The Leak

The sun is warming my back, it feels good. The sounds of the city remind me that I am not alone. The distant siren tries to tell me that the leak that saturated into the neighbor’s apartment below is not the only bad thing happening today.

The sun shines. The cafe offers refuge.

We contacted Regis telling him…
“There is a leak…”

Our bathroom will go through a beating. The tiles, stone, shower… Re ordered.

As I sit here at the cafe I remind myself this is only an unfortunate inconvience. Our poor neighbor!! An expensive error for Regis. Those who were hoping to rent at the end of the month from us…impossible.

Exhausting. Disappointing.

The sun on my back is soothing. Yet this is when one can say, “Oh la la!”

The Leak


43 responses to “The Leak”

  1. I know the feeling and I am so sorry. But all you can do is whatever it takes to get it fixed and then life will go back to your normal magic.

  2. So sorry to hear this. Best Wishes coming your way.

  3. oh how frustrating to you all….can i say damn? you are a study of wisdom. and thank you for your birthday wish. ‘this too shall pass’
    bv xo

  4. I recently came home to a flooded 1st floor. Lucky for us we had little damage, just a lot of clean up work.
    I’m so sorry this happened, just when everything had come together. sigh

  5. Brenda L. from TN.

    YIKES!! Oh dear! So Sorry this has happened…hope the neighbor is civil about it…

  6. This is for Yann who doesn’t curse….!!!#*+”*@**!!!
    I feel your pain.

  7. You are so brave to have done all this work in August…

  8. Oh dear, oh my! So glad you found it now before you started renting it. Glad also that you can soak up the sun and see the good in life.

  9. I am so sorry for this bump in the road. Yay for insurance. Keep at it! The end product is very much anticipated by all!

  10. NO!!!!!!! I am so sorry! You are a better woman than I, Corey. I need to follow your example when things go wrong. I will say a prayer that things are resolved quickly.

  11. Same thing happened to our upstairs bathroom. Now there is a big hole in the dining room ceiling till our friend can come and fix it (in November). 🙁

  12. evelynh in nyc

    So sorry to hear your news. Hope all is repaired quickly.

  13. This is one rare occasion where I would use a bad word. merde…
    At least it happened when no one was renting your apartment. Poor downstairs neighbors!

  14. Yikes. Leaks are bad. We had one too from our bathroom renovations. Luckily that one was much more easy to fix (it was caulking). I hope things get back on track soon!

  15. OH COREY I AM SO HEARTFULLY SORRY-I do not even know what to say…. in spirit I wrap my good thoughts around you yann and regis-so sorry to hear this!

  16. Oh the joys of home ownership! I feel your pain and am so sorry for this setback. I can understand your discouragement.

  17. Oh dear . . . not good news . . . the “trials and tribs” . . . “ka-ching, ka-ching!”

  18. This is when all those swear words come in handy…

  19. Corey, so sorry that this happened – wish i could help you.

  20. Second Marilyn’s comment re at least this occurring before you rented out the apartment (crossing fingers that it doesn’t happen again). Farmboy Husband and I empathize, because this summer the old hoses connecting our wash machine to the water disintegrated, spraying several inches of water on our basement floor (what a mess!).

  21. I’m so sorry to hear this – I hope it gets sorted quickly for you. Lyn

  22. France Finesse

    Hope this bump in your road gets smoothed out quickly – sorry to hear your news.

  23. Oh no! I’m so sorry to read of the leak! As always, your unique view of the world and your ability to find beautiful words to describe even a terrible situation is inspiring. I’m afraid I have not been nearly as eloquent or graceful in my reaction to our leak saga. The Husband awoke last May to find a waterfall cascading down my crystal chandelier in the dining room. A valve in the bathroom on the upper floor had fractured in the wall. It took weeks of fans running day and night and they tore out the marble shower and bathroom floor as well as the ceiling in the dining room. The worst part by far is that the irreplaceable antique Waterford chandelier my father gave me when he moved to Ireland can not be repaired. I’ve been told it is hand blown and too brittle & fragile to withstand the process to remove the rust from the inside. Sigh. At least I still have the crystals. I’ve been watching your remodel with awe at the speed of your progress while I am still agonizing over marble selections, plumbing fittings and paint colors. I can’t bring myself to begin chandelier shopping. My heart goes out to you, Yann, Regis and your neighbor. I pray your re-remodel goes as smoothly as the first (aside from this last hiccup). I’m sure it will be even more gorgeous this time around.

  24. Marjorie Sue

    Quotation from Kent M. Keith’s book “Anyway”……
    “What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. “BUILD ANYWAY!
    May you find comfort in your strength. This too shall pass and you will soon finish your wonderful project in Paris. Not everyone takes on this kind of experience, and this bump in the road is just part of it.
    It’s just part of the process of you becoming you, which by the way, has produced a pretty powerful woman. I admire that you just say ‘yes’ to whatever happens and just keep going. That’s the only thing to do. Peace.

