Back Yard Takes on New Meaning


36 hours of utter downpour rain, in the middle of May, in Provence, is weird.

The lack of sunshine has caused poppies to bloom late, and the cherries not to blush red.

The rainstorm tried to rip every petal off the roses covering wildly our house. But try as it may, our roses hung on, such gracefully strength roses offer.

Late this afternoon I worked on a lattice in our courtyard. As I pushed the stake further into the ground I heard a strange squeek sound inside my body. Within in seconds I felt a sharp throbbing pain in my lower back.

Since then I hardly can move. I have never had a back ache until now. Dang, this isn't funny. 

Have you had a back problem? If so what did you do to recover? Hopefully after a good night sleep this will be a thing of the past… though at this point I am wondering if I can get out of bed tomorrow!


53 responses to “Back Yard Takes on New Meaning”

  1. jend’isère

    Your enthusiam encompassed int he sunshine will do the trick.

  2. Chris Wittmann

    Corey I sympathize! I’ve had a wierd back since I was a teenager…scoliosis, one hip higher than the other, a “wavey” spine…..and I’ve gone to chiropractors since age 17. A good chiropractor is the only thing that gives me relief. Now I also have arthritis in my hips and I haven’t been to the dr. in 16 months and am really feeling it when I work outside. Excercises for lower back problems help, but nothing beats the chiropractor for me. Hope you find relief soon!

  3. “Auntie”

    Yes, I have back issues here.
    The following you are not going to like hearing…
    That when one is over 50, they have to be more careful, with how they work-their-body. Mind-over-matter, will not keep working, for everything. As it did, when younger…

  4. Oh, Corey! So sorry to hear about your mishap. Similar thing happened to my brother, he was taking out an EMPTY cardboard box from the trunk of his car, when suddenly his disk popped out and he couldn’t move. It seems that those things happen not when you are lifting heavy things, but due to a posture you were in while doing something minor and not necessarily strenuous. My brother was advised to sleep on the floor or on some hard surface for some time. Depending on what happened to you exactly (a doctor’s visit might be needed) sometimes muscle relaxant can help initially to ease the pain.
    Corey, I am going to call you Tempe (Tempe Brennan of the “Bones” fame), since you seem to be having bone related injuries: the wrist, the ankle and, now, the spine. Just trying to cheer you up a bit. Hope you get better soon.

  5. A heating pad~ not too hot – just right.

  6. Corey, I wrenched my back a couple of weeks ago carrying heavy grocery bags and turning to place them in my car.
    I applied heat and I did back stretches as I could do them and after two days, my back was pretty good.
    The stretches are to be done after applying heat for a while. I used a heating pad.
    V. has told me about the atypical May weather…

  7. From personal experience;ice for the first few hours, then a heating pad or warm shower. Muscle relaxants if you have some around. Rest for the next day or two. Unfortunately…Auntie is right.

  8. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Try alternating cold (a chilled blue-ice pak wrapped in cloth, or ice in a baggy wrapped in cloth) for 10 or so minutes. Then off that a while. Then heating pad (also protecting skin from direct contact). And so on, back and forth, to encourage circulation in the damaged tissues.
    And REST. Give your back a chance to sort itself out.
    I hate it when something like that happens. My worst experience of it was thoughtlessly dumping heavy grass clippings in a wheelbarrow, trying to heft it up into the compost pile. While cranky, which didn’t help my concentration. Ssskkkkkrrreeeeeee-tweak. That feel happened. It was not good.
    Sending well-wishes to you and your back, and speedy recovery!

  9. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Clever blog title, by the way. I like it.

  10. Diogenes

    Never had back problems/pain til I passed 50. But now fairly often. My go to medication for a problem is Ibuprofen (sp?). Works great.

  11. Sorry to hear you are ailing. I have back problems too, but I’ve had mine for years. The only thing I know to do is pray–I’ll try that on your behalf.

