Finds from the French Brocante: Tell Me What do You Collect?

French Antique Chocolate Mold

French Antique Fish Chocolate Mold,

On April 1st the French give each other chocolate fish called: "Friture." The tradition has it that on the 1st of April children try to stick a homemade paper fish onto people’s backs without the person knowing it, then run away yelling ‘poisson d’avril’, which is like saying, "April Fool". The tagged person is meant to give the trickster fritures, small chocolate fish.

Since Easter is usually around April 1st, the chocolate fish "fritures" are given at Easter as well.




Green French Antique Fatima's Hand

Fatima's Hand door knocker.

Many of the French homes within the old town centers have hand door knockers. We have one on our door, and I am gonna tell you that when someone knocks on our door with it I have jumped out of my skin more than once. So much so that I have put a matching cotton pad (the kind you put under a chair's foot so that it won't scratch the floor), on the base.. it absorbs most of the jumping-out-of-ones-skin sound when knocked.



French Antique Doll Corset

A 1900s corset for a doll.

I don't have dolls. But certain doll vetements (clothes) are too sweet to pass up.

Handmade beauties, most likely made by a child's mother.



French Antique Cafe Bowl Floral

French Antique Cafe Bowl

1900s French cafe au lait bowls. 

French Husband's grandmother gave us hers when we first were married. Some were chipped, and they are still chipped and loved.

In general cafe au lait bowls are used at home, rarely used, I would say never, but that is a strong word, in a public dining place. 

Cranberry colored ones (such as above) are classic.

I happen to like the heavy ironstone white ones.


French Antique Chocolate Pot


1800s Provencal chocolate pot.  Glazed terre cuite. This one is large. Most likely a family's chocolate pot. A chocolate pot such as this (handle on the side) was placed on the edge of the kitchen's fireplace to heat up the milk and melt the chocolate.



French Antique Jewelry Box

An antique metal, chunky but delicate, pedestal jewelry box.

with pink silk tufted interior.



French Antique Rosary

French Antique rosary.

Looks like a rosary. Though it is not… only five beads instead of ten in each decade. I think it has something to do with the stations of the cross. Note the medals in between the beads are of Christ's pierced hands, feet, and heart. Though I am not sure.

The story is waiting to be told.



French Antique Brush and Comb Box

Homemakers from another era had craft projects too.

The photo above is a hand made brush and comb holder.

The brush and comb holders are never the same, but they always have two spaces: One for a brush, another for a comb. Some have mirrors, some are made only with fabric, this one is framed and has an engraving added to it to make it "jolie" which means "pretty" in French.


French Lock Cover


A French 1920s decorative bronze lock cover.



French Antique Beauty Mark Box


A French 1900s beauty mark box. It still has khol inside of it.



1900s Child's Painting Notebook

1900s Child's Painting Notebook

Turn of the century children's notebooks with there grades added to the top. 10 being the highest note. 




1900s Bicycling Map of Bayonne Frane

Bicycling map of a section of France.

I bet my brother Mat would love this.

It is a paper map, glued in sections on canvas. The sections make it easies to fold with out ruining the map.


French Antique Rose Indienne Print Fabric


A large antique cotton piece of fabric.

Faded roses with butterflies.


Provencal Pottery


Yellow glaze, terre cuite, honey pots.


The wide mouth, squatty ones are harder to find.



French clay pots


French antique starter clay garden pots.

I bought a green house full.

Why? For my online brocante shop of course.

Steadily the little starter pots have gone around the world.



Set of Four Large French Antique monogram Dinner Napijns

Oversized dinner napkins with monograms.

Finding a certain monogram is amazingly hard given how many old monogrammed textiles there are in France. I remember reading once that Martha Stewart said she found it nearly impossible to find her initials. I must admit C.A. is easier than M.S.


Brocante Bits #15


Handmade lace is easy to find.

Lace panels not so easy.

A lace veil harder.

But lace ribbon, which was made and never used (and sadly the artist doesn't ever leave their name) is plentiful at the brocantes in France.