  25. oh my poor, poor friends; and poor Regis…. sxyt happens – and this is DEFINITELY one of those moments where a short swear word is well warranted!
    this is sadly one thing that always happens; if it isn’t a costly leak, it’s something else – we had extra costs of over 8000€ because of – originally – a forgotten cleaning pad that stayed stuck in a dismounted (and later reconnected) toilet…. It resulted in us being without toilets for four months, ripping open twice floors etc. etc. I can (unfortunately) really share your dismay.
    As you rightly say, it’s not in your hands however and it’s ‘only’ a material loss – and you certainly know WHERE to quench your anguish, my love (Café Flora….)!
    Thinking of you and also commiserating with Regis and your first ‘renters’, I shall now go a make myself an espresso to share with you in thoughts.
    Love and a big hug

  26. Oh Corey! How disappointing to see the end in sight, and then have it washed away- literally! I’m so sorry. Stay patient- it will be worth it!

  27. Oh no!!! So sorry, Corey.


    Oh my CA so much hard work. Here’s hoping the source of the leak is found quickly and you’re back to the fun biz of decorating. Soooooo very sorry for your set back. Xo

  29. We just had a problem with a small leak {luckily it was caught right away} and were able to avoid any damage. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this just as you were wrapping up the construction phase of the renovation!

  30. Teddee Grace

    Oh, no! Such frustration and disappointment for you. Stay calm and carry on or whatever the equivalent is in French!

  31. arghhhhhh……..hang tight ..!!

  32. Peggy Braswell

    You are very wise to get a coffee + glad this happened at the beginning not after the apt. had been rented! You have showed us how to act in times of stress + thank you.

  33. Patti Lloyd

    it seems that anything associated with plumbing always has nightmare possibilities. The price paid for modern conveniences, I don’t think anyone wants to go back to the hand water pump and a bucket of used water thrown on the street. Onward and upward!

  34. I am so sorry. But i thank God for the sunshine you feel, that’s our Corey, who will not let ‘things’ she loves destroy her love of life’s true goodnesses. I pray the repairs all go smoothly for you . xo jody in fl

  35. Becky Farley

    I am so sorry to hear about this!
    Twenty years ago as we were getting ready to put our 1920’s house on the market we had a horrible mishap. I had gone to work and Frank was frantically trying to get our 4 year old ready for preschool picture day. In his haste he neglected to turn off the faucet for the tub on the second floor of the house. This was an old tub that did not have an overflow drain. To make a long story short the water ran for 6 hours before he returned home. The water was all over the first floor. We had to refinish hardwood floors, replaster, repaint, etc. I think I said enough curse words that day to last a lifetime.
    I hope all is repaired quickly. Good thoughts being sent your way.

  36. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    yuk~~ you mean all the tile has to come out?
    I feel your pain. Been there, done that with
    a bathroom on the main floor. Grout was old, wall board was not water proof, leak down into the basement.
    Showers are tricky little things. ((((Corey))))

  37. Oh dear. Everyone’s worst bad dream. Yesterday our sewer backed up into our basement. Nothing to do but put on those boots and muck it out. Yuck. It is times like these that test our mettle. Your contractor sounds like an unflappable sort who deals with “problems” with ease and assurance. Good Luck.

  38. So sorry to hear of the water issue. Two steps forward, one step back but you’ll get there. You’ve got talent AND fortitude on your side. Take care.

  39. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Am reading the last few days backwards: first the bad news about the leak. “Then” a few days before, the photos of Regis packing up and construction stuff leaving and your excitement about getting down to the decorating details. Terrible irony to see that, knowing the news that will undo all that.
    How bad was the leak, and how did it present itself? I hope you and the neighbors have a good relationship.
    Projects done the first time around are always so much more fun than the redo. So sorry.

  40. OH MY !!! h2O is always a bear, I cannot believe this, I thought you were down to the studs……OH NO……I am sad for you Corey…..and I know the subs are sad too…..WOW, so sorry to hear this, :-((…….XO

  41. I,m so sorry that this has happened, but you’re right the sound of an ambulance can quickly put things in perspective.
    My in-laws lived down the street from a hospital and every time my mother-in-law heard a ambulance coming she would say a prayer. Such a wonderful practice and an example for me.
    Hoping the redo goes quickly and is somehow less expensive than expected.

  42. The apartment is now full and truly baptized. May this be the worst and only mishap. Hugs.

  43. Bummer bummer bummer. I am so sorry for all of you, such a disappointment. Hang in there.

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