Month: April 2013
Ten Things about Me that you probably don’t know…
Anchovy is not on my favorite food list. I was head song-leader in high school. My first job (I was sixteen years old.) was at an ice cream parlor. I was fired because the owner told me I was Portuguese…
The Difference Between the French and the American
Someone once told me that the difference between a Frenchman and an American could be summarized like this: "If you put a Frenchman and an American in the middle of a forest and asked them to find their way…
A French Brocante Find: A Breast and Bubbles
"Look what I bought!" I texted French Husband, "A French brocante find for the Paris apartment!" Even though he was miles away I could hear his stunned thought silence. I sent another text just to egg him into saying…
Family Reunion
Family reunion. Who knew it would be so hard to get four people together? And when we are together we rarely remember to take photos, let alone a photo. Sacha leaves for Chicago. Where he will be doing…