Motorcycles, Candlesticks and the Brocante Thing

Candlesticks on a motorcycle


French Husband's childhood friends came to visit us. They are motorcyclists too. When they were here we asked them what they wanted to do… and music to my ears they said, "…go to a brocante." 

Yeah, they are French and brocantes are everywhere, even in Brittany where they live. But when you have the brocante bug you have the bug even on vacation. Plus, the Provence offers different old things… or at least better prices they claimed.

Pull my leg, drag me… ha… off we went to hunt the brocantes.

As usual, whenever I take someone along to the brocantes, they find a million and one things… and when my friends ask me to ask the dealer for a price, it never fails: The dealer announces a price so low that I kind of grow green and shake my head and say to myself "Why? Dang!" Lucky ducks my friends.

French Husband's childhood friends found and bought more than their motorcycle could carry. I wasn't surprised. Whenever people come to visit, it seems they buy more than their suitcases, motorcycle or container can carry.

Hence two candlesticks are living in my shed alongside of Lynn's frames, Nicol's urn, Mary's stack of linens, Katie's mirror… I don't dare to bring them into the house in fear they might take up residences.



18 responses to “Motorcycles, Candlesticks and the Brocante Thing”

  1. What’s worse, having the brocante bug and traveling by motorcycle, or having the bug and traveling overseas by plane and with limited space in your luggage?! I haven’t tried the first, but I think I would have to get one of those trailers you can drag behind your motorcycle. My family and I are, however, doing the second, and will use Avignon as our home base. We are renting a car and planning day trips for the four days we will be in that region. In that limited amount of time, are there any “must see” towns that we shouldn’t miss, and “must taste” restaurants you love to go to, any “must drink” vineyards we should visit, and, most importantly, “must shop” brocantes I shouldn’t pass up? We’ll be there May 29th through June 2nd. I have looked at travel books and websites, and read too many blogs to count, all recommending different places. But your blog is one of the few I make time to read on a daily basis, as I believe we are cut from the same [antique] cloth, so I feel like any suggestions you have would be my cup of tea.

  2. OMG, that is hilarious…sweet you holding those gorgeous brocante finds. I left so much behind my last trip home, they will be shipped eventually. But I am sure your friends miss those brocante finds…oh I bet they do.

  3. and THANK YOU, for taking the time every day to write such thoughtful, heartfelt words. It’s a joy to read your blog!

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun.
    I can imagine that this shed is calling you and luring you all the time. Resisting the call is a good practice for strengthening ones will :-).

  5. head in the sun

    My brother-in-law is a motorcycle tragic too.
    He has a Panther, a BSA and a Guzzi that he loves like additional children.
    My sister and I like to follow around in my 1960 Morris Minor, Clarrie – it may not be very big but we can fit lots of purchases in that wee little beastie!

  6. Tongue in Cheek

    Best brocante: Across the river from Avignon, every Saturday.
    Go see Aurlie in Isle sur la Sorgue!
    And visit my friend Ruth at her studio

  7. Margie from Orlando, Florida

    I had to laugh!! Corey, that’s the same thing that happens to me when girl friends & I go antique shopping or yard sale shopping. I invite them to go with me for the company and they find all the “good stuff” first & at cheap prices. Makes me green with envy! But my house is so full of great things that I can easily make myself feel better by telling myself I don’t have room anyway. Have a great week & hope you find great stuff at your next brocante!

  8. Lana Kloch

    have been away, but have not missed a column; you have reached new heights in the beauty of your writing.. just enough laughter, a few tears and lots of enjoying life.
    thanks you for enriching my live so much.

  9. Beatnheart

    I have those exact same candlesticks…found in Wisconsin.

  10. Marilyn

    Lucky friends to get to go to the brocante with you and then store it in your shed. Do you charge rent? Can I come and live in your shed? I bet I could decorate it quite nicely with what is there already. Smiling!

  11. Isn’t this the shed with the outdoor oven where you made pizza a while back? Sounds like it is too crowde to do that this year.
    I have an empty room in the basement known as “the yard sale room”. Friends and I put stuff down there throughout the year. Then right about now get crazy busy pricing it all for annual Saturday of Memorial Day weekend yard sale. Thank goodness for teenage neighbors who will haul the stuff upstairs for us on Friday, so we just have to slide it out to the porch and then to the lawn on the day!


    I love that idea


    kipper, sorry didn’t hit proper button

  14. 24/7 in France

    Antiques and motorcycling – what a great combination (except for transporting the goods, of course). Isle sur la Sorgue is a great place to visit, whether brocanting or not!

  15. Donna B

    THAT is what I would like my motorcycle luggage to look like! Filled with stickers from my travels in Europe, topped with an Eiffel Tower-like candle stick! What fun.
    Thank you for sharing every day.

  16. becky up a hill

    Mary’s linens in the shed? sigh.

  17. Kathie B

    Couldn’t the motorcycle passenger carry some of the duo’s acquired treasures, if not too large (e.g., like the candlestick), in a backpack while riding?

  18. riya mehra

    Motorcycles are a big craze among youngsters especially the young boys……. Thanks

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