Savoring the Taste that is Only Provence

Red roses


At last spring waltzes in. Provence during spring is extra lovely. Roses climb, blooming wildly against the shutters. The days stay light pass dinner time, allowing an evening walk to hear the sound of the owl cooing her lover.


Boules in the park france


The parks fill full, the sound of iron balls clashes, dusty shoes, sunglasses, dogs sleeping in the welcoming sunshine.


Ivy growing over the wall

The new green ivy, sprucing up the old darker green.

Nature's texture adding strokes of vivid color.

Patchwork comfort against old walls.



Brocantes everywhere


Brocantes everywhere, every weekend, roll a dice pick one and go.


Modern bar france


Late afternoon the cafes and bars spill out onto the sidewalk, men in tee shirts play cards, shooting the breeze with graceful ease, enjoying a moment of what is to come… summer living.

Savoring the taste that is only Provence!


Under the Plaintains


The plane trees unbutton their winter coats, waving their green flags.

A welcome canopy.

Come walk with me.

Is there nothing better than sitting at an outdoor cafe and lookup? 


Poppy fields


Poppies need I say more?

Oh those ruby red kisses!

The most joyous blush.


Ivy covered ruin


Ruins go into hiding.

Covered with overgrowth.



Open door


Provence, the doors open wide, spring waltzes in…

along with flies, and the occasional cat.


Vineyards in Provence

The grapevines tease… 

The joy of living in Provence is the gift of nature at hand, to be able to witness the unveiling of another fruitful season… leaves uncurl, petals by petal bloom, wheat shaft, almond branch robed in pink, last year's rosé uncorked.

How is spring unfolding where you live?


28 responses to “Savoring the Taste that is Only Provence”

  1. Lovely, Corey, to see your spring. Coincidentally my last post was about autumn! We’re diametrically opposite but thinking alike!
    It’s so strange the way the memory works. I was reading along enjoying the pics and your words, when suddenly I had a taste memory as strong as can be – that Pelforth ad over the bar brought back deep brown flavours of French beer drunk surreptitiously when in France on an exchange from school, at least I think that’s when I tasted it. Beer has never been my drink, but it must have gone along with trying out cigarettes, yuk, I never took to them but on that school French exchange everyone seemed to be smoking! And the French boarding school breakfasts of weak hot chocolate with bread dipped in it, long bare dorms and barrack like buildings. Amazing what one word can conjure up!

  2. Cheri Hansen

    MAGNIFIQUE…Enjoy your day Corey. Cheri H.

  3. “Auntie”

    Totally gorgeous…….
    Flies do waltz in, with open-to-the-air living. Thank you for telling us that.
    Now, tell us, how you manage to live with them? Not being ‘snarky.’ I mean it. How do you not fuss about them, being on food? Same goes for outdoor eating…
    I know. You just do. -grin- Nahhhh, there must be a better answer, than that. Please and thank you.

  4. Oh my. I’m afraid I’m wearing a sweater today and will have to continue to sleep under our winter duvet. It’s rainy and cool here in England and is expected to remain so all week. Maybe we’ll see some warm weather soon!

  5. Love your pictures of life in Provence during springtime. We live mostly in Northern California where the weather has been very nice for a while but I can’t wait to be back home in Provence in 10 days and enjoy all the scenes you shared in your pictures. Have a great day.

  6. Janet with Eiffel

    Southern California Inland
    has been averaging 100 degrees
    for several days now.
    We are once again under fire
    watch / warning.
    Still, I love it here in my little
    corner of the world………
    (reading about France)
    My garden has matured nicely
    since being taken by the fire
    of 2007. I have lots of shade
    now to sit and drink my tea.
    Lots of roses in bloom and the
    veggie garden is coming along
    quite nicely.

  7. The mid-Atlantic region has turned cold. As my son hunted for warm clothes this morning, he said,”Mom, look, we got frost last night!” Oh, how I wanted to get my garden in on Mother’s Day – guess it’s a good thing that I perpetually never get everything crossed off my list.

  8. Seeing and hearing about the lovely weather in Provence makes me feel quite envious (something I don’t usually do). The weather here in Scotland is not great. Yesterday I had sleet and hailstones the size of golf balls thrasing at my windows. Today sunny spells, but very cold, the heating is on. Please summer hurry up!

  9. Kathie B

    Spring? It’s been down to nearly freezing here the past two nights, and it’s mid-May. I suppose all our fertilized fruit tree blossoms (or pea-sized fruits) will be killed. Woe is I!

