Portrait of Paris


A boat on the river Seine floated by as we left the Orsay Museum. The guests on the boat released hundreds of balloons: Blue, white, and green. Modern day painters coloring the sky.

image from http://featherfiles.aviary.com/2013-06-26/f77694d11/a0344e30e3bd4a4d82c88324b7a89af9_hires.png


The restaurant inside the Orsay served a different taste of art: Lobster Bisque with marscapone and fava beans.

The restaurant itself is beautiful.



Portrait of Paris


In the distance, if you go to the top of Orsay and look out, one can see Montmarte. The Can Can girls are kicking it up at the Moulin Rouge. This turn of the century mural, is in the entrance of the Moulin Rouge. 


Portrait of Paris

Orsay's newly acquired painting: Saint John the Baptist.

A newly enforced rule at the Orsay Museum: No photos.
My iphone was nearly confiscated after the snap.


Portrait of Paris


A portrait painter paints a young woman. Maybe one day his art will hang in some museum? 


12 responses to “Portrait of Paris”

  1. I dream when I visit you . . .

  2. love this . . .lost October, 10 days was just not enough. But, I am thankful for those first days of finally meeting Paris. Every sense was filled to the brim. I felt like I was in heaven every second. So, when you post Paris, it’s magical for me.

  3. Your posts are bringing tears to my eyes. This one, with a beautiful restaurant at the d’Orsay. And you previous post, meeting Chelsea on the Pont Neuf. My daughter Claire is studying in Paris for 2 months and I am kicking myself that I didn’t buy an airline ticket to meet her there (on the Pont Neuf!). But I’m planning on next June (if it’s still a possibility), to visit Provence (and maybe Paris).

  4. Does France realize they acquired an angel when you moved there? You delight us all with your posts!!

  5. Marilyn

    The art of Paris makes my heart happy. Love the Orsay. I am reading the book, Paris, right now; so your visit just bring pictures to my mind of another time in Paris.

  6. What? No photos? I love taking photos in museums. I loved your post.

  7. My friend almost got us thrown out of Orsay last year because she kept taking pictures.

  8. 24/7 in France

    Love the Musee d’Orsay….Paris…..a dream come true.

  9. Martha chabinsky

    Coming to do all of this with my 10 year old granddaughter in October! I can’t wait….thank you for the taste of what’s to come!

  10. Denise Solsrud

    the art work is so grandeoso. makes one appreciate even more what the world has to offer. Bestest,Denise

  11. So beautiful! You are France’s best marketing person!!!

  12. Laurie SF

    Gustave Caillebotte
    The Floor Scrapers
    Oil on canvas
    Musee D’Orsay
    This painting is the very reason I returned back to Paris…

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