The Bathroom Tiles, The Paris Apartment is starting to shape up!

Laying tiles, France.


Preparing the foundation.


Marble grey tiles, France, apartment.

Grey marble tiles, that are pre attached by a mesh on the back side.

I bought and the box said, black marble tiles, but they were grey instead.

Oh well.


Grey marble tiles, France, shower base

Pre measuring, making a plan, tagging the tiles for the shower base lay out.

We used a WEDI Italian shower base.



Mortar dark grey, France.


Dark grey mortar was used for the joints.



Sponging off tiles, France


Sponging off the excess.


Tile work, france, grey marble


The drain works. 

Remember we had to replace the clay piping with new piping. 


Tile work, france, grey marble


Letting it cure.

The bathroom floor will be the same type of tiles.


Click on the links below to find out more:


Laying tiles.


Marble tiles at Leroy Merlin.


Wedi Shower base.


Want to see more photos and find addresses to places in France? Follow me on Facebook.



7 responses to “The Bathroom Tiles, The Paris Apartment is starting to shape up!”

  1. Merisi in Vienna

    Grey!!!!! Thank the Lords!
    You know, I was wondering when I looked at the FB picture yesterday, and it appeared you were using tiles in shades of green. I was wondering what happened to you. And then again, I thought, I am sure she’s pulling some stunt here. 😉
    Wishing you a wonderful summer day, at least as beautiful as we are blessed with here, pleasant temperatures after a nicely cool night, light breeze, and blue sky,

  2. I love the tiles.

  3. Martha chabinsky

    Beautiful Corey! I love the grey!

  4. I love watching the changes and updates. Nice black (grey) tiles . . .

  5. Julie Schaefer

    The grey tiles are lovely!

  6. Love the tile. I know I’m going to see it one day…
    Bon courage!

  7. I like these, think they will work out better than the black…

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