Update on my Back

For the last forty eight hours I followed your good intentions,

took advil,

did basic yoga strenches,

took hot baths, it felt so good!

Did not apply ice, as I couldn't bare the thought!

Walked or stood, as sitting killed.


Applied arnica to my lower back, 

until I could see an osteopath.

Amazing grace. I am a bit sore,

but I can move! And feel a million times better!

Thank you, all of you for your caring and concern.

P.S. The Rose Jam post is a re post,  as today I couldn't muster up the energy to write.

Though as usual the midnight owl in me is rearing to go.



20 responses to “Update on my Back”

  1. Pamela RG

    Hi Corey, I have been having back pains too for years. I thought it was just a regular tiredness or over worked. Then I started getting stomach pains so I visited my Doctor about it. After an ultra-sound on my stomach, it turned out that I have a big stone on my Gall Bladder which also caused my back pains. I will have surgery next month to remove my Gall bladder. It will be wise to visit your Doctor as a pre-cautionary if your back pain really bothers you. Take care, Pamela

  2. I am so happy that you are feeling better! May you continue to heal until your back feels like new. 🙂

  3. So glad you are feeling a little better! I do swear by ice to take down the inflammation.. Be really careful and go slowly… re-injury happens a lot.
    sending healing thoughts your way xo

  4. Oh, Corey, I’m so glad you’re doing better. Osteopaths here don’t seem to do adjustments any more (in my experience) so I have my first appointment with a NUCCA chiropractor on Friday. Pray for good results!

  5. Hi Corey,
    So glad to hear you are doing a little better. If the Osteopath does not help, maybe consider physical therapy, although I don’t know how P.T.’s treat in France.
    Continue to take it slow, listen to your body, do the things that feel good – like walking on level ground and avoid sitting if it hurts your back.
    Ice can make a big differencein reducing pain and inflammation. You cold ice your back and hug a hot water bottle.
    Sending you healing thoughts.

  6. martina

    Glad you are feeling better. Ice…the problem with it is it is sooooo cold!

  7. oh corey-I AM SO HAPPY to hear this-hopefully each day more and more relief and flexibility returning slowly to normal-I too am a night owl always have been! sleep comfortably!

  8. Beverly

    Awesome! So glad you done the arnica which takes the trauma out. Have seen it remove pain in a very short time. Well, I’m passionate about natural healing methods as all I’ve seen them do over the 28 yrs I’ve been in this field. So glad you are feeling better.

  9. Diogenes

    Glad you are feeling a little better. Arnica comes in pill form as well, and I have used that too, also helps with bruising.

  10. Marilyn

    So happy you are mending and on the road to recovery.

  11. Patti Lloyd

    Please take care to walk among rose petals, to dream on the scent of love, see through rose colored glasses, dine on rose jam…and yes, you will sometimes catch a thorn. Baby yourself and heal.

  12. Jeannie

    Yea! Now, stay off ladders and rest your back. 🙂

  13. Great news! I hope the back problem will go away for good soon. Yoga/stretching help I know it from Alfred’s back problem experience he had a few years back. He almost went for the surgery but then listened to his doctor and did back exercise first no matter how hard and painful it was. Every morning for 20 min or so.

  14. 24/7 in France

    Backs are indeed fragile – glad you are feeling better – Bon courage!

  15. Miz Boo

    I’m sorry you are in pain. Take care.

  16. Thrilled your feeling better! May I suggest wrapping ice in a towel and applying it to your back? If you have inflamation it will rid the inflamation without consuming drugs as over the counter drugs should be used sparingly. The towel will help with the shock of the ice. Continue healing and keep us posted.

  17. Kathie Grignon

    So glad you are beginning to recover! Thank you for staying in touch with your readers!

  18. Peggy Braswell

    ahhh so happy you are feeling better. The night owl in me wishes you well. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  19. Leslie Garcia

    May your day be filled with comfort and joy! Sending you only good thoughts, love and healing wishes.

  20. Corey, that is great news. always do what feels good and helps you, as it is your body! I am glad you listened to it.
    xoxo jody

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