  10. Kathie B

    “Auntie,” I share your dislike of flies indoors. Perhaps someone could make a fortune convincing the French (not to mention the Portuguese!) that they should buy and have installed screens on their windows and doors!

  11. Barbara Stevens

    Spring has been especially lovely here in Durham, North Carolina with gorgeous flowers and bluebird sightings. Corey, while perusing the latest issue of Flea Market Decor, I was delighted to find your beautiful article, “Pretty In Provence”. My daughter, Emily-Claire Ballou’s article, “Flea Marketing Around The Globe” (pages16-21) is in the same issue. The June issue of the sister publication, “Romantic Homes” also includes her article about a romantic picnic. You are both such talented ladies!

  12. Spring in the North Western US is wonderful. The tulips and daffodils have bloomed and gone. The rhododendrons and lilacs are in full bloom now. It is light until well after 8pm. It’s just right for sitting on the deck in the evening and watching the sun go down behind the snow covered Olympic Mountains. This year, it is even unusually warm. We have moved from days of grey skies and rain with big wet drops to little storms of light rain blowing through followed by sunshine. It’s exhilarating! I love our spring!

  13. Darlene P.

    We have had lots of rain and everything is green and lush here in the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains of East TN. I know why the Scots and the Irish settled here–it had to remind them of home.

  14. Oh, Corey, these are just what I need today! Lots of the tough stuff of life going on lately and these are a welcome tonic.
    Spring has been very slow in coming this year…snow just two weeks ago and 94 degrees right now. Everything popped open with color and then the petals are taken on the wind and washed away with the rain. It makes for a VERY short springtime. I’ll just have to enjoy yours here instead 🙂

  15. Leigh NZ

    It’s Autumn here with beautiful days of blue sky’s and the trees are stunning with their colours.

  16. head in the sun

    …and beautiful Camellias in full bloom.

  17. heather

    horribly slowly….the pussywillows got fuzzy and stopped. just when it seems the snow will all melt, it gets cold again. still, the “warm” afternoon temps (30F/-1C today) are slowly taking their toll. it’s definitely a season for faith and hope.

  18. Robinelli

    Has it really been two years since I was there, or did I just dream it? Your pictures brought it all back.Oh, how I wish we could do it again!

  19. Marilyn

    Oh to be in Provence in the Spring. Just beautiful!
    Flowers are blooming here, the days also longer, roses oh my yes roses! Weeds too! Dirt under the finger nails pulling the weeds. Spring is here and the sun is warming.

  20. well our spring has popped-now the past 2 days chilly sweater back on-and 2 blankets daffodils and tulips done-lilacs are finishing-lily of the valley in glory my grapevines are shooting up and all the colorful weeds abound-the season is here-temps to follow soon as in tomorrow!

  21. Speaking of cats…is the cat next door still around?

  22. Diogenes

    In Los Angeles, the roses, banana palms and birds of paradise are blooming. The purple agapanthas too. All the trees have leafed out and the palms are sending up new fronds. People are walking their dogs everywhere. Meanwhile, the surf is rolling white on the beige sand (85 degrees yesterday) and the dolphins are at play.

  23. Laurie SF

    It’s blooming. Come and see…

  24. 24/7 in France

    Here on the French Riviera, people are strolling on the Promenade under warm Mediteranean sunshine as gentle waves lap the pebbly shore, birds are singing, and la vie est belle!

  25. Carolyn

    Tulips blooming and this year not eaten by deer…lilacs blooming and floating their fragrance through the air…roses leafing out, hydrangeas slowly, slowly showing leaves, iris’ showing buds, blue sky, sunshine…now snow…Missoula, MT

  26. You been hangin’ out in Cotignac girlfriend?

  27. Patti Lloyd

    Jasper, my gray cat with beige swirls just like the stone, is lounging on the new chaise cushion enjoying the morning sun in my little corner of heaven. The grass,a carpet that grows like a weed, is surrounded by tumultuous lavender on one side and happy strawberries spreading out with pure white blossoms and crimson berries, begging to be picked and eaten warm from the vine. Next month they will all be under the canopy of fuschia colored crepe myrtle…softly raining spent blossoms.

  28. La Contessa

    Spring has Sprung in California!Take a peek at my site………for a good chuckle!Click on the Title to leave a comment if the desire hits you!

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