Rough Luxe Patchwork

2013-04-17 16.58.00


 18th century silk textile fragments.

Intricately hand embroidery with gold threads.

Most likely made for a church altar piece… 

The torn pieces I found years ago, are not bigger that my hand.



French 18th century fabric

My Belle Mere and I are making pillows for the apartment in Paris.

Though my Belle Mere finds it a be tricky that I do not want to cut the fabrics. "How are we suppose to make pillows if you do not want to cut the fabric?" She looks at me teasingly.

"Rough luxe patchwork." I offered in a haphazard melange of French and English.

"Oh, yes brilliant." she beams at me.

18th century French textile

My Belle Mere has been with us for nearly a month. 

It is such a wonderful surprise how far our relationship has come.

A true hapzard rough luxe patchwork.

For me to say, "I admire her." Is saying I have discovered the pot of gold after the storm.

I would have never believed it true.

And yet it is.


SIlk antique textile


Have you found a pot of gold?  


13 responses to “Rough Luxe Patchwork”

  1. Haven’t found a pot of gold yet, but I’m keeping my eye out! So glad you’re enjoying this time together. I hope you’ll show us the finished pillows!

  2. Yeah!!!!

  3. Sound very much like me and my Belle Mere 🙂
    Sometimes, it just takes time (read: a couple of decades). But it feels so great when it finally happens.

  4. Gorgeous fabrics!!! I found a pot of gold in a tiny town in Montana on our honeymoon. We married well passed the age that most marry and the honeymoon was part work, part play. We indulged each other’s passions – trains for him, thrift stores for me. In one I picked up a pile of doilies and patchwork squares for under $1. I was shaking as I walked to the car. Three of the blocks were signed with the makers names from a small no longer existing town in Ohio, my hubby’s home state. Kismet! I look at the blocks now framed in our hallway and remember that wonderful trip.

  5. Kathie B

    No pot of gold yet, but we did snap photos of a rainbow in the Azores last month during a passenger ferry ride across the channel from Pico to São Jorge! (Maybe some distant cousin of mine there found the gold).

  6. Peggy Braswell

    I also have not found the pot of gold + I know it is there; so I am patiently waiting.

  7. 24/7 in France

    The pillow fabrics are beautiful- can’t wait to see the finished results!

  8. Actually looking for pots of gold as there are many rainbows here in Ireland.

  9. Still looking!

  10. Actually, I think the pot of gold is found in HOW you look at it, not in WHAT you look at.
    Love your writing, your finds, and your attitude, Corey! I think your Belle Mere has found a pot of gold in YOU!

  11. It is your generous spirit, Corey, that wins people over in the end. It is like water – soft and consistent yet wears away even the hardest stones.

  12. Patti Lloyd

    I think I have found a lot of gold…a best friend to hug when I need it after a tough time, a grown up daughter who I have a great relationship with after the stormy teen years, a beautiful grandson who I am very close to because he has had to live with us most of his life, a chance to find success as an artist after years of hiding behind fear..I am indeed fortunate to have so many rainbows with gold at the end. I once embroidered a sampler that said “the soul would have no rainbow, had the eye no tear.”

  13. Brenda, Walker, LA

    I can’t wait to see these pillows…and every tinme you see them, you will think about the time you and Belle Mere spent together! Many little pots of gold are worth more than just a single find!

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