Want to Buy a French Castle or a Farm House?

Along the Loire River


While driving the back roads in France, we soon realized it was a constant matter of choice as to which road to take, when all the roads eventually lead to where you are going it is hard to pick just one.

Especially when each road has something to offer. The single most eye opener on this trip has been that wherever we are in France, there is something extraordinary to see.


French Store Sign


Such as an old French store fronts.


Flowers are the language of love


Garden gates and stone columns,


Stone stairway


Old stone stairways leading into parks.


Bridge over the Loire

If we took the autoroute (freeway) to Paris it would have taken us four hours from Vichy. Instead it took us an amazing lifetime. At least that is how it felt, because we stopped every mile to appreciate another old sign, village, view, or the overflowing river…



Old church walkway


or the mustard fields, a bakery or two or three, a castle, a ruin, a church, a trail… 


26 room castle in France


French Husband always stops to look at real estate.

A mere chateau with 26 rooms, 17 bathrooms and acres of land —

990,000 Euros.

French Husband thought, "Wouldn't that be a beautiful bed and breakfast?"

I thought, "Wouldn't it be lovely to fill with antiques and have parties!"

He added, "Castles are a diamond a dozen in the middle of France, and relatively not expensive."

I poked myself… Castles. Oh France you are such an enchanting place to let ones dreams wander.


Grenier des moines Antiques


And yet we haven't stopped for a single antique shop. Amazingly true.

That doesn't mean I haven't thought about it.

If we start looking at antique shops, we won't make it anywhere.

Let alone dreaming about castles.



Old French Books


I peeked in windows. Hoping not to see anything that would grab my attention.

Though looking around a country filled with old things it is hard not to notice anything.

My attention was grabbed, pulled, drugged… happily I must add.



French Farmhouse

An old French farmhouse,

No make that a large old French farmhouse with land.

For a song.

French Husband is right… in the middle of France beautiful old homes are plentiful and empty.

Oh me oh my.


What would you prefer a castle or a farm house?



39 responses to “Want to Buy a French Castle or a Farm House?”

  1. sharon morrison

    I would prefer a farmhouse. Low windows, lots of them
    Big fireplace and big kitchen. Love the pictures

  2. Celeste

    Oooh farmhouse hands down!

  3. farmhouse-only for practicality’s sake!

  4. Alan from Chicago

    Why are they inexpensive? Is it because there relatively few jobs or high property taxes or both?

  5. Definitely a farm house. I could garden, I could raise sheep and chickens. I could spin their wool and sell their eggs. I could bake. Dream, dream, dream.

  6. YES I DO!
    Farm house, please1

  7. martina

    A farmhouse definitely. Preferably one near your town so we could go hit the brocantes and pick up décor and furniture to furnish the place.

  8. 990,000 euro is inexpensive? Oh, my. Maybe relatively inexpensive for a castle perhaps but not a sum I could even dream of.
    I will enjoy your photos instead!

  9. Definitely a farm house! Maybe my dad would consider coming if I lived in a farm house. I don’t think he will come if I lived in Paris or a castle! Dolores helped pull my Audrey’s tooth out at Gathering the other day. We tied it to a string and she shut the door and it came right out! Audrey picks a farm house as well.

  10. Charland

    Oh, to be younger and take one of each.

  11. kathleen in or

    Farmhouse, definitely!

  12. A lovely farmhouse with an outbuilding that could be converted to a weaving studio, filled with looms, yarn, and sunlight!

  13. Castle…yes, please.

  14. Jeannie

    Oh, the farmhouse! A castle seems haunted and cold to me. I guess too many B movies as a kid. 🙂 The farmhouse has such possibilities!

  15. Leigh NZ

    Oh yes pleeeeease Corey and Yann buy a castle!! With all your family and blogging friends your spare rooms are sure to be rented out all year round!!!

  16. Diogenes

    Corey, you know me well enough to know that I would want a castle with central air.