Tooth Brush Holder


An ironstone toothbrush holder.


Bets sticking in a cup.


French Antique Salad Basket


Before salad spinners, and salad in a bag.

Wire iron basket.



Being "Green" was a given in the day.

Who threw away? Baskets, jugs, textiles were used everyday. Made to last.

Antique linen bread bags.


Chicoree Pot

Enamelware chicoree cannister.

Instead of coffee, French Husband drinks chicoree for breakfast.


Romantic Images

French antique hand tinted engravings.

Tell me what type of small antiques you collect or like? Leave me a comment telling me so, and I will randomly pick a few of you tomorrow and send you an engraving.

My latest antique crave? Ironstone with black lettering.

My all time favorite antique love? Ephemera and religious objects.






49 responses to “Finds from the French Brocante: Tell Me What do You Collect?”

  1. I collect cabinet cards – you remember those sepia pictures of your great-grandparents on the thick card with the swirly writing and decoration naming the photography studio? I especially love the ones of the serious looking children.
    Corey, I love your blog so much – I think I’ve been reading it every day since almost the beginning. Please give my love to Annie and tell her ‘no more sick days’.
    xoxoxoxoxo Anne

  2. I like old ironstone. Red Transferware is best, but if it is white, that is good too! I love your cafe au lait bowls. They do serve with them in Le Pain Quotidien.

  3. Leigh NZ

    I have many passions when it comes to collecting, however I too love vintage religious items especially old plaster statues of Mary. Last year I brought a very large 1920’s ‘ Our Lady Of Lourdes’ plaster statue that was sent to me in NZ from New York. Unfortunately when she arrived she was in 3 pieces with a few chips. I took her to the Carmelite Monastery and had her repaired and repainted by one of the Sister’s as they specialise in the repair of religious statues…she is stunning and has such a beautiful face; you would never know that she has ever been broken and is one of my treasures.
    Last October I was in Ile Sur le Sorgue and found some beautiful very old Catholic Church chandelier crystals. The other day I was looking at some of your archived posts and saw a photo of someone I’d met. It turned out to be Odile Bouscarat of La Petite Curieuse and I had brought the crystals in her shop! What a charming lady and a very small world!!

  4. I collect milk glass. It’s not that old, but I like how these white vases and other dishes can complement any decor and can hold flowers, fruit, nuts, candy, etc, etc, etc,

  5. First and foremost, I collect cookbooks ~ mine number in the thousands.
    I haven’t travelled outside the US and very little outside my region; so, my antiques are sentimental and family pre-owned and in many cases, hand made by great.great.grandparents.
    What makes my heart beat wildly? French striped linens. I nearly faint when I see pics online of white hand towels with red or blue stripes that come from France. Oh my.

  6. Sharon Mattern

    My favorite French antique is the beautiful Globe de Mariee. I have several. I found my last one in May, 2012 in Carpentras, France. I love how different each one can be and the symbolism of each flower, leaf and mirror is fascinating.

  7. Still drooling over the lemon tarts… so what do i collect. Old lace, fabric, ribbons.. dishes (the more the merrier). I remember my cafe au lait cup from when I was young.. Oh my what memories you have stirred up today.. amitiés, marlis

  8. Dawn Fleming

    I love decorative perfume bottles. Anything beautiful I buy if I can afford it and display it. I have 48 of various French, American, English and Czech ones, which is nothing compared to the collectors in a group I belong to called the International Perfume Bottle Associaton. A lot of them have 200 plus!
    I also am fascinated by button hooks. I have a variety of silver, Bakelite and the beautiful corset hook I purchased from you:)

  9. Anjanette

    Antique American Flags…Love them! 4th of July is my favorite holiday…celebrating Patriotism regardless of race, religion and most of all politics!

  10. I collect nativity sets from around the world. Since I don’t travel as much as I would like, but my parents do, they bring me at least one from every trip they take.
    I also collect crosses to wear, especially on Sunday morning.

