Most buildings in France have basements. We went to check out ours. Wow. It was straight out of a movie.
Dark, damp, steep spiral stone staircase and vaulted. We share it with three tenants. Each has their own room in the basement.
French Husband lead the way, followed by his mother, I was last, scary place to be last. French Husband had the only flashlight. So either I stayed close or got lost.
Yes, that is my spry Belle Mere in her pretty silk dress and carrying a purse. Always fashionable even when going to check out the basement.
Though our apartment building is about two hundred years old, the basement is older. French Husband thinks maybe it is 16th century. I said,"If you added a Princess, and a dragon we could be a "Disneyland's Dungeon".
In the middle of the basement, with French Husband leading he yelled, "Rat!"
I nearly jumped out of my skin. I didn't know where to run or climb as it was dark.
He thought he was funny. I thought, "I'll get you my pretty!"
We didn't see any rats, and it was too dark to see if there were any rat droppings.
Two passages stem from the bottom of basement's main room.
Either way the basement the basement is full of junk. Except in the corner there was one very large stone. A carved stone. Maybe one they didn't need when they were building long ago….
I hope we can use it at the base of the bathroom sink. French Husband cleaned the entire basement out with a crew today. He saved the stone.
Pretty cool isn't it?!
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