The French Brocante Art of Negotiation

French Brocante Romantic Images


A stack of hand tinted engravings laid at the bottom of a trunk. I bent down, scooped them up and asked, "How much?"

The dealer spent the next ten minutes counting them. When that happens it usually means the price is not going to be as good as I hoped. He went on to tell me what they were (tint samples for prints), how hard they were to find and what a good eye I had. Flattery doesn't work on me, nor assuming I do not know, or that I am a tourist who speaks French with an accent.

I offered him half.

He tried to convince me to pay more.

I put the engravings down and walked away.




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The dealer said to French Husband, "She is tough."

French Husband shrugged. Then walked over to me and winked, "The dealer thinks your tough. If only he knew."

I shrugged, thinking to myself, "I am tougher when I really want something."


Later the dealer ran up to me, "Okay, I except your offer. You are tough aren't you?"

As I was in a mood I said, "Tough would have asked you to give them to me for free."



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The dealer laughed nervously, wondering if I was serious or not.

To add to the fun I said, "So since I have a reputation as being tough, what are you going to give me as a gift since I am buying all of them?"

He really laughed.

Though I gave a sheepish smile, and stayed my ground.

He asked, "You are serious aren't you?"

"Of course I am." I said, as I looked around his stand for a gift.



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He put his arm on my shoulder, "What about a kiss as a gift?"

"I like old things better." I teased.

He said, "I am older than you does that count?"

"Nope. It doesn't." 

He shook his head and sighed, "Tough."


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"I pointed to some old platters." And asked, "How about one of those?"

"Oh la la! A platter no less. Not a button, or a piece of lace, nor a book… but a platter no less!"

"How about two and a kiss?"

French Husband shook his head.

I love the art of negotiating.

I love my platters.

The winners of an tinted engraving are:



Sharon Mattern.

Please send me your addresses by email and I will send you an engraving.

Thank you.



22 responses to “The French Brocante Art of Negotiation”

  1. Oh my goodness, Corey, you’re the bomb! I’d love to have you on my side for just about any negotiation (I’m sure I wouldn’t have stood around waiting while he counted that long).

  2. jend’isère

    Re-ooh lalaaa! I repost this comment from a few weeks ago.

  3. You are too cute. Quel culot!

  4. Tough, cute and…funny!

  5. Shelley Noble

    Love it. What fun!

  6. I missed this give away. Lucky winners!
    I need to plan shopping with you, you tough girl!

  7. Diogenes

    This really made me laugh. Thanks for that.

  8. One tough cookie!!! I wonder from where that expression came? I love the bargaining and exchange. Thanks for making my day start with laughter.

  9. 24/7 in France

    Thanks for making me and (my) French husband laugh! Bien fait!

  10. Thanks for the negotiating tips! However, when I try them, I’m going to make sure the seller is half my age, cute with dreamy eyes. Then I won’t need a platter!

  11. head in the sun

    We have a saying in Australia that suits you down to the ground:
    “She has more front than Myers!”
    It’s a saying especially for bold, cheeky wags.
    Myers is a big department store chain in Australia which has big glass display windows.

  12. Nance in France


  13. When I negotiate and walk away, they let me

  14. I so enjoyed today’s blog and your “art of negotiation”! Excellent and fun! It really hurts to be hard sometimes! : > )

  15. You are one tough cookie!! I am such a chicken, and shouldn’t be. Congrats on the new platters. xo marlis

  16. Oh – I am terrible at the art of negotiation! I get sweaty palms and a ferocious blush. I will give some of your tips ago the next time!

  17. Love it! Dickering is nerve-wracking but I do it anyway. You are a master!

  18. Corey, I think you should give courses in negotiation :-).

  19. What an art of negotiation. Built on knowledge, a friendly teasing manner to soften the blow. Good work on a skill most of us wish we had.

  20. Peggy Braswell

    You are a tough one!I adored this story.

  21. Jill Flory

    You are amazing! Love it! I am so NOT tough! I could learn a lot from you 🙂

  22. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Tough and tender

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