Saturday Art Saves: YOU











Describe yourself… as an artist. In color, theme, poem, taste or between words.

Rustic or royal.

City or country.

Sugar or salt.

Fern or rose.

Straight line or curvy.

Hints or splash.

Water or Champagne.

Linen or silk.

French fry or Fois gras.

Sepia or Gilded.

Reflective or Mountain top roar.

Pencil or computer.

Solo or collective.

Who are you today?



21 responses to “Saturday Art Saves: YOU”

  1. Vicki Perkins

    I still find each day
    too short for all
    the thoughts I
    want to think, all
    the walks I want to
    take, all the books
    I want to read, and
    all the friends I
    want to see.
    John Burrough
    As a jewelry artist,my work is informed by those who came before me. I love “sparkly things” which is why I work mainly in lampwork, vintage German and Czech glass. I find my life as an artist, like John Burroughs’, is informed by taking time to go for walks to think and dream, read broadly, and talk with other artists and friends.

  2. In a black and white martini glass, pour in a bit of mid-century modern. Swirl to coat the inside and pour out the excess. In a shaker full of ice blend 18th and 19th century French, then gently swirl the two before straining into the contemporary glass. Garnish with mirror and acrylic. Add old master paintings to taste.

  3. Translating is an odd sort of artistry, the literary equivalent of a mimic who imitates a famous person’s voice and mannerisms. Success is measured in terms of the result sounding not like the translator’s “voice” but rather like the original author’s — how one imagines the author would’ve sounded had s/he written in the translator’s destination language (in my case, English).

  4. so hard to do. Soft and edgy both.

  5. I am but a prism through which His light may shine and reveal unseen treasures in those upon whom the colors of His rainbow falls.

    This means I live in a
    perverse fantasy
    world with unrealistic
    for understanding
    Author Unknown
    The above quote seems to describe me perfectly..

  7. Laurie SF

    Dots, dashes, sweeps, and drips.
    Thick, impasto, like.
    A passionate piece..
    Reworked and arranged.
    Blended until smooth.
    An abstract silhouette,
    blended, cool, tall, and smooth.

  8. Laurie SF

    Exuberant, drips, drops and sweeps.
    Thick, impasto, like.
    Passionate piece..
    Reworked and arranged.
    Blended smooth.
    An abstract silhouette,
    Blended, cool, tall, smooth.

  9. well I do not consider myself an artist at all-but have such a great love for many many art forms-various art forms-I see myself in the-bright warm happy yellow color of sun -with eyes of blue-light blue- when I am grey my eyes are grey-I am a lover of white crisp clean like fresh linens-anything sparkly will make me twinkle and gasp with delight-the night time is my favorite time the shadows the sounds the intimate conversations- the dreams that await-

  10. A bottle of bubbles.

  11. La Contessa

    Searching in my surroundings……..not understood by most…….disappointed daily…….crusted over with lots of patina.Born in the wrong time bottom line!

  12. I think of my self as more of a craftsperson rather than an artist. I love the feeling of fiber between my fingers, to make things that people will wear whether on their feet, their heads, their torsos or around their bodies to curl up at night. I view my finished objects as tangible acts of my love for each of them.

  13. working with fabric and fiber
    traditional but curious
    caught in a box that is now becoming uncomfortable and boring
    exploring and playing with new ideas and approaches
    learning to look more carefully at surroundings
    inspired by others
    searching for my voice

  14. Color. And lots of it.

  15. I have come to describe myself as a buyer of other people’s creations. Being a buyer of anything takes reflection, thought, decision, and passion to buy the right thing for our us, our home and for others. God gave people talent to create then He created those of us that would buy and appreciate artisan creations.
    Yes, I have been given creative talents galore but I have come to understand that my creations are not for me to sell as in a business. My purpose lies elsewhere. So who am I as an artist? I love beauty in all things and in people.

  16. Rustic, country, salty, fern w/ a little rose, curvy w/ splash, champagne, linen, French fry, gilded, reflective, pencil & collective. This really says it all. An underwater almost extinct passion struggling for enough air to put pencil to pad . . . with life’s twists & turns & complexities. Hopefully, to come paint Provence one day.
    Corey, what a great exercise!

  17. Tactile, Linen and silk, I love textiles.
    Soft, I create cloth dolls with the soft patina of vintage textiles.
    Slow to start.
    Sepia, Lacking in confidence, have not sold many and keep them locked away or give them away.
    Sugar, as I love to experiment with baking cakes, again I give them away.
    Solo although I would love to be collective.

  18. Patti Lloyd

    awww, Contessa…Hugs to you. With a name like that you have to be a rare pearl. Look inside yourself and discover your beauty..the universe loves you no matter what!

  19. Patti Lloyd

    Like aged linen, my body has become soft and comfortable. Pink cupcake heart inside, guarded within a delicate gilded cage, strong and hard to break. Rusty key,glass slipper,leopard fur and jute, I am an old suitcase filled with treasures I have collected. Driftwood, rhinestone necklace,puffed clouds,aged paper, baby hummingbird, pastis in a glass, gardenia, violin notes, old crow, floral china, and bone.


    I feel like an old Bibby! I tripped over the dog yeasterday and hurt my knee cap and toe, then stepped on a bee today. Is someone trying to get my attention?

  21. I am cozy and warm. I remind people of things past and dreams fulfilled, even if only in the imagination. I am filled with color and cheer. I see beautiful in the old, the wabi-sabi of life. And I always see myself striving to be better. Happy and joyful. And with a smile.

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