  11. vintage Poodle related items, bracelets, little curiosities. I just found out what I thought was Grandma’s seam ripper is really an 1890 pencil sharpening knife. It is in a little glass topped cigar box of family treasures that includes Grandpa’s folding ruler, Dad’s aggie marble and rhinestone hair combs that belonged to each grandmother. Oh and the unused plug of chewing tobacco that was Grandpa’s. Grandma couldn’t throw it away after Grandpa died.

  12. Nancy from Mass

    I love postcards…especially if they have the Eiffel Tower on it! My kitchen is Eiffel Tower design. I downloaded a pic of Gustav Eiffel standing near his half-built tower. that is framed on my wall. I also have 2 b&w pics on my wall with the tower and Montmarte, a mirrored sign that says Bienvenue and, my favorite, B&W fabric i found with the tower on it that i made into valances.

  13. I collect vintage lucite and bakelite bangles, vintage toys, and vintage powder boxes. However, my largest collection is religious items. My stairs are lined with white Virgin Mary planters…I call it my stairway to heaven. I have the Lady all over my house! If I had access to the French brocante…oh, my!
    Love your blog, Corey. Your photos are incredibly luscious. All my best, Marie

  14. I have a passion for boxes of all kinds. Wood, tin, and so on. I think it’s the mystery of what they hold or did hold for a previous owner. But my favorite ones that I’m collecting now are the porcelain Limoges boxes from France of course and I also collect the Halcyon Days Enamel boxes from England. I especially love the harder to find tiny ones that are only an inch in diameter and about that tall. So many beautiful ones. I only have about 15 of them….so far. I arrange them on a pretty cream and gold colored porcelain tiered dessert stand along with other things that are special to me such as a tiny metal antique picture frame with a picture of my grandmother in it. And things such as small pretty sea shells, an antique “lay down” crystal perfume bottle with a silver lid from the mid 1800’s and a small mother of pearl handled magnifying glass. As I pass by this during the day it just makes my heart sing.

  15. I collect things that speak to me in some way. Usually old and worn and somewhat unique. Things of quality that someone no longer loves or wants. I like those kind of things.
    They represent a time now gone.
    Dishes, embroidered linens, pottery, works of art and creative expression.
    Things that people kept for generations. I like to think of myself as a preserver of history.

  16. well-my collections have changed as i have gotten older-i love old paper-especially old letters and cards-second collection old christmas balls especially unique colored ones-love the cafe au lait bowls the one i purchased from you was a newer vintage-would like old ones some day-in short i buy whatever appeals to me on a given day-i just love old things!

  17. I just love mirrors, the older the better.
    They are every where in my home,
    in large groupings on most walls.
    My favorite is one I found at a tag sale
    still hanging on a garage wall.
    The frame is cracked and the silver
    is peeling from the glass. Beautiful
    When I took it home to clean it,
    I found about a half pound of rat poop
    behind the protective brown paper on
    the back of the mirror.
    It now hangs in my dinning room……
    The mirror, not the rat poop.

  18. Franca Bollo

    My cat’s whiskers.

  19. Delphine

    My collections aren’t large mainly because I don’t get out and about much, but I do like just about anything old and fabric. Lace, doilies, napkins, bits of fabric from the past, but top of the list is completely different – rhinestones. I love old jewellery and the pretty little stones. What stories they could tell – gifts, treasures or someone saving for something special to wear. All lovely.

  20. Ooh so many things….small copper oil cans because I love their form and patina and they remind me of the tin man from the wizard of oz; vintage paperdolls, postcards and other ephemera that catche my eye, vintage cookie cutters and cook books, lace and vintage fabric, victorian glass bead necklaces, small vintage pitchers, china repaired with metal staples, small silver spoons and serving pieces, interesting vintage buttons, small or interesting shaped chocolate molds…. well that’s a start and you did

  21. Laurie SF

    !920’s anything and everything..
    That and my husband..xo

  22. Brother Mathew

    How much for the map?

