French Guessing Game, do you know what this is?

Saw this at the French Brocante this week, and thought of you “French Antique Guessers”. Let me know what you think it is in the comment section.

French Guessing Game, do you know what this is?

French Guessing Game, do you know what this is?

French Guessing Game, do you know what this is?

French Guessing Game, do you know what this is?


9 responses to “French Guessing Game, do you know what this is?”


    The handle and tips for an umbrella/parasol. Ann from Bordeaux

  2. RebeccaNYC

    I think that’s what it is too…

  3. Tongue in Cheek

    Ann you got it! That is the answer. Pretty cool isn’t it. I knew when I saw it. Nevertheless, I thought it was so unusual… I never knew you could buy them and then have your umbrella made.

  4. No, I think you people are wrong. This is a special container which Snow White lost one day in the forest. You can see what was inside: seven sterling whistles for seven little dwarves. They are not ordinary whistles as you can tell from the shape. These whistles will bring a magical dog with healing skills to any dwarf in need. Snow White noticed the dwarves had forgotten to take them one day as they left for the mines and she was bringing the whistles to them when the container fell out of her pocket. She will be so glad you found it, Corey!

  5. Beverly

    An interchangeable screwdriver set. Each little piece has a different tip on it. You put the one that you want onto the large handle piece …wha la…a screwdriver for every need.

  6. Diogenes

    OK, never in a million years would I have guessed it was the handle and tips to an umbrella. I thought it was some kind of game….you shake the little pieces in the large piece (which I now realize is not hollow) and dump them out, LOL.

  7. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I was guessing nibs for pens that would make fat-lettered signs. And hadn’t gotten so far as to guess about the center part, other than possible nib-holder. (also I was questioning why a set of nibs would have them all in one size, rather than graduated.) This is fascinating. And so Fancy.

  8. RebeccaNYC

    In Japan, you can buy replacement pieces exactly like for your (very expensive) umbrella. I always want to buy some when I am there….next time I will!

  9. A lace-making kit?

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