The Daily Bread: The Baguette Distributor


Baguette Machine




The importance of the daily bread.

Oh la la, in France a daily baguette is second only to breathing. Most towns have more than one bakery. Ours has five thousand people, and five bakerys.


Baguette Machine



Though some small towns, especially those deep in the countryside with only a handful of people, might not have a bakery. In such cases there is a bar, or cafe, or a grocer who allows the daily bread to be delivered.




Baguette Machine


And then there are towns that do not have a drop off place.

Hence a baguette distributor was created. Baguettes are added daily. 

Today I saw my first baguette distributor, it was in front of a church.



Baguette Machine

Baguette Machine


Add a Euro and a baguette pops out. Not warm, but ever so good.

Pretty clever isn't it?

When in the States it is a cike machine, when in France it is a baguette machine.

I am waiting for the brocante machine.


17 responses to “The Daily Bread: The Baguette Distributor”

  1. Amylia Grace

    Love this idea!

  2. Kathie B

    If NASA can work on developing a 3-D pizza printer, then I can hardly wait till there’s a genuine French baguette 3-D printer too! That way we could all have first-rate fresh daily bread.

  3. Amy Hurst-Kownacki

    Lol…… Love it. And I love French Bread!!!!!

  4. Sue in Japan

    In Japan, it’s a rice machine! Or beer. 🙂

  5. martina

    Now if they invented a fresh macaron distributor/ machine…then I’d be in biiiiiiig trouble.

  6. We’re all in deep trouble when the brocante machine comes to town!

  7. I haven’t seen one of these yet…what a clever idea! I’ll be on the lookout for one in my part of France.

  8. 24/7 in France

    A modernized depot de pain; but why not? – to go with the wine robot!

  9. Margaret

    I am sure you don’t really want a brocante machine. The fun is in the hunt!

  10. No way! 🙂

  11. Amazing!!!

  12. Donna B

    Mais, bien sur, ones daily bread can be gotten from in front of the church. Where else?
    I believe that you already have a brocante machine–your internet store 😉

  13. Carol L

    I’m getting one of these for my front porch !

  14. becky up a hill

    This is amazing. I love it!

  15. What the heck is a cike machine?

  16. Marilyn

    Must say it, what will they think of next? I would love one of these on my corner, please. And agree, please include macarons. Thanks!

  17. Carol L

    I wondered that too and then it dawned on me that Corey meant to type “Coke” machine. At least I think thats it …HA!

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