Saturday Art Saves: The Candle Maker in Provence

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Each Saturday I focus on a different artist that I admire. From potters to painters, chefs to collectors, seamstress to songwriters, lifestyle to lovers… anyone who set the paintbrush, pastry brush, hands and heart on fire to create.

Those who inspire art to flow where it may.


Discover one of the last remaining Candle Makers where candles are still made as they were in the 15th century.

Ciergerie de l'Abbaye

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"The “Living Heritage Company” is installed in a large warehouse in Tarascon’s industrial park, a very modern place for an ancient tradition.

  La Ciergerie – The Candle Maker was created in 1858 by the White Canons or Premonstratensians established in the Frigolet Abbey between Avignon and Tarascon.

In 1903, the Monks of White Canons left France for Belgium and Great Britain and they sold The Candle Maker to Monsieur Chabrier, who set up the workshop in the old stables in the heart of his Provençal village, Graveson."




Candles ciergerie

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"The handmade candles attracted churchmen as well as enthusiasts, the quality work, and the reputation of the candlemaker grew until the day.

In October 2009, a fire devastated the handsome workshop, destroying dozens of wax molds. Stéphane Richard the owner of Tissus Souleiado in Tarascon bought the company, rapidly setting up in this functional site at the entrance to the village in order to open in December a new workshop-boutique.

The Candle Maker was saved, and production continued with the same expertise."




Candle ring size

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"Presently, there are six young, passionate and proud Master Candle Makers. One of them, Christophe, concentrates on the finishing touches of the immense church candles, revealing two 15th-century manufacturing techniques:

“Dipped” candles produce conical candles. Cotton wicks are stretched on a frame and plunged repeatedly into a wax bath at 70°C until the desired diameter is achieved.

The second technique requires real dexterity. Each Master Candle Maker has his own technique, but the gesture must be precise, he must continuously ensure the even distribution of the wax when he ladles the wax on wicks suspended from a hoop and gauge the candles diameter…"



Measuring candles

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Candle maker tarascon

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Visits and tours are available at La Ciergerie.


Candle maker in France


"A candle over fifty inches high and nearly 3 inches in diameter

requires one week to make."


Ciergerie poured wax
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Wax prepared to be poured on the candles.



Wax for hand made candles
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Now if only I can find one of those ladles from the 1600s at the brocante….




Candles France

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"Molds, are also used, which allows for the fabrication of novelty candles of varied shapes and styles. Such molds were introduced twenty years ago.

Original translucent candles are also designed at the Ciergerie, with the incorporation of Soleiado fabric, photos, assorted hues of wax, or colored candle rounds."

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Candles made traditionally, as they were in the Abbey hundreds of years ago, can be bought online, varied sizes, shapes and colors.

I particular like the darker shades. Various shades, pastels to brightly colored candles are available.


Long burning hand made candles

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For more information contact:


Ciergerie de l’Abbaye des Prémontrés

20 rue des Charpentiers

ZA du Roubian

13150 Tarascon

T 04 90 99 59 34

Also at Souleiado:



8 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: The Candle Maker in Provence”

  1. Diogenes

    Fascinating post. I had no idea the whole thing was so labor intensive…of course I love the black candles in the next to last photo.
    I am certain I have never seen a candle that is 50 inches tall. Wonder where they are used?

  2. Jeannie

    I bet the Abbey smells wonderful with the candles being poured. What is the fascination we all hold for candles? I love to watch candles being made and once you learn the process, you feel so decadent burning a hand made candle. Thanks Corey!

  3. These are amazing and I am so glad the company was saved. I went to Tarascon when I was in Provence 2 years ago – wish I had known about the candle makers then. But I did enjoy the castle!

  4. Amazing artistry in candles. What a wonderful heritage this company and those six artists are preserving. Beeswax candles smell so lovely.

  5. 24/7 in France

    Such amazing talent and dedication to keep this art alive – now on my to visit list – thanks.

  6. Amazing skills of candle making. They look beautiful. I used to put my photographic images on candles selling them to shops around new zealand. My amazing dad learnt how to make candles to support me. The candles looked beautiful burning down inside the image illuminating it. ….talking of dads id just like to say how the words you’ve shared about your dad have helped my dear friend who has just lost her dad…….its beautiful the ripple effect of kind words and heart felt thoughts….thanks corey for your sharing

  7. John O’Grady

    It is great to see such an ancient art still alive. I live in Vaison La Romaine and had no idea such a tradition was flourishing in Provence.
    Merci bien Corey for unearthing this gem

  8. Marilyn

    I do love it when old traditional ways remain for making wonderful products such as these candles. I can almost smell the sweet fragrance of the candle wax. How I would love walking into this shop and factory for a visit.

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