Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Midnight Pickup


When the morning is running faster than your feet can manage,

When the day is fuller than your arms can carry,

When you know you should sit down and have something to eat, but the beast in you charges forward,

When life is not black and white, 

When you want to do your best but that idea stays stuck behind auto pilot,

Then that is when I have to put myself in the bathtub, yes the bathtub, you might say it is my best place to pray, think, breath, and eat macarons.

Rose, raspberry, lemon, chocolate, pistachio…

More later, just a note of Keep calm and Carry on…



10 responses to “Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Midnight Pickup”

  1. O they are so delicious and pretty too! Sprungli here in Zurich make them bite-size so you can feel a little less guilty about the whole thing 😉

  2. Paulita

    Hope all is well and can be assuaged by a macaron.

  3. labergerebasque

    You are so lucky. I would give ANYTHING for a bathtub to sometimes soak my blues away too.

  4. martina

    How did you know that is the way I feel today?! Too bad the local macaron bakery is not on itinerary.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Marilyn

    Sounds like a good plan. Take care and savor!

  6. I had my very first EVER macaroon last week while in La Rochelle. I really loved them — they are much better than I had imagined.
    And I don’t know what it is about today but I’m just bone tired and so a hot bath sounds like a good idea to me!
    Happy Saturday.

  7. Such an appropriate sentiment for today. Why is today turning out like that? I wish I had macarons here! I have a cookbook but am afraid to try to make them…

  8. Keep Calm and Carry On.

  9. My favourite thing of all time!Tthe food of angels…
    One May, Ladurée even had parfum au muguets!

  10. The height of civilization! Would only add singing in the bathtub….and maybe a cup of tea to go with the macaroons.

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