  23. Ana María

    I don’t like to say I “collect” things. I just bring home things that speak to me. I adore the hunt. Old things that tell a story… And if they don’t, I like to make up stories, to imagine what they meant to others who owned them. I am constantly searching for embroidered bed linens. I’ve been able to find my initials and those of my children. My friends think I’m crazy when I say I don’t mind ironing sheets and pillowcases. Lately I’ve fallen in love with old statues of the Virgin Mary and of St. Therese. I like the chalk ones with no color. I also like the tiny “pocket” statues of Mary and all the saints.
    As always, thank you for your wonderful blog. I so look forward to meeting you in person one day soon!
    Ana Maria

  24. ooh vintage sewing notions, transfer ware, old linens,
    china with roses, turquoise jewelry and most anything
    old and pink, vintage pillowcases that starch and use on my bed…buttons
    pens and paper,(the pen thing is out of control)
    Some time ago you told us about pinterest and I want to thank you so much. Now when I want to show my twin
    sister something I can. She can see the pictures I
    collect in Pittsburgh way out west in Phoenix.

  25. Laura Kirste Campbell

    I search for velvet ribbon, embroidery of all kinds, handmade sheep or birds and supplies I can repurpose or furniture I can paint with scenes, small antique metal frames, pearly trinkets, baskets and copper…oh, and my daughters say I have “dish issues”, LOVE beautiful dishes! LOL!
    Thanks for sharing your collections and treasures! I love the thrill of the hunt and capture! A great find can get the heart jumping with joy!

  26. Well…Just walking into an antique store makes me feel at home. I get this sort of warm feel and excitement at the same time. I am very much into old wooden and tin boxes at the moment. I also have a hard time walking past old wooden bowls. I am crazy for small tables and night stands. And vintage mirrors…well they’re heaven sent.

  27. Tongue in Cheek

    For you free.

  28. Patti Lloyd

    I love old ceiling tin, chippy windows, aged lace, rusty things, childrens antique toys…but what I collect most seems to be dust!

  29. Evelyn Jackson

    I love all your brocante finds! When I moved to France, I packed away my collections, so nothing here. In boxes in storage tho…Japanese hand painted plates (they look like delicate watercolors) postcards, tiny crosses and Lu-Ray dishes. What I’d like to collect if I could afford them? Old ceramic or glass holy water fonts. I’ve seen some gorgeous ones here in France! (My apologies if you get this comment twice…my computer did something funny the first time.)

  30. 24/7 in France

    I don’t collect anything in particular, but do love to browse the brocantes looking for just the right thing that I want to buy!

  31. I love collections, my favorites are old paper, ephemera my favorite being old photographs and tintypes…
    another love would be tiny or small old things… small enough to hold in your hand and hold the essence within close.

  32. Brenda, Walker, LA

    I love love love the toile, the crocks with writing, and anything that is worthy of matching my grandmothers embroidered pansies…I now collect that motif on just about anything. You are right about the beads, they represent the Way Of The Cross. I love the “B” on the linen, my initials are BDB! Today’s brocante finds were so special, Thank you, Corey

  33. Lee Bowers

    Corey, I collect small pastel swans mostly from the 30′ s and 40’s . I found my first swan at a flea market and was attracted by the shape…now that swan has many friends. I am a quilter so I have a closet full of fabric, but I call that my stash. Have a great week.

  34. Oh man where do I start – love all your french finds.
    I collect pottery, all kinds, but lots of green Frankoma. Baskets, vintage fabrics, pre WWI greeting cards, and I seem to have collected a lot of cream pitchers of all kinds. I put flowers in them, pencils, paint brushes, makeup brushes or just display them and anything with birds on it – oh and Buddha statues – small and large on my desk and in my garden.
    And I’ll be making those lemon tarts soon – yum!

  35. I love the glass floral frogs for flower arranging. Always buy them, have never used them, absolutely love them. I love the chuncky glass with holes and they way they feel in my hand. I also love cook books, china & crystal, mirrors…

  36. double d

    Things w the letter d, or the Eiffel Tower,(my favorite is my Eiffel Tower martini glasses), transfer ware, willow ware, any kind of garden related items.