  12. Leigh NZ

    It depends on the type of injury you have…you may get some relief from the application of a heated wheat bag and maybe ant-inflammatory. The worst thing to do is to be inactive as you will only stiffen up making things worse. I suggest a visit to your G.P to find out exactly what’s going on so that you get the right treatment; you may require some physio. Hope things improve for you soon. ; )

  13. Leigh NZ

    …I suggest a G.P visit due to the “strange squeak sound inside your body”

  14. Hi Corey,
    I am sorry that you are in pain.
    Chiropractor for me!
    It works 100% every time!

  15. Barbara Snow

    Please don’t wait too long to see your doctor. If it is a herniated disk you need to determine what your options are. Beaming you healing thoughts.
    Barb in Minnesota

  16. Corey so sorry to hear this -I have no idea what that sound was-whenever I have strained my back like the other readers said advil- shower -heating pad or muscle rub sometimes all of it-with those roll bolster pillows all around me so I do not move or second option- sitting/sleeping in our queen anne recliner till it passes-please keep us posted and as always good thoughts/prayers and wishes not too serious!

  17. christine

    Oh Corey – I can so sympathize. I have thrown my back out twice and it’s not fun. If you can, lay on your back and slowly pull your knees to your chest. Hold it, release and repeat. This will loosen your hamstrings which is part of the tightening in your back.
    Also get on your hands and knees and try and arch your back and lower it like a cat. Again, slowly and gently.
    Ice and ibuprofen are your friends until you get some relief……

  18. Have been down in my back many times. Moist heat and I find that if I keep moving (gently) it is better than if I lie flat of my back and do nothing. (if you can move). My chiropractor has helped me more than anyone. Did this same thing recently from bending over weeding and could not straighten up, ouch! Now am in a wrist brace from falling while visiting my daughter. I’m not going to climb any ladders for a while!

  19. cynthia

    The other commenters have some good ideas for a sudden back pain caused by twisting or other injury. If you develop an ongoing problem, you might try Martha Peterson’s somatic movements. They are helping me keep away lower back pain as well as a hip problem. This is the basic site, including links to video demonstrations of a number of movements: Hope you get relief quickly!

  20. Barbara from Sydney

    Sorry that you are in such pain. I know how bad it can be! Physiotherapy is the best I think. Gentle massage and heat fixes me but must be done by a expert.
    I always find mine comes after a stressful time.
    Be kind to yourself.

  21. LauraInSeattle

    ICE ICE ICE!!!
    Then, once you can move acupuncture.
    You poor thing. I am VERY sorry for your pain, as one who knows.

  22. C, I hope you are feeling much better tomorrow.

  23. Feel better real soon Corey! xo
    Blissful tidings,

  24. Jill Flory

    ouch! When I do something like that I head straight to my chiropractor and he fixes me right up. 15 minutes of heat and then 15 minutes of cold – alternate for an hour or 2 at a time.

  25. Kathie B

    So true, “Auntie.” If mind-over-matter worked at my age, I’d still be a sylph taking adult ballet classes and yoga, and running 10K races, and nothing would sag — and…, and…, and…

  26. Kathie B

    P.S. See a doctor before you try any home cures, because the latter can make matters worse.

  27. Sue in Japan

    Ouch! Been there many times. I would head straight for my chiropractor – but, you need to know that you have a good one if you’re going for the first time. If you have topical muscle relaxing medicines there, those can be a help as well. Here in Japan we have creams, but also these stick-on medicated gel sheets which always help fix me up if I’m not too bad off – not sure what you have over there…
    Prayers for a quick recovery coming your way!!

  28. I work for an Osteopath and I know they would say to apply heat (3mins ) then icepack (3 mins) a couple of times a day. Try and see someone to help – I recommend an Osteopath, it’s gentle and works!
    Love the photo of the roses – I can almost smell their perfume! Good luck with your back and take care

  29. Shelley Noble

    I don’t care for your hearing a sound and then feeling a sharp sensation anywhere. Could you possibly, easily have an xray tout de suite to make sure there wasn’t a tiny fracture somewhere?
    I’m no doctor, so perhaps it was just a simple muscle spasm and you are already feeling fine again?

  30. 24/7 in France

    Bonne recuperation, Corey!

