Spring Evening

I love the look of bread and water in the restaurants in France.

Spring Evening

Spring Evening

Spring Evening

Spring Evening

Spring Evening


13 responses to “Spring Evening”

  1. me too…hope to see you tomoro

  2. Merisi in Vienna

    *Ooooh … *

  3. Curtains In My Tree

    I wanna know what the curly white screw wire things are? in a previous post

  4. tara dillard

    How basic.
    Yet, how often does water or bread in my home…..look as if it’s on a proscenium?
    Note to self.
    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  5. Me too please!

  6. AS for the bread and water in France, I love not just how beautiful it looks, but how good it tastes. Very rarely have we had indifferent bread — usually, it is a wonderful pain au levain baguette, or one made with a poolish.
    I’m just reading Bringing up Bébé, our book club pick for the month, and am wondering whether you have read it Corey, and if so, what you think of it?
    I was surprised to have learned many things from it…

  7. Marilyn

    Yes, bread and water are the substance of life. Beautiful to see!

  8. Kathie B

    Can’t understand why folks don’t just drink tap water, where it’s good (true of everywhere we’ve lived).

  9. Patti Lloyd

    When I was in France I found the bread was hard as a rock..I considered soaking it in the water! Lovely to look at, hard to eat…

  10. 24/7 in France

    Bread & water + wine & cheese + champagne = la belle vie en France!

  11. jend’isère

    They are dancing on the table in a game of absorbing and reflecting light and colour.

  12. La Contessa

    Of course, you do!You have that artistic eye!

  13. I like bread and cheese in France.

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