  17. Warm, cozy, homey farmhouse please!!

  18. Marilyn

    Looks like we are thinking alike, I immediately thought farmhouse. At that price it could be tempting. Dreaming!

  19. At my age, castle. When i was younger oh, who am i kidding, castle. Gorgeous images, Corey.

  20. No doubt about it . . . a farmhouse . . . a dream come true . . .

  21. No doubt about it . . . a farmhouse . . . a dream come true!

  22. Barbara from Sydney

    What a fantastic trip you are having.
    You know here in sydney 900,000 euros is equal to about 1.2million aussie dollars which would buy you a nice but fairly average 3 bedroom home in a nice sydney suburb. I think I want a castle!!!!!

  23. Nicolette

    Why so many empty castles? Wouldnt they have history,royal history? Why doesn’t the government acknowledge them? So sad to see them left all alone. They served a purpose and stood tall and proud.

  24. What a lovely journey you are taking….
    I would take the farm house…so many possibilities,
    and I would need to live close to one of your
    wonderful bakeries!!!

  25. 24/7 in France

    CHATEAU definitely, and I, too, entertained the idea years ago of turning one into a B&B. I now live in a medieval village 300 year old house in the south of France – my “castle.”

  26. J Cosmo Newbery

    A farmhouse, you tempress!

  27. J Cosmo Newbery


  28. Elaine L.

    Corey, life is too short not to take the scenic route. I would pick the farmhouse.

  29. I like farmhouses, but I love castles even better! I would plant flowers, get chickens, dogs and cats and fill the castle with antiques. Corey, we’re going to have garden tea parties with pink champagne, chocolate and pastries in summers and feasts with fireplaces going in winter.
    Everyone is invited. All you need is a plane ticket to France.
    I LOVE your road trip! I think I’m not as disciplined as you and would stop at every antique shop 🙂

  30. Made me smile – I have spent many a night in a B&B Castle when I lived in UK and we were on our way to or from Switzerland…. always utterly beautiful, charming and freezing cold (any time of the year). Rickety toilets, temperamental showers (if they worked at all…), delicious looooong-during breakfasts, aaah, the joy of ‘living in a castle’.
    I had an English friend who finally went to live for good in France with her whole English family and a husband working Mo-Fri in London and flying over for each and every weekend – she once, after one of her ‘search-trips’ came back to Alliance Française and reported: I saw a farmhouse with land I could have paid with my pocket-money – I was tempted to just write a cheque….!!! (and it was – still in Francs, mind you!)
    It’s OUR privilege too to often choose not the motorways but the National Roads to get from A to B; including the croissants, Pastis, sightseeings, postcards etc. bonne continuation 🙂

  31. Shelley

    Most definitely a farmhouse! In fact, we are currently purchasing one that is three provinces away from us, in Prince Edward Island…ocean air, red sand and Anne of Green Gables land…oh, but to have a farmhouse in Provence…fun and formidable!!!

  32. Chris Wittmann

    FARMHOUSE!! Oh how I would love to own a beautiful old farmhouse in France!

  33. Corey – you are so lucky to have a compatible travel companion! Dreamers alike!

  34. That’s how I like to road trip – stopping here and there for everything. Too fun. Farmhouse for me!

  35. Kathie B

    I suspect it’s not the price of the castle, but the cost of the subsequent repairs and upkeep, that would be exorbitant.

  36. La Contessa

    I could do either!
    Love them both equally……….
    I have adorned my abode with castle like items but have the bones of an old American RANCH HOUSE!The animals roam freely…sofas,beds,chairs……….
    I would swoon…….over anything FRENCH!

  37. Paula S In New Mexico

    I am definately the “farm house” type…………….

  38. Gil Stoik

    I recognized our marvelous town of La Charite-sur-Loire. We are now living the dream – in France and loving it. Have started a blog and loving the world it usher us to. Love the content you share!

  39. What is the total price for the farm house, including renovation to install heating, water, the modern conveniences, taxes, fees, real estate transaction cost for an American buyer

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