Family reunion.
Who knew it would be so hard to get four people together? And when we are together we rarely remember to take photos, let alone a photo.
Sacha leaves for Chicago. Where he will be doing an internship with Debi Lilly. Literally thirty seconds before he left the house. I yelled, "Oh no! Wait, wait, wait! We gotta take a photo! I want a photo of the four of us!"
Boy must smile. But he was anxious. He was late.
We coaxed him.
And begged him, five minutes, please.
My family groaned as if I had yelled, "Let me paint you purple and shave your heads."
I plunked my camera in my niece's (Juliette) hands, "Can you take some photos of us?" She had no time to ask, "How do I work this camera?"
I jumped next to French Husband, then motioned Chelsea and Sacha to sit next to us.
Juliette asked, "Why do the photos look blurry?" Sacha moaned, "Mom, I am late, I am gonna…" I cut him off, by answering Juliette, "Don't worry if they are blurry, just click." Chelsea added, "My mom's view finder is set to her poor eye sight." She got up to reset it. I waved my hand for her to get back on the canape. Sacha grumbled. I wanted to pinch him to sit still.
Does he ever take a bad photo?
Rare shot.
Juliette took our photo.
Then she went to hand the camera back to me.
But I begged her for a few more.
The four of us. Thank you Juliette.
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