The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind

We found it!

Saint Anthony I prayed, help us find the leak.

Yesterday someone came to check the gas and hot water heater. He told us that there was a major water leak. Though we could not see it since the pipes are under the floor.

Regis made three holes, in the wall, where he had sautered the copper piping.

No leaks.

Our neighbor’s apartment told another story! I felt so sorry for her! What a mess we caused her.

We took apart the floor, and the sideboards. It was depressing to watch it.
Regis cut the first hole and BINGO, there the leak was. Saint Anthony miracle find.
We stared in utter disbelief.

The culprit: the tip of a screw!

Several hours later all us good….

Thank you so very much for your good energy, vibes, thoughts, prayers, love sent… We FELT it.

Sideboards, paint, a new water heater, and a fixed pipe.


The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind

The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind

The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind

The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind

The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind


30 responses to “The Tip that Caused a Whirlwind”

  1. Thanks be unto God!

  2. Good heavens! And now praise the Good God in Heaven! I am so glad the culprit was found, the repairs complete and now you can have some peace! i was so worried for you and really dreaded what might be happening. Truly though, your calm and resolve and those good sweet guys doing the work, well, it made for a happy ending! I am glad it did not last too long. Have a smooth restful weekend the three of you. xo jody in fl

  3. Perhaps it was your wish for more shirtless workmen that caused the leak! Lol. So glad you found it and fixed it.

  4. Gott sei Dank!

  5. Relief! Could have been much worse! I am betting poor Regis is most relieved of all. Blessings to all.


  7. Thank goodness! I wonder how the neighbor is doing now . . . and, look forward to more pictures of the final project.

  8. Susan Sellen

    Happy ending! Yes!

  9. What a relief – onwards and upwards – soon the leak will be a distant memory! Enjoy the finishing touches and can’t wait to see the photos – you are doing such a wonderful job! Sleep well!

  10. OH my, YUP, those water leaks are a bear ~ such a tiny thing that can cause such havoc, how genius to head right to it, that is fantastic…..can you imagine, what a smart move on that chessgame chasing water……WONDERFUL…..back to normal, have a Great weekend, shew that’s done all but the redo ~ enJOY XO, (I am so much more happy now! ~

  11. Wow, Corey!! I’m SO GLAD you all found that leak! I can only imagine how disheartening it was to have those floors taken up & all the mess! Well, onward, I say! Can’t wait to see the finished result!

  12. So glad. So glad.

  13. Rachel Schindler

    St. Anthony is a very popular Saint in our house too…so glad you found the leak with minimal rework. Can’t wait for the reveal. Love your blog.

  14. Happy,Happy, Joy, Joy! Ding dong, the leak is gone!

  15. This lovely music video entitled Ailleurs – Keren Ann – had me thinking of Paris and your apartment woes…it seems so fitting as you could be Keren with the rain falling down and then Yann and Regis “waltz” in and save the day! When this is all over you should take an evening to dance your cares away!! 🙂

  16. Brother Mathew

    For 42 cents you can get these things call protection plates….required by code which prevents the problem you guys just had. I’m surprised the building inspector didn’t catch that during the framing inspection. It would have saved a headache.

  17. What a relief! I always pray to St. Anthony when I can’t find something. Never failed me yet. So glad the culprit was found.

  18. Marjorie Sue

    Now to the next chapter: “Look Out Her She Comes”.
    And perhaps another chapter: “How to Make a Friend Of the Neighbor”. Looks like Yum-Yum’s are needed when you get the kitchen in gear.
    Glad it is solved and you, French husband and Regis can sleep again.

  19. Glad the Fix it Daddys got the job done. WAY TO GO Regis and Yann.


    Oh my what an ordeal! Perhaps this is it and now off we go! Knowing you, you’ll win over your neighbor in short order.

  21. Oh thank God! *happy dance*
    Corey that third photo is fantastic! Look at the shadows cast by the chandelier – eye candy.

  22. It’s amazing how that tiny splinter in your foot can be the death of you! I’m so glad you found it!

  23. We had the same exact thing happen when we remodeled our rowhouse in Capitol Hill, DC. Water gushing into our brand new kitchen below our brand new master bath — one little screw causing all the havoc!

  24. La Contessa


  25. Eureka! You found the mean ol’ nasty screw! Sooooo glad and hope all will be well with your neighbor! Hugs to you!

  26. Love Brother Matthew’s 40+2 cents. All’s well that ends well. Regis must have a dowser’s sense!

  27. now that it is fixed in your apt. what of the
    downstairs? did it cause damage on their ceiling?
    Sounds as though…

  28. AMEN to this – I’m SO thankful that the problem can be resolved (relatively quickly…) and that you might get your life back soon.
    Tks for letting us know – I can now go to bed peacefully!

  29. I’ve always said that relief is the best emotion. Good for you !

  30. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Thank you, Lord! To God be the Glory, we have prayed and asked in Jesus name!

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