A Reason to Be

French pastry : Religieuse!

A Reason to Be

We were visiting our friend in the hospital, we brought pastries.

He was in a good mood. His illness wasn't "in the room" he said.

I laughed adding, "A pastry is a good reason to be alive!" He laughed too.

And that was the happiest moment in these last three months.


16 responses to “A Reason to Be”

  1. I think one can gain 15 pounds just by looking at that photo! 😉

  2. Where’s mine? 🙂
    On a serious note, that looks delicious.

  3. now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!

  4. oh my that is one huge choux bun…

  5. Over the top decadent.

  6. Oh my. That could be an entire meal!

  7. Peggy Braswell

    That photo looks good enough to eat. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  8. Profiteroles! Swoon…

  9. I can imagine, delicious!

  10. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Oh um, YUM! Girl!

  11. Now that looks seriously DECADENT.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. head in the sun

    That’s such great news to hear about your friend!
    It sounds like you are a wonderful friend to him.

  13. Sweet relief!! Such good news about your friend, even if it is only for a brief time! Fingers crossed that the good days come thick and fast, and push the bad out of the way.
    The religeuese reminds me of the first of our many drives to Lyon, religeueses from a famed patisserie the trophy we carried home. (Pierre never let me step foot inside the famed brocantes of Lyon!!)

  14. Good news . . . the secret therapy of an occasional sweet treat . . .

  15. Kathie B

    Calories, what calories? For your friend this is health food — I know that eating one would make ME feel better! Glad to hear he was having a good day, and am hoping for many more for him, as he continues his recovery.

  16. Finalement…

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