  31. Jeannie

    Been there. Done that. Never want to do it again. 🙂 My hubby reached for something and ended up with the sharp pain, crap I did something to my back feeling last week. He went to the doc – heat, ice, ibruprofen (900mg./day), rest. He stuck to that for 2 days, went back and was given muscle relaxants and is back to a slow normal today. Take care of yourself, Corey.

  32. Not to freak you out….but my old flatmate used to get me to walk on his back when it was bad! Yes crazy i thought……..but seemed to help!…….and obviously not what you need in this situation!……..on the wall of my chiropractor is a sign essentially saying…..(cause i cant quite remember) ….get it seen to !, don’t wait for it to go away…..hope you wake up well xx

  33. Ouch, Corey that sounds horrible for you. I can only echo everyone else and say, ice, heat, chiropractor or osteopath, depending on who you can get a good recommendation for in your area.
    And once the worst is sorted some sort of exercise that strengthens the core muscles – for me belly dancing worked best as I hate doing exercises and that was a fun way of doing it without even thinking exercise!
    Hope you feel better very soon xx

  34. Oh no Corey! Weirder than heavy rain in Provence in late May, is that one little, innocuous twist that does your back in! I get recurring back pain from the simplest of movements (once simple, in younger life anyway!). My latest developed after raising my arms to wash my hair in shower! I go to Pilates more or less every week to try and help strengthen my back and make it more flexible. It helps. And according to my class mate, a very fit 70 year old, it helps maintain bone density too! Try a course near you, when the acute back pain is over. Wishing you speedy recovery…Oh, and weirdly, we had rain here in Malta last night, with thunder. Very odd indeed for the time of year.

  35. The Pliers

    When the body speaks, listen.
    I normally have muscle spasms in my back when I have been overdoing it, either physically or emotionally.
    If you have a generalist, it might not be a bad idea to consult with him or her for basic reassurance and then to genuinely take a rest for a few days.
    It cannot hurt to take a pain medication and a muscle relaxant for a couple to three days and then to begin moving around normally but not doing hard physical labor, nor hard emotional labor.
    Feel better soon, I’ve been where you are now and back more times than I can count and rest was a important healing tool.

  36. Love; I know exactly what you’re talking about – your body is talking a clear language and you MUST listen to it. I find (and found) it difficult to listen to my body for far too long and I always pay a heavy price (prize??) for not obeying warning signs. I’m quite reduced (again) because I packed boxes at my mum-in-law’s place for her removal across the country…. I have found the most wonderful person here but it is not a ‘profession’ well known and if, only in France!!! He’s also a kinesiology therapist but his real specialty is a word I just can’t think of – and believe me I’m thinking hard… I shall come back to you after I’ve seen him next Thursday. And of course you don’t need a kinesio right now as it addresses muscle problems and yours sounds more like a nerve thing.
    Many years ago (you see, I know back aches…) I took a course called Touch for Health which helped me GREATLY in many questions of how to listen to your body (but not for the backache, sciatic and other foolish happenings…). If ever you have a chance to lay hands on the ‘handbook’, acquire it – loads of great ideas for a ‘hands on’ treatment and without medication. Me as a subscriber of homeopathy am a firm user of anything to help the body heal itself.
    I wish you WELL and the wisdom to cut down on the ‘heavy’ work!!! (Said the black kettle to the black pot!!!)
    The actual reason though was that mention of your roses blooming although it is raining so hard!!!! ALL my gorgeous peonies, camellias (the late ones), rhododendron and azaleas have their branches on the ground, the petals strewn and their beauty destroyed… A sad view – the roses are full of ‘ready to pop open’ buds but luckily with the terrible weather and the low temperatures we have, they stay put – so I AM a tad envious, but not much!!!
    Bless you, love – may this dismal ‘November in May’ soon be history too… and so may your back troubles.

