Brocante Bits

Little things found at the brocante.
Little moments of another time connecting past to present.
Happiness in being part of it.
And isn’t it that after all? If you cannot connect to the happiness of little things, if you cannot sit still with the happiness at hand… How hard it would be to feel at ease with the everyday.
Our friend remains true to his dark desire, as I stand by wishing I could give him some of my well being.
Chemical balance, faith in love, and a dose of accepting what is at hand, or as they say, the courage to change.

Brocante Bits

Brocante Bits

Brocante Bits

Brocante Bits

Brocante Bits


15 responses to “Brocante Bits”

  1. somepinkflowers

    {{ always
    i connect to a sweet little taste
    of happiness
    when i pop in
    and see what treasure
    you have found }}

  2. So hard, you want to wave a magic wand and have him get better right away. I just pray that a little switch goes off in his brain and the desire to live kicks in.
    Your photos are sweet! Is that a velvet tufted pincushion?

  3. Thank you for the update on your friend. I have kept him in my thoughts and prayers. I too wish I had a magic wand to fix all the ills in the world. Perhaps on the next brocante trip? xoxo

  4. LauraInSeattle

    Does your friend ever read your blog, Corey? Does he know how many people are keeping him in prayer, how we all are cheering for light to win the battle over the darkness, that he is not alone…? I realize he is in the thickest darkness and might not see any light around, but sure enough there is light that is shining for him from these very pages.

  5. Wishes for freedom from darkness for your dear friend.
    May lightness and happiness come his way-

  6. jend’isère

    Just read a friend’s comments of her little girls finding a magic wand at a brocante. Thank you for caring.

  7. Nancy W.

    For me, it is ALL about the little things. The ordinary rituals of the day are my peace givers. Praying your friend can find the light. Remember God surrounds him everywhere & always. Peace be to you.

  8. I was thinking about your friend-how hard it must be for someone, like you, who isn’t in the darkness … the small outing with you plays over and over in my mind- knowing how good(maybe even great)it would feel to sip his mint water-in the company of love and grace ITSELF-you or yann or anyone who cares and loves him-yet getting up the energy to engage- it takes SO MUCH-even to fake- it yet after it happened he probably felt better-i wanted to say SO MUCH BETTER-but i know that is too much to ask for right now-i am vewry saddened by this … yet will continue to maintain his closeness in heart mind spirit-as for you and all his care givers-

  9. Lana Kloch

    one day i was in the shadows and had friends beckoning me to enjoy the light. i heard them. i was not ready. they did not give up.. and finally i heard them and i was ready. i love life.. that was years ago.. but am so thankful for them..
    you are an angel for not giving up, but giving hope. it is not wasted; trust me, corey..

  10. France Forever

    It’s indeed the little things that count – hoping your friend can find his way out of the darkness.

  11. teresa Cesario

    Wonderful post Corey..The few words say alot and the photos are beautiful and make me think alot as I sit here in the dark before the sun comes up and here my black labs breathing on the couch..what a beautiful sound of life.

  12. Jill Flory

    So so sorry for your friend. I dislike chemical imbalances very much. Love the brocante bits!

  13. Shannon C

    Corey,I have been reading your blog faithfully for over a year. I love how you share parts of your personal life with your readers. I feel connected to you in the way you love your brocante, I love my flea markets. The way you see beauty in things or places that many others would not, I am also of the same mind. Stand by your friend, as I know you will. Through my own personal struggles, I have found hope to be stronger than fear. Sometimes life is easier when we choose to receive it moment by moment.

  14. Dawn Fleming

    I do hope your friend also finds the way out of his darkness and can find some balance in his life as well as the hope Easter brings for all of us.

  15. Kathie B

    I wish your friend’s doctors could find the right meds for him, to roll back his heavy gloom.

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