The journey takes us far and wide. We went without leaving behind that which we have been carrying, as the song goes, "He's not heavy his our brother." It is an incredible journey we are on.
Cross, crown, thorn, rose, morning dew, and mud puddle.
Morning star brighten our day.
The path that feels so strong, so secure under my feet, I do not take for granted. I know how life can change, as quickly as the crack of thunder, or the breaking of a wave. Nobody knows the future. Though those who have the amazing fortune of health, and well being on their side, seem to have an easier time balancing the thunder and waves that do come.
It takes courage to face the unknown.
Some have faith on their side. Some have grace. Some have family and friends.
Some have it all.
Most have sanity. I am beginning to think that without it, no matter what is present (faith, grace, family or friends) it can be a darker battle ground, this thing called life.
I am sorry that I am speaking of such seriousness… for many of you my blog is a "happy place". I write my blog as a way to help me focus on what is good… today and many other days in the last seven years I have had to dig real deep to find my balance, my "happy place".
Yann and I had a tender ten days… I am glad I could share them with you.
Those ten days gave us a great amount of needed time to process what has happened and prepare as best we can for the unknown future. It has been haunting at times. Thankfully, blogging, or keeping a journal, has helped me tremendously.
Time away together.
Seeing him smiling in the rain, with his mother's umbrella.
Yes that will do, to make the rainbow appear.
Collonges-la-Rouge, in Limousin…
Did you know that:
"A limousine (or limo) was originally an "enclosed automobile with open driver's seat," and was named from the French limousine (in the Occitan language) that was originally an adjective referring to a region in central France. The automobile meaning evolving from a type of cloak and hood that was worn by the inhabitants of the Limousin region that later resembled the covering of a carriage and much later used to describe an automobile body with a permanent top that extended over the open driver's compartment."
Via Wiki, and French Husband.
Collonges-la-Rouge, in Limousin, is considered one of the most beautiful villages in France. In fact the term, "Most beautiful village(s) in France" started with this village.
Collonges-la-Rouge, is the village that my Belle-Mere wanted to visit. The last time she visited she said there were so many people you could not see a thing.
This time there wasn't a soul around due to the rain.
The entire town of Collonges-la-Rouge is made of red sand stone.
It was, it is, nevertheless as beautiful, rain or no rain.
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