  37. Excellent remark, Pliers…. ” either physically or emotionally ” (emotionally….) – many of our back troubles come from emotional stress and I sometimes say that ‘we can’t BEAR our load anymore, so the back refuses flatly…’ – Bisous to you. Kiki

  38. Corey!
    I am so sorry to hear of your back pain.
    I hope by the time you read this you willl
    be feeling better!
    I occasionally get the same thing while working in the garden.
    Some times it goes away pretty quickly.
    Try not to panic!
    Ibrprophen always helps me.
    Get touch with some kind of chiropractor or acupuncturist.
    I find they are more helpful than a traditional
    doctor. Above all…..try to stay calm.
    Sometimes a long rest can do wonders.
    Our bodies will naturally heal us.
    You may need a 12 hour sleep tonight!
    I know that you are at rest when you are in motion:)
    So today you are going to slow down and take care my dear!
    Sending you healing vibes!
    Keeping you in my prayers!

  39. Hope you are in less pain today, if not, after a visit to your doctor, you could try a “TENS” machine, it is a small battery operated machine with attached pads that blocks the pain signals to the brain. Worked for me after a slipped disc.

  40. Ibuprofen, but you need 3 or 4. Take every 6 hrs. And rest .if its no better in a couple of days, then you need intervention.

  41. Dear Corey,
    Mine happened just turning to step out of the car.
    It was painful beyond belief. I did a lot of reading about
    this type of thing and bottom line is, the right type of
    exercise will help for the future. Stretch those back
    muscles that want to tighten up. You may walk a lot
    at the brocante, but if you don’t bend over and look
    in the boxes under the table as much as on the top,
    you are only half way there.
    And let’s face it sweetheart, the clock is ticking. Things
    do change in the 3rd and 4th quarters. Make adjustments.

  42. Julie Loeschke

    Everyone else has given good advice,so I’ll give you a chuckle. 🙂 About a week after our son Ben was born,I was putting on my under ware,and my back went into a spasm.Such pain! We went to my doctor,who I had known most of my life,and told him what had happened.He gave me a muscle relaxer and said maybe I should leave off the under ware for a while.:) Funny man.

  43. Mine happened years ago in Chicago. Lifting in our backyard I felt something tear. It wasn’t painful but now my back is weak and I cannot lift heavy items or there is pain. Mostly the fear of pain in my lower back keeps me careful. Bed rest is all I know to get better. My thoughts are with you.

  44. The photo of the roses is so lovely, some of the prettiest roses I have seen. Do those roses have a name? Hope your back is back in working order soon.

  45. Marilyn

    Back pain is not good, so sorry!
    My back is hurting today and yesterday, but I can get out of bed. Take care!

  46. Karen Carson

    Wow…seems like everyone has a bad back story so I won’t bore you with mine. My advice…alternate heat and ice, take an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofin, and rest rest rest…as in a day or two…in bed. Your roses are lovely b-t-w… ; /

  47. Peggy Braswell

    Everyone has a back story, me included. Hope yours is better now. Bedrest!

  48. All good advice above. My daughter and husband have both had back problems. His was very serious and needed spinal fusion. He is fine now with strength and flexibility. I mention this because backs are a serious issue and without a proper diagnosis the injuries can lead to problems later.
    My daughter who is much younger (naturally) inherited her Dad’s back but now does regular exercise to strengthen her core muscles so that hers does not get to the point of needing surgery.
    Yoga is fantastic for backs and health in general. I love it because it can be practiced without regard to age or condition. In other words, we can do it for life. In my yoga class is a 91 year old woman who can still stand on her head. She is an inspiration.
    Take care and listen carefully to your body.

  49. I have a bad back. My hip gets hurt often. I have had a neck surgery and am held together with a titanium cage.
    Take crae of your back and feel better soon.

  50. care not crae.

  51. Room for one more idea? I swear by Epsom Salt baths for achey/sore muscles and joints. They now make one in our local chain drugstore that’s scented. If you’re able to drag yourself to a relaxing bathtub, I promise this old remedy will not disappoint. Speedy recovery, dear lady.

  52. Hang in there, Corey!

  53. Teresa Young

    I think you have some good advice. I know you have some beautiful roses. So, take that advice and smell the roses my friend. Peace.

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