Thank you for sharing this moment with us.

  3. Lovely, lovely…

  4. “Auntie”

    “In the chaos
    Circling around,
    Dark and uncertain,…”
    -sigh- These words, worry me………….

  5. How beautiful indeed.
    Much love to you and your husband. Love is all you need.
    Love Jeanne

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gx74J64eLg
    Love this version of Ave Maria
    Love you
    Love to you and your handsome husband.

  7. This is beautiful, Corey. Though we can always depend on Him, I know I am forever grateful He has given me someone to be by my side, hold my hand, wipe my tears, speak the words my ears can hear, hold me.
    Wishing you many more years to love and support one another.

  8. Nancy in Solana Beach

    This is so touching…

  9. How very beautiful…

  10. lovely thoughts in obviously difficult times. Glad you have each other to help each other be strong.

  11. jend’isère

    Since I do not know who said “Love conquors all”, I will give you credit for trying to define the term.

  12. While reading your blog lately I really don’t know what to say. There’s a lot of sadness. I don’t comment a lot here but I thought you should know I’m thinking about you and your friends in need. I hope everything unfolds as it should.

  13. Your post today gave me chills. It is a rare thing for me to have a glimpse of sincere and true, undying love between man and wife. My marriage ended 13 years ago and I’ve forgotten what it is like to be in love with a man. Thank you for sharing your love and your life with us. And, a special thank you to Yann for allowing you to write so openly. Your love story is inspiring!
    Corey, you are a poet at heart. I look forward to each and every post!
    Have a blessed day!

  14. simply put-simply said-SO PURE SO BEAUTIFUL-“…and the greatest of these is love.”-

  15. Chris Wittmann

    I’ve not kept up with all your posts lately but sense alot of sadness in your life. It’s hard to know how to advise others in times like these, but I think you are a blessing to those around you and I will pray for your continued strength.

  16. I have just read yesterdays post, a small laugh from your friend is a wonderful thing, I do hope he will soon start to emerge from his illness, it must be so difficult for him, all you can do is be there for him.
    It is very exhausting for you, keep strong.

  17. Love Knowing . . . I like it too . . .

  18. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Lovely. Yann is a great gift to you and your tender heart. I am glad for you.
    (and it’s turning spring here too. what a relief.)

  19. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    ‘My beloved speaks and says to me:
    “Arise, my love, my fair one,
    and come away;
    for now the winter is past,
    the rain is over and gone.
    The flowers appear on the earth;
    The time of singing has come.”‘
    — Song of Solomon 2:10-11 seems appropriate.
    May your (and your friend’s) winter be soon past, and the time of singing come. Meanwhile, you get to “come away” to a small cafe and wine with your beloved.

  20. Shelley Noble

    A moving moment. Yours is an eternal spring.

  21. Corey
    i am happy for you in your sweet dear marriage. it is wonderful to ‘see’ your love , and believe it’s strength and devotion. many continued blessings, xo jody

  22. Beautiful!

  23. Beautiful post.

  24. I love those days too when nothing has to be said, we just know! Here’s to love 🙂

  25. Chico Sue

    Corey. may your friend finally discover the kind of love you share with your Yann, and may he know that the Spring awaits him too, if he will just open his heart.

  26. 24/7 in France

    A touching post – love is the answer even when we prefer a different question…

  27. Emouvant…

  28. head in the sun

    And people think the institution of marriage is an out-dated and corrupted idea!!
    It is one of the best and most precious gifts in life.
    Sometimes I forget how truly blessed I am to have a fella I have loved since I was 21 years old still by my side all these years later.

  29. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Soulmates….Only God given!

  30. Corey,
    So sorry your friend continues to suffer. I am a counselor and I often work with people who are battling this difficult illness. Life can be hard; and, we need to hold tight to the ability to see the little blessings like mint in water. Please know that you are giving your friend the most wonderful gift we can give to another – the gift of your presence.

  31. KAMFreeman

    Corey…and Yann…thank you for letting the beautiful truth of a deep and abiding love be openly shared with so m any appreciative folks. Single for now over thirty years, it is in knowing what is possible that settling for less has never been an option.
    May that beautiful, strong, love and friendship continue to wrap around and through this sweet, strong waiting for another spring to burst into life couple.

  32. Thank you for sharing this with us – it reminds all of us to treasure the love we find and to be grateful for the life we have

  33. Patti Lloyd

    You are a beautiful couple and great example of love.

  34. Kathie B

    A minor bump in life’s road has thrown Farmboy Husband and me together unexpectedly at home for a few days during his Spring Break (instead of where we wish we were). But we’re just grateful to be together, and trying to be extra-kind to one another despite our disappointment.

  35. You’re a good woman KB.
    Hugs. Mardog

  36. Dear Corey, Thank you for putting your heart into words and gifting us yet again.
    As I walked out one evening, Walking down Bristol Street, The crowds upon the pavement Were fields of harvest wheat. And down by the brimming river I heard a lover sing Under an arch of the railway: ‘Love has no ending. ‘I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you Till China and Africa meet, And the river jumps over the mountain And the salmon sing in the street, ‘I’ll love you till the ocean Is folded and hung up to dry And the seven stars go squawking Like geese about the sky. ‘The years shall run like rabbits, For in my arms I hold The Flower of the Ages, And the first love of the world.’W. H. Auden

  37. jend’isère

    The art of the unsaid:

  38. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi jend’isère
    The link was beautiful! Thank you.

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