The Everlasting Path

The path to everlasting


Along the river we walked as night fell.

Slowly this spring evening.

My prayer thought went:

The earth as anchor,

The river as spirit,

The trees growing towards the light.





Flowers and river


This river, which is behind our home, comes from a natural source and runs toward the sea.

Though myth has it the river was created by Mary Madeleine's tears.

Since I heard of that, the river has taken on new meaning. 

Symbolic meaning speaks a truth to those who listen.

… at the altar of nature and Mary's tears I set myself free.


Branches woven


Dream catcher deep in the woods.

Weaving dreams together:






Soft as angel's breath

Queen Ann's lace grows wildly along the riverside,

A gentle texture; As an angel's breath, whispering ever so softly.

Certainly to the unknown, or should I say, "To the unseen fairies dance underneath."

Oh I forgot to mention… myth has it that fairies live along this river too.


Stone bridge


An old, a very old, stone foot bridge.

Connecting one side to another.

There is a wire fence on the other side.

The other day I went for a walk with two little neighbor boys (8 and 10), they begged, "Come on let's hop over the fence and go to the other side."

They forgot that I was an adult… "Come on we'll hold the wire down!"

They hopped over like deers, and then kindly they held their small hands out towards me.

Foregoing reason, and rules I took a leap a faith… my inner child ran forth.


Face in the tree


My favorite spot.

A child merging from the tree.

Do you see her?


Tree personage


Where does your inner child run free?


The path ahead

Sweet divine path.

Leads to no wrong.

Carrying you to wherever you want to go.

No questions asked, no answers given… just letting you take the steps.

Leaving behind, as you are, moving forward… past-present-future,

One step after another.


Evening song


As night fell… we walked back as one.


13 responses to “The Everlasting Path”

  1. Marilyn

    Beautiful! You put into words exactly what I have been thinking lately as my child self walks through the woods of a time long ago.

  2. Perhaps your most beautiful post ever, though you have written so many beautiful posts over the years. This one stops the heart for a moment. These trees, what are they? They are so full of la magie des fees.

  3. read before bed-how peaceful-I can hear the water TRULY-and I can smell the moist air and soil mixing-dusk-I can feel it-

  4. Diogenes

    Corey, what a wonderful post and what beautiful pictures. Trees are such amazing creatures. The picture of the path reminds me of the Robert Frost poem:
    “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.”

  5. I’m sitting outdoors and the sun has just dipped out of sight…what a perfect post for this moment.

  6. Jeannie

    What a beautiful and magical place. I moved from the wet side to the dry side of the state and I think I miss the woods and green-ness the most. The Oregon Coast is my magical place. For some reason the tide washes the worries away. Wishing you a magical weekend.

  7. Corey, very sweet post. I didn’t want it to end.

  8. 24/7 in France

    Such a lovely poem and place to let yourself roam. My inner child is free when I’m walking on a sandy beach along the surf.


    Absolutely beautiful and poetic… took me to a magical place for a moment.. My heart is full and I feel LOVED~

  10. Beautiful post. How I wish I was along for this adventure! Fairies! Emerging girls! Little boys and beauty. You can’t beat that.

  11. Nancy in AZ

    Corey, you write the most thoughtful and beautiful posts! Have a beautiful weekend.

  12. Patti Lloyd

    what magical woods you live near..I felt the fairies lurking everywhere, peaking out shyly, and waiting to resume their flights.

  13. I love those trees!

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