  37. Seashells!

  38. Jill Flory

    I don’t have any great collections yet. I would love a stack of European grain sacks all my own and all the ironstone I can afford!

  39. I have always been in love with blue and white transferware and flow blue china.
    I bought my first dish while attending a farm auction with my Dad when I was 13 years old. It is a favorite memory. I now am drawn to white iron stone pottery. It ages with such grace
    and wears the lines of age, telling a story with each line and crack. You can tell if it was well loved, or neglected in the cupboard. I’m always am looking for etchings and engravings, I love the stories they tell, and the care that goes into each line. I thought I had gone to heaven when I visited Provance. Corey, you are so lucky to have such a beautiful back yard to play in!!

  40. I started collecting in my teens. My mother would take me to yard sales, thrift stores and even the dump! Over the years I have collected many things. When we lived in Japan I collected everything old and primitive from furniture to glassware. Loved the outdoor bazaars! Coming back to the states I drooled (and still do) over every yard sale, auction, barn, old attic I can find to dig into. I love white stoneware, ruby glassware, primitive kitchen items, vintage linens, religious items,silver, postcards and letters from WWII(I have a box of those to dig into and read on a winters day)– just about anything. The hunt is the thrill for me and it is in my blood! I will get up at dark o’hundred to get ready for a Saturday of junking to end it with an evening auction. Going into a regular store (except for groceries)just does not appeal to me. If I can get the story behind the items I purchase that is even better.

  41. Curtains In My Tree

    I love almost everything your have pictured for us today
    I always have liked monogrammed items and like the toothbrush holder, the pictures of Marie are breath taking
    the lace is wonderful and I like red & white linen , like I said I like it all and have collected all these items at one time

  42. Linda Kay

    I really like your diverse collections.
    I collect several things, but at the moment,
    I especially like to see if I can find vintage
    Christmas ornaments, from the 40’s and 50’s.
    They bring back such good memories of my
    Christmases as a child.

  43. KAMFreeman

    Corey the diversity of the items you collect always amazes me and opens up for me the thought, hmmmm, how would that look—– so many delicious items. I collect vintage sewing tools and materials as well as a collection of vintage gardening implements and containers. That is enough for now…except for that ever expanding collection of religious pieces, medals, rosaries and the like.

  44. What a lovely collection, Corey!
    Should you love to enjoy a ptit déjeuner with real old fashioned café au lait in classic bols/bowls then I recommend the boulangerie à l’ancienne Coquelicot at Montmartre/Abesses – a wonderful picturesque place with grand delights to enjoy.

  45. Loved looking at your collections!
    Started out collecting French vintage objects and clothing. Now that I live in California, small vases and transfer ware with floral designs. I’ve been a magnet for interesting paper all my life.

  46. I collect so many things I have old perfume bottles, hat pins, art, textiles for example I purchased an old fireplace screen in Ireland all hand embroidered I invision someone sitting behind it reading or sewing. Oh, and I collect old books and jewlery too. All have meaning and a story to tell of by gone times. These are treasures that I still look at from time to time and they give me such pleasure.

  47. I am the collector of whatever no one else in my family wants. I have been that one since my teens and I am now 62. Tables, cabinets, humidors, so many platters and dishes, quilts and pieces of them, old tools. My endless list. On my own I love old levels (so I can say I am on the level) and old rolling pins, especially with green paint. Postcards and cards I have been incorporating in my art for the longest time. A friend lived in England for 7 years during the early 70 s so I have amazing pieces from families seeking to earn a few dollars selling off family heirlooms. I was saddened by that, but I treasure them, thus honoring the families. I love blue and now control my buying by only allowing myself to buy blue. Moving will be ever so painful. Thanks for the trip down your memory lane.

  48. I found linen/cotton bed sheets with my MM monogram when last in France. I bought both of them and LOVE them and use them all the time.

  49. Nancy in Solana Beach

    I collect Santa Clauses – not the real expensive ones. I like to pick them up wherever I travel – they vary in size and look terrific on a table top at Christmas time.
    I also collect anything blue – so that there is a real blue theme